
hive mind

isokai · Fantasie
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3 Chs


(Quest completed!!! 200 exp and refining given) stats

HP (3/3) average for humans is 100

MP 50 average for humans is 1 50 is the amount baby dragons have

Strength 1

Lv 5 exp 0/300 core color red rank 5

Skills refining

Core? (Yes the core or soul goes red purple black each has 1000 ranks the average for a human is 5 color red the max is 100 dragons hit purple 10 black is considered divine) so I'm already at the power level of an adult and skills and refining (skills are given after doing certain acts or quests if you swing a sword enough you can get skills like sword mastery or sword stance refining allows you to decrease the exp needed to lv.

Ok then how do I up my HP And S (exercise like pushups and also magic most magic puts strain on the body excluding fire and lightning) ok then we'll I should start attempting to do some practice then what magic ups strength the most (void it's highly dangerous do to the fact that it harnesses the power of gravity)

Like gravity ok I'll try ? Appeared more a cloud of darkness but thick it seems to be sucking in the air- ding ding new skill new skill (fire manipulation void manipulation) can you explain what this stuff does (in this world a skill can evolve 4 times but there are variants its highly unlikely to find people with the same skill variant

ok stats

HP 3/3

MP 50/70

S 5

LV 10 0/500 red rank 10