
Hogwarts : I Have the Holy Father System

"DROPPED DROPPED IF YOU WANT TO READ PLEASE READ AT https://novelsemperor.com/series/hogwarts-i-got-the-holy-father-system There translation is not good but it is readable i guess ? Due to some issues I have to drop it , °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Sorry but , as you know this is. Chinese fanfic and I was just translating it and Due to some circumstances I will have to drop it , If you want to read you can try other sites that have translated this fanfic Although translation is very bad you can read it at - https://www.fannovel.com/novel/hogwarts-i-got-the-holy-father-system.html OR https://novelsemperor.com/series/hogwarts-i-got-the-holy-father-system#google_vignette Or if you want raw - https://wap.faloo.com/1159066.html http://m.14sw.net/book/79223/ . Thanks for reading so far and hope you all stay happy.

One_For_None · Bücher und Literatur
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90 Chs

Chapter 33 Veritaserum

Darren, seemingly oblivious to Paige's contemplation of inheriting the Potter family, quickly dismissed the notion upon its discovery.

"Reject the idea if you know what's good for you," he mused, reflecting on the advantages bestowed by his system.The idea of Paige following him was straightforward.

Whether motivated by her desires or a request from Harry, obtaining a house-elf shouldn't be an issue given their relationship.

However, Darren remained ignorant of Paige's thoughts as she led him to Dumbledore's office."Ah, you've arrived," greeted Mr. Dumbledore, gesturing for Darren to enter. The gargoyle at the door yielded, revealing a staircase.

"My child, Severus and I were just discussing when you might arrive," Dumbledore said, offering refreshments. "Lemon juice, black tea, or perhaps butterbeer? Considering your age, let's opt for lemon juice.

"Feeling a bit awkward, Darren scratched his head and agreed to the lemon juice. Dumbledore then pointed to a pile of moving cockroaches on the table, suggesting, "Care to try these Cockroach Clusters?"

Intrigued, Darren picked one up, and after a hesitant moment, put it in his mouth. The burst of pulp was unusual, prompting a sigh of mild disgust. He reached for the lemon juice

.[Ding, detecting a small amount of vomit in the lemon juice. No harm to the body, but entering a state of unconsciousness within the next minute. One Hundred Holy Father values can keep the brain awake and answer questions accurately.]

Despite the odd experience, Darren, recognizing Dumbledore's caution, understood the necessity. He drank the lemon juice, and as his consciousness started to fade, he used his Holy Father points to remain awake.

Ah, this... Well, before he came in, he felt that Dumbledore's paranoia had come up. The old man found him tossing around in Diagon Alley for the past two days, and he was absolutely suspicious of his intentions.

So before he came in, he knew it was a feast. I just didn't expect that it wasn't a regent of the gods, but a truth agent. Looking into Dumbledore's empty eyes behind him, he knew that Snape had done it.

I don't know how Dumbledore persuaded the Potions Master to drug his beloved Lily child. But he was not afraid at all, and looked up and drank the lemon juice. Little Master has nothing else, and today the Holy Father has made a lot of mistakes. Feel free to come!

It's still a little painful. A hundred Father Points can be exchanged for a Talent Point, and it is wasted here. Can't these two men take his mind for him?

How good is this free? Darren was helpless to complain.After drinking the lemon juice, Darren felt that his consciousness gradually could not control his body.

The brain also gradually began to go blank. [System, using a hundred Father values, to keep my brain awake]. [Ding, used successfully].

The next second, the head cleared. Although he could not control his body yet, at least he could control what he wanted to say.Snape and Dumbledore were talking, their voices as if they were coming from afar.

"Dumbledore, I don't understand why you have to keep an eye on this child? He's just a little fool with a lot of thoughts, which you still need to doubt?" Darren nodded wildly in his brain.

That is, he behaved so perfectly, what is there to doubt?"Severus, forgive an old man's paranoia, I just want to make sure Harry gets rid of Voldemort without the slightest surprise.

The boy was Harry's younger brother and arguably the closest person to him. If he grew up with me so that I could ensure the direction of his upbringing, then I would never worry about it.

But he was lost since he was a child, and I had no way of knowing what he thought, even if I saw his memory, it was just a memory.

Maybe he had other ideas because of that miserable childhood," Dumbledore's voice was a little painful. It should not be loaded. The white wizard was just sad while inserting a knife into someone.

Snape, evidently aware of him, let out a mocking cold hum from his nose.

"It's just your excuse, and I hope it's the first and last time... This child has suffered a lot. He should not be under your scrutiny," Snape retorted sharply.

."Yes, Severus, you're right. But you also need to understand that Harry is also his child.

We can't just think about Darren and forget Harry, although little Darren is indeed quite charming," Dumbledore quipped.Snape's face revealed an ironic smirk. He walked over to Darren, checked his condition with his wand, and said coldly, "Well, there's not much you can ask. Only half an hour.""Enough, enough," Dumbledore said, sitting up straight.

He looked at Darren with a sense of apology in his eyes. "What's your name?""Darren Potter," Darren replied, controlling himself to use his wizarding name. Grateful for his system's assistance, he managed to navigate the conversation while keeping his true identity concealed.

Dumbledore asked a few more questions to ensure Darren's responses were clear before delving into the main subject. "You mentioned life equality in Diagon Alley. Do you have any thoughts on the matter?

"Darren was taken aback.

He hadn't anticipated that his seemingly casual remark would become the focus of their discussion. As Snape and Dumbledore awaited his response, he gathered his thoughts, ready to navigate the unexpected political discourse.


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And try reading the auxiliary chapters, if interested in the wizarding world of Harry Potter.

And please tell me if i should upload the side stories in between or at the end of book.

Basically side stories show everything that has happened from different points of view.


Thanks for reading.

Take care.
