
Hitman with a Badass System

"In a world of shadows, I am the darkness they fear." In the shadowy realm of international espionage and contract killing, Michael was a legend. His deadly precision and a flawless track record had made him the stuff of nightmares in the underworld. However, his life underwent a complete transformation during his latest assignment. As Michael pulled the trigger, a mysterious, otherworldly light enveloped him, and he suddenly found himself in a different realm, inhabiting a foreign body equipped with a system. To survive in this treacherous new land, Michael had to embrace his inner alpha predator, for the system embedded within him was none other than the aptly named "Badass System." This system rewarded him with "badass points" whenever he displayed acts of sheer badassery. Yet, Michael soon realized that every twist and turn in his path was no accident; a grand design was at play, woven by higher beings with ulterior motives. In any compelling story, the quality of its villains is crucial. Thus, the question arises: who are the antagonists that will challenge our deadliest assassin? Will Michael overcome these intricate schemes to emerge victorious? Can he unravel the secrets concealed within the Badass System? Jump right into the book and you will not be disappointed...It's a guarantee... Anti Hero with a Symbiote System: https://www.webnovel.com/book/anti-hero-with-a-symbiote-system_23401860706535005 Dictator with a Badass System: https://www.webnovel.com/book/dictator-with-a-badass-system_24476949205615505 discord link: https://discord.gg/xWacJDwazf Join my wonderful circle and be part of the book!!! Schedule : Everyday 2 Chapters on Mon, Tue, Friday, Sunday 1 Chapter on Wed, Thu, Sat

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1341 Chs

Like the Predator

As heavy rain continued to pour from the sky, Michael searched his mind for any knowledge or skills that could help him survive in this unfamiliar world. On Earth, meticulous preparation and gathering of intel had been his modus operandi before every assassination. However, in this new world, he felt woefully unprepared.

"Am I missing Pink?" he wondered aloud, thinking of his former partner in the world of assassins. But he quickly dismissed the thought.

"Hey, system, what happened to my body back in my world?" he inquired.

"The host's body was disintegrated during the crossing over," the system replied.

"Well, at least my reputation won't take a hit, and those losers won't find me," Michael mused. With his physical body gone, he would remain a myth, a ghost with a flawless record in the eyes of law enforcement.

While reflecting on his reputation, he suddenly heard footsteps and hissing sounds. His initial concern was that a snake might be nearby, but upon closer inspection, he realized the sounds were coming from the ground.

Peering through the branches, he spotted a group of five strange creatures dragging something. On Earth, they would have left him shocked and terrified, but Abras's memories helped him identify them.

"Snakemen, freaky," he muttered.

Two of them had upper bodies resembling cobras, while their lower halves were humanoid. The other three had human upper bodies but serpentine lower halves.

Michael furrowed his brows when he noticed they were dragging a teenage girl.

"Datra, let's take a break here, I'm too tired to walk in this damn rain," one of the snakemen complained, prompting the group to stop.

"He's right, we have been walking for two days straight without any break," another chimed in.

"But we still have a long way to go to get back to Nagaland. We can't afford to lose her again; the queen will skin us alive if we do," a third snakeman cautioned.

One of the snakemen with a cobra head hissed, but the others chuckled, gazing at the helpless girl.

"Look at her, Datra. The elders crippled her cultivation, and now she's as harmless as a butterfly. Besides, how can she escape with ropes tied around her limbs?" one of them remarked.

"And she can't turn into her true form anymore," another added.

As Michael observed the girl more closely, he noticed a small glimmer of snakeskin on her neck, confirming that she wasn't human but one of the snakemen.

"Three body refining stage level 7s, one level 8, and a level 10," he mentally noted. Killing them with his current level of cultivation would be nearly impossible. However, the system had given him a potent tool to deal with them if he could catch them by surprise and silently eliminate them one by one without alerting the others.

Before taking any action, Michael decided to open the system and explore the subordinate tab. Currently, the interface appeared empty, but in one corner, the system displayed the maximum number of subordinates he could have.

"Three, huh? That should suffice for now. But, system, please explain how this subordinate feature works."

[When the host wants to make someone his subordinate, you can activate the system's recruitment feature. The target must be willing to agree to be the host's subordinate, and if the target is willing, the system will recruit the target as the host's subordinate.]

"Can a subordinate betray me or discover your existence, system?" Michael inquired.

[The host need not worry about that. A subordinate cannot betray or harm the host in any way. If the subordinate acts in a way that might bring harm to the host, the system will activate countermeasures to eliminate or penalize the subordinate before any harm occurs. Regarding your last question, apart from the host, no one will be aware of the system's existence unless the host chooses to reveal it. However, the system strongly recommends against revealing its presence.]

Michael absorbed this information as he considered his options.

"Cool, that's what I like to hear. Also, I'm neither crazy nor foolish enough to announce that I have a system in my head."

With that, he closed the system, allowing the world around him to come back to life.

"Okay, okay, let's take a break here, but once this rain stops, we'll be leaving. Understood?" Datra announced, and the snakemen sighed in relief. The girl, bound and gagged, continued her futile struggles.

"Sleep well, snakes," Michael muttered from his perch above, feeling like a predator watching its prey.

"If only I had my sniper or an assault rifle with a silencer," he lamented.

[Does the host truly intend to eliminate those snakemen?] the system's voice chimed in.

"You do reward badass points and bonuses for their elimination, right?" Michael countered.


"Then that's my answer. I need to accumulate points and experience somewhere. Why waste such an excellent opportunity? Plus, I have a healing potion if things go south."


"Huh?" Michael was briefly taken aback as the system's voice momentarily sounded almost human, but the sensation quickly faded.

Surveying the area, he noted that the branches of the tree were long and substantial. Michael nimbly jumped from branch to branch like a monkey, keeping an eye on the surroundings to ensure there were no other groups of snakemen approaching.

As Michael observed the group, he witnessed Datra conjuring fire from his hand, a stream of flames erupting and igniting the wet wood.

"Cool magic," Michael muttered, his eyes sparkling with awe. It was the first time he had witnessed such a phenomenon in real life.

"System, can I do that?" he inquired mentally, and the system presented him with a red card.

Skill Name: Dragon Fire.

Class: Offensive-type skill.

Function: The host can emit a stream of dragon fire from their hands.

Range: Small.

Current Level: Level 1.

Next Level: The range and intensity of the fire will increase. The host can use both hands simultaneously to emit the fire stream.

Price: 600 badass points.

"I must acquire this," Michael decided, his grin widening. The prospect of earning more badass points by eliminating the snakemen became even more enticing.

In his previous line of work, patience had been a crucial attribute, and he had honed his mind to replay movies in his head whenever necessary. As the snakemen began to hiss, which resembled yawns, the forest grew increasingly dark, with only the campfire and flashes of lightning providing illumination.

Clad in his black robes, Michael blended seamlessly with the tree, becoming almost invisible in the dark environment.

"We'll take the first watch," Datra announced, directing his gaze at the other cobra-headed man.

"Fine with us," they responded.

Michael was surprised to see that they had not placed anything beneath them, such as a bedsheet or blanket, as they settled down to sleep on the damp ground.

As the minutes passed, the snakemen began to snore, unfazed by the thunderclaps echoing through the forest, while Datra and his companion remained vigilant, keeping their eyes on the girl.

Michael patiently waited for an opportunity, hoping they would momentarily divert their attention from each other. However, even after some time had passed, they showed no signs of moving from their positions.

"A minor distraction should suffice," he thought.

His gaze fixed on the tree behind Datra, which had a massive trunk capable of obstructing the other snakeman's view if he were to eliminate Datra.

With his plan in mind, he leaped to another branch, positioning himself directly above Datra's head. Using his knife, which felt as though it cut through butter, he trimmed a small stick from the tree.


Michael tossed the stick behind the tree, creating a startling noise that caught the attention of both Datra and the other snakeman.

"Go check it out," Datra instructed.

The other snakeman nodded and continued to watch over the girl, while Datra cautiously moved toward the source of the disturbance. Michael seized the moment, ready to execute his plan. He intended to descend swiftly and thrust his knife between Datra's eyes.

With a sense of relief that Abras had learned the weak points of various species during his training, Michael carefully observed Datra's movements.

Step by step, Datra inched closer to the point where the other snakeman's view would be obstructed.

"Diddle diddle, we are so-"

Just as Datra reached this concealed spot, he muttered, "Little."

Seizing the moment, Michael leaped from the branch, driving his knife between Datra's eyes. The loud clap of thunder, combined with Michael's remarkable agility, muffled the sound of his landing.

Even after stabbing Datra, the snakeman's body convulsed violently. Michael exerted all his strength to press Datra's body against the tree until the movement ceased.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for eliminating a Body Refining Stage, Level 10 cultivator. The reward is 7000 experience points and 200 Badass points.]

Michael had no time to revel in his victory; his focus remained on dispatching the remaining foes. Swiftly and stealthily, he moved towards his next target, using the cover of bushes and darkness to his advantage.


Just as the other snakeman began to call for his comrade, Michael struck from behind, thrusting his knife through the snakeman's forehead. He dragged the lifeless body away from the campfire and the slumbering snakes.

The girl watched the sudden turn of events with wide eyes, her expression a mixture of shock and surprise. However, she wisely refrained from making any noise that might awaken the sleeping snakemen.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for eliminating a Body Refining Stage, Level 8 cultivator. The reward is 6000 experience points and 250 Badass points.]

Hi readers,

I've noticed and read many comments about why MC saved this girl as many think it because she's a girl..Well, my answer is NO!

I know how you feel when MC saves a girl because I too feel cliched and bored reading the same stuff all over again...But believe me, this is nothing to do with Gender and if you read the later chapters, you notice that even though she's a girl, he would not give her any special treatment.

The reason for MC to save this girl was Abras(the one who traded a piece of soul with Michael) had little to no knowledge about the world outside of his sanctuary.

As you know, an assassin like Michael would want to know everything about his surroundings before making any moves. But he can't ask anyone to teach him about this world, as it would raise suspicions and might even kill him because of his low-level cultivation. Only because of this, he chose a crippled cultivator like Gaya as she obviously can't hurt him, and if she tried, he could simply kill her.

Since I hate harem, the MC will not go around the world and save beauties and get into trouble because of them. There's only one love interest and romance will not come anytime sooner.

Besides, if you have noticed, Gaya is a powerful cultivator, so wouldn't be cool to have an op servant until he gets stronger?

The system clearly states how loyal she is. Also, she's not a typical female companion who blushes at everything, calls the MC big brother, and brings him nothing but trouble. She would prove her value and do super awesome things in the future.

My kind request to all my readers(especially newcomers) is please read at least until chapter 40 before giving a low star rating because MC saved a girl. I put a lot of work into this book and it sucks to read a bad review stating that you don't like MC saved a girl.

Don't get me wrong, I love criticisms, that's how I improve my book.I can take any reviews no matter how bad it is if the review stats a valid reason but some leave a bad review when they only read until chapter 5 or six. There were no valid points in their reviews but complaints about MC save the girl.

I rarely delete reviews even if it's a low star one when it states valid points, but now; I deleted a couple of reviews, not because they gave me few stars but they had no valid points and they only read a couple of chapters.

So Please at least read up to 30 chapters before leaving a review, fewer stars in the review means my book will not show on the WN recommendation list and people might even ignore the book looking at the reviews.

don_offlcreators' thoughts