
First Day

I finished unpacking everything Saturday, went grocery shopping Sunday and now I am prepared to start my new life Monday. I have three classes today before my first shift at the shop. I have a Calculus first, way to start a morning right? An interior design class and then history. My three class schedule gives me time to grab lunch before heading to work. I only have a few credits that I need to make up before I can re apply to a 4 year university.

The Greenwood campus is a decent size and has a nicely maintained grassy hill it sits upon. I park in the student parking area and head inside. Glancing around I spot the administrative office. Slipping in quietly, I grab a map and slip right back out. I already have my schedule so there's no need to interact with any staff. I find my Calculus class and take a seat in the middle.

Class goes by relatively fast since today was introductions and reviewing the syllabus. My teacher is fine and the students were all very studious. There surprisingly was a large amount of middle age adults bringing the realization that I was at a community college come to life in that instant. A rush of anxiety overtakes me as I think about all the things that lead me to this path in life.

Clearing the sweat off my brow with the sleeve of my sweater, I push the shitty thoughts out of my mind and head to my next class. I decide to take interior design because I thought learning about color schemes would help me out. Currently I am only a mechanic but I'd like to start doing paint jobs too. My design teacher is a hottie but I let those thoughts come and go because I'm here to learn first of all and second, like she'd be interested in one of her students.

The morning has surprisingly gone by quickly and painlessly and I only have one class left to go before I can start the second half of my day. History is my last class and one that I should've already passed if I wasn't such a dumbass. I get to class early only the teacher is here and she is hovered over her desk. I take a seat on the outskirts of her set up by the windows so I don't get distracted.

Students start to fill in the seats more and more. Once it seems like everyone is here the teacher begins.

"Good morning everyone, I will be your history teacher for this semester.  You can call me Mrs. Heller." She introduces.

Just then a loud clumsy girl comes bursting through the classroom door. She looks nonchalant about disrupting the class with her tardiness.  She takes one of the seats in the row across from mine next to a ginger haired guy.

"Good morning Ms?" Mrs. Heller asks from behind her glasses that have slumped down to her nose.

" I'm Samantha, sorry I got lost trying to find your class!" She apologizes.

Mrs. Heller quickly moves on from the disturbance and continues with introductions and first day checklists.

History goes by fairly quickly as well and I thank my lucky stars that I survived the first day of school without having to talk to a single person.

Throwing my backpack into the passenger seat, I pull out of the campuses parking lot and drive off to work.