Eddie Carter is a young boy living in Cokeworths, England. He knew he had been reincarnated from another time. He retained knowledge from that time but not memories. He Didn't Know, however, that he was also in another world filled with wizards and magic until Owl tapped on his window and gave him a letter. Eddie is conflicted because he knows the world's plot but is unsure what to do with the knowledge. But he will strive to make the best of his situation and let the music of his magic guide him and maybe have some fun along the way.
I laughed and giggled when I returned to the dorm room. "what's up, Eddie?" Grant asked.
"I'm such an idiot", I laughed. "I had been doing it all wrong," I said.
"then why are you happy?" Tim asked.
"Because he's figured it out now," Grant said.
"no, snape figured it out; I had done it before but didn't realise." I laughed again, grabbed my guitar, and pointed my wand at Tim's dirty clothes <Piertotum Locomotor>. I cast the animation charm on them. •Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra•Played Acoustic by Paul Canning•
♫Sun is shinin' in the sky
There ain't a cloud in sight
It's stopped rainin', everybody's in the play
And don't you know
It's a beautiful new day? Hey♫
I sang happily, and Tim's clothes started to dance around the room; I rocked from side to side while playing.
♫Runnin' down the avenue
See how the sun shines brightly in the city
On the streets where once was pity
Mr. Blue Sky is living here today, hey♫
Tim and Grant smiled and tapped to the beat. Tim pulled out his drumsticks and started to tap on his bedpost.
♫Mr. Blue Sky, please tell us why
You had to hide away for so long (so long)
Where did we go wrong?♫
Tim's Clothes danced to the hamper and dove in as I ended the song prematurely. We all laughed as the shirt saluted and swan dived into the basket. "so why are you an idiot?" Grant said. "That was excellent."
"That's why I had already done that so many times before; I was trying to stop my magic, not control it," I said. I remember all the times I made meals and cleaned the house while singing and dancing; my magic seemed to join me in my dances. "I actually did it all the time before school, but I just forgot it. Or didn't realise what I was doing."
The months passed quickly. Before we knew it, it was November and the first quidditch game of the season. Slytherin vs Gryffindors and Harry debuted as a seeker. We headed down with the Gryffindors to the pitch. It was cold, so we were wrapped up in scarves; we were a spot of green in a sea of crimson.
The game commenced, and it was a brutal sport with Slytherin going full aggressive, full contact. Marcus Flint almost knocked Harry off his broom, giving a penalty shot to Gryffindors. Lee Jordan, the commentator, was furious and had a hard time staying unbiased. Dean shouted to give him a red card and send him off; Ron said you can't send off players in Quidditch. I explained what Dean was talking about: a red card.
After a few more plays, Harry Broom started to become bewitched by Quirrell. I let the scene play out with Hermione and Ron thinking of Snape as the villain. 'sorry, snape, I let them burn your cape, but it's for a good cause,' I thought to myself.
Harry got his broom under control and chased after the snitch; his dive was incredible. And just like that, Harry caught the snitch in his mouth, winning Gryffindor the game; the game lasted an hour. I saw Marcus Flint's face. He was furious at the loss 'sucks to be you,' I thought. My roommates and I hung out with Dean Seamus and Neville; Harry, Ron, and Hermon went to Hagrid to celebrate. i sighed I guess I will hold off reading Drawing Runes around them after this.
"so what do you think about quidditch?" asked Seamus, us muggle-borns as we hung out in the great hall.
"Exciting," said Tim
"Ah, it's great, but football will always be my favourite," said Dean.
" I agree, why exciting and pretty good, the sport needs some better rules," I said. "the game is either short and it doesn't matter what the other players do, like today it really only came down to the seeker" I started to explain my reasoning "or the game is long enough that the seeker, is just waiting to make sure they win when they grab it."
"so what do you suggest?" asked Grant; he was used to my thoughts. He knew I wouldn't point out a problem if I didn't have some solution.
"follow football, for example," I said, "90 minutes games", I said, "and make the snitch worth 30 points, and if it's caught, another comes out."
"so the games will come down to goals and teamwork rather than who gets the snitch", said Neville, following my train of thought.
"you will have to slow down the snitches", Grant added his two cents ", so the seekers have something to do and have like a minute between snitch catch and release."
"what are you doing?" I asked Seamus; he had pulled out parchment and quill
"Writing this down, it sounds like some good ideas," he said. "Maybe we could show ideas to Madam Hooch."
"that's an idea; we couldn't replace the traditional house cup, but maybe a second tournament", I said.
"How are you using the reserves?" Neville said.
"why not not use house teams? But a mixed team for inter-house cooperation," I said.
"would that mean I wouldn't have to play with Slytherins?" Tim asked; he loved flying.
"or we could play with Ravenclaws," Seamus said. He had a crush on a girl from Ravenclaw.
We threw out ideas; some were rejected, and some were approved. Eventually, we created a new form of quidditch; we called it Speed Quidditch, and we handed our proposal to Madam Hooch and another copy to each of the heads of houses and one also to the headmaster. They told us they would review the proposal and get back to us after the holidays.
I almost forgot the holidays were close; I needed to go do operation lost and found.
I stood in front of the room of requirements on the afternoon a few days before we were set to leave for the holidays; I was holding my bag. 'I require the lost money and jewellery', I thought as I paced the hallway.
Pushing open the door showed a small vault chamber with piles of money and jewellery. I smiled and took 400 galleons and some good pieces of jewellery. I didn't know if I had an inheritance or not, but I would need money for things, for my plans.