
History of the Great Cold Emperor

The story of a mysterious boy whose cruel cultivation world turns into the Great Cold Emperor. Yanyou is a boy who only knows his name, has no memory of his parents, his journey will be filled with suffering, great mystery, cruelty and the quest to be the most powerful under heaven. Will he be able to accomplish this? What will he have to do and what will be the cost of his desires? I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad . [18+ chapters]

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9 Chs

In advance

During the fight one person who stood in the crowd and was most amazed was a merchant, who recognized the boy as a slave who had escaped and was wanted. At that time his pictures were all over the province, and because of his beauty and silver hair it was not difficult to recognize him.

The fight went on without much change, Li meng attacked fiercely and Yangyou only dodged. After hitting for a while, Meng finally came to his senses and stopped to rest and calm down. After a while, he used his "[dragon leads the way]" move and thrust his sword at the boy the force of the blow was enormous and Yangyou jumped back but didn't manage to avoid it completely and the sword slammed into his abdomen about the length of the little toe. Blood started flowing from Yangyou's stomach and he finally smiled. People as they saw the impact were sure that the boy was already dead and when they saw the smile for the first time on his face they thought he was crazy.

Ma Xienmei frowned as she saw the blood flowing from the boy, and Ma feng was surprised that he managed to half avoid such a deadly attack. He was well aware of the speed of the attack in addition to seeing that the boy was only at the third body stage, and it should be noted that the difference between the third and fourth as between a mortal and a third.

Yangyou decided to stop running away and started counterattacking every time he dodged the sword he kicked or hit Li mang with all his might. The boy managed to dodge a few punches but not all of them he had several ribs broken, his nose shattered and some internal organs damaged. Nevertheless, he was a cultivator and such injuries were not life-threatening. Li meng knew that he had to attack with everything he had because he would lose in the long run.

"[Fire slash]"-he exclaimed and struck with most of his Qi. Yangyou expected him to finally attack with all his strength, so he dodged the sword strike and hit his sternum with all his strength again jumping back to avoid being counterattacked. Li meng flew back three meters falling from his knee and catching his sternum. The audience went crazy, many people had bet money on him winning and it turned out that the beauty would probably win this. Li Tang was sour seeing his son in a deplorable state and Ma feng only smiled.

Yangyou slowly walked up to the boy who was trying to catch air grabbed his head and snapped his neck without any hesitation. The people in the audience only heard "Krr" and the boy fell inertly into the arena. The audience froze as they saw a boy of about thirteen years old snap his opponent's neck without flinching. After a moment of silence, the audience went crazy chanting his name and Yangyou simply walked down from the arena and walked towards the carriage.

Li hang took his son's body with tears in his eyes and smoldering hatred, he promised himself that he would kill the little guy or his soul would suffer forever. He knew it was a challenge in the arena of death but to a father it made no difference. The result was the same.

Ma feng, on the other hand, was happy because it brought him honor and earned him twenty thousand silver, while it left him with some fear watching him wring that boy's neck. Ma Xianmei was the most affected because her former friend challenged Yangyou and died trying to fight for her. She felt guilt, but she was also relieved that the boy was okay. It was then that she realized that she cared about him differently than she cared about anyone else.

On the carriage ride home, Yangyou took a healing pill and rubbed ointment on the wound. He also knew that sooner or later Li Tang would come for him so he decided to kill him tonight. Although Li Tang was in the sixth stage of Yangyou's body, he had to kill him by surprise or else he wouldn't stand a chance in battle. When he reached home he went to his room to take care of his wounds and waited until everyone in the house went to bed.

Around one o'clock in the morning Yangyou looked out the window into the back yard, he knew roughly where Li's family lived, so he ran through the town between houses until he arrived at a rather rich house for such a village. He crossed the fence and through the window tried to get an idea of where Li Tang's bedroom was. On the second floor there was only a living room, a kitchen and a few rooms, but the bedrooms were upstairs. He quietly walked up the pipe to the second floor and gently broke the window so as not to wake anyone. When he entered the room he found himself in the maid's room and she was lying in bed sleeping soundly. He walked out the door and headed towards the largest door, as that was where Li Tang was most likely sleeping. When he grabbed the handle he gently opened the door and in the bed was a woman alone, he knew it was Li Tang's wife and she would also be a problem if she survived. He decided to have some fun tonight while waiting for the owner of the house, who would surely come back late drunk.

He walked slowly to the bed, put the knife on her neck and said: "Don't scream after I abscess your throat understand?" - he asked in a cold tone. The woman was scared like never when she felt the knife on her throat.

"What do you want? Are you afraid that my husband will kill you so you came to me ? - she asked angrily.

- I came here for your husband but he's not here so I wanted to entertain you," he replied with no expression on his face.

The woman shuddered, she wanted another man, but she was faithful to her husband. Even though this boy had killed her son she still had the urge for him. But eventually when she thought of her son she put it out of her mind.

- You can kill me, but nothing will come of it," she answered confidently.

- That or I will decide - he said taking a line from his backpack and tying her hands and blocking her mouth with the cloth. The woman was so shocked that she did not have time to react. He put her on her back and she wriggled like a jungle gymnast trying to get out of his embrace. Yangyou began massaging her thighs and then licking and kissing them. He went down like that more and more until he reached her peach.

"ahhh, please don't! Kill me already ! - she screamed with pleasure in her voice as he licked her peach. After a short while she came and the aromatic liquid flowed out of her hole, which the boy quickly licked off. He enjoyed this brief time when he could dominate rather than be raped. The woman stopped protesting and after a while Yangyou undressed, took out his sword and put it in her mouth up to her balls, taking out the material beforehand. He started to fuck her throat and she was choking on his sword, saliva was flowing out of her mouth until the boy finally came and filled her throat with milk almost enough to choke her.

"Good for you bitch huh ?" - he asked excitedly

The woman didn't have time to answer as he threw her on the bed and entered her from behind with all his strength. The woman squealed with pain and excitement. He was taking her so hard that if someone had been standing outside the door they might have thought the people in the room were applauding. After ten minutes he reached inside her laid her on the bed and said:

"At least you will die with a smile on your face"-he said and slit her throat and the woman did not have time to react and died smiling.