
History's Strongest Master - Yang Weimin

When a young man is Isekaied into the world of Histories Strongest Disciple Kenichi, how will he become strong?

Mightiest_Disciple · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 5 - Reflection

----------------YANG'S PERSPECTIVE----------------

Yesterday, the unsettling incident unfolded where a collarbone was broken under the force of a clenched fist, leaving a trail of physical pain and emotional turmoil. The conflicting emotions that arose in the heat of the moment reflect a deeper introspection into the consequences of one's actions. The intention to protect another from imminent harm collided with the unintended consequence of inflicting severe injury on another individual, raising poignant questions about the true nature of martial arts practice. Does being a martial artist entail causing harm to those perceived as weaker? Seeking clarity and guidance, perhaps turning to one's master will illuminate the path forward in navigating such complex moral dilemmas.

"Master, I have a question." While my master indulged in relaxation on the couch, momentarily stepping away from his rigorous training routine, he would cast a questioning gaze in my direction, seeking answers or insights that only I could provide.

"Go ahead Yang, what is your question?" When I glanced over at him and noticed my head slightly drooping, he would immediately start talking, prompting him to sit up in a state of worry.

"Well as you know Umeda and I have been trying to track down that Yakuza gang who was extorting that shop owner. And we managed to get the location of their base, but last night when we were fighting some of the Yakuza, one of them charged Umeda with her back turned and he had a knife. And so I stopped him but, I used too much force and I shattered his collarbone. D-does that make me a bad person?" While it may be conceivable to a certain degree that I acted in defense of someone, the severity of the harm inflicted upon the individual cannot be overlooked. Moreover, considering my young age of eleven years and my corresponding emotional maturity, one cannot help but question the appropriateness of my actions and the potential impact on my mental state. This combination of circumstances undoubtedly creates a breeding ground for detrimental thoughts and raises concerns about the underlying issues at play.

As I observed my master closely, all that met my gaze was his display of concern and affection. Moving towards me deliberately, he took a seat beside me, gently resting his hand on my shoulder before offering a comforting embrace.

"No Yang, you are not a bad person. You did the right thing. Life is not black and white, and sometimes you have to do what you may see as bad things to protect those you care about. I guess this is a good time to teach you truly about the two different ways of fighting." He gestured for me to rise from my seat, a seemingly mundane action that signaled the commencement of an activity that appeared to be some form of training or instruction taking place in the backyard.

"Now Yang, there are two main philosophies when it comes to martial arts. There is the Saving Fist, and the Killing Fist. The first one being the Saving fist or as some call it The Life giving fist is the belief that martial arts practitioners should not kill an opponent, even if their own lives are at risk. The second one however is the Killing Fist. Practitioners of this belief believe that killing the opponent is the way to use their martial arts skills. It is their belief that martial arts were created to kill and destroy. There are also those who walk this path for revenge, hoping to kill a certain person instead of just using their martial arts to kill." In his detailed explanation, meticulously illustrating the complexities of both methodologies, it became unmistakably clear that Yang exhibited a strong inclination towards the conservative saving fist style. His apparent hesitance to inflict harm stemmed from a noble desire to safeguard his beloved circle of loved ones. However, he found himself entangled in a web of moral dilemmas as doubts clouded his decision-making faculties, a predicament not overlooked by his observant mentor.

"Yes, I can already tell what you are thinking. Both methodologies are flawed, but just because you align with one of these styles or neither of them. What matters is what you choose to do. Come, there is a special Kata I wish to teach you, this may help you calm down." He gestured for me to follow his lead as we embarked on practicing a Kata that was entirely unfamiliar to me. The rhythmic breathing cadence of this particular kata seemed peculiar, yet oddly calming, offering a surprising sense of relaxation that not only eased the tension in my muscles but also tranquilized my mind. Consequently, this newfound state of tranquility enabled me to execute the Kata with enhanced agility and grace.

As I moved around the backyard, imitating my master's actions, I couldn't help but notice the subtle nuances of this Kata. Initially resembling a graceful dance, upon closer examination, it revealed intricate martial arts techniques that were unlike any traditional styles such as Karate, Ju-Jitsu, Boxing, or Taekwondo. The mysterious movements perplexed me as they were unfamiliar, yet amidst the confusion, one set of actions stood out—the foundational steps that establish one's Seikūken. Curiosity gripped me as I pondered over the enigmatic Kata that my master was imparting to me.

We dedicated almost an entire hour to rigorously practicing this Kata, diligently focusing on each movement and striving to achieve a state of mental clarity. Upon the conclusion of the Kata, I paused, taking a deep breath to center myself before turning my gaze towards my master with anticipation and respect.

"Master, what was that Kata?" Merely posing a question seemed to be the catalyst for his reaction. In response, he offered a smile that quickly transformed into a physical gesture—a pat on the back—that unexpectedly caused me to lose my balance and stumble awkwardly forward.

"That my young disciple is Ancient Martial Arts. Every style has an Ancient form, however what I just showed you was the purest form of Ancient Martial arts. It was made to have a calm mind and assist one in centering themselves." Upon our return indoors, he proceeded to pour me a glass of water, to which I eagerly partook.

The notion of ancient martial arts is introduced as a novel concept in this context. It is suggested that these traditional practices may shed light on the rigorous exercises that the master has been assigning. Despite their unconventional nature, the movements seem to resonate with a sense of innate familiarity amidst their enigmatic aura. Is it conceivable that the teachings imparted by the master delve into the realm of ancient martial arts unbeknownst to the apprentice? While this possibility lingers, uncertainty shrouds any definitive conclusion.

After a short break, we reconvened and moved outside to continue my training session. Master Yao meticulously explored the complexities of ancient martial arts, introducing innovative exercises for me to integrate into my training routine. The connection between these new practices and the rich lineage of ancient martial arts became glaringly apparent, reinforcing my original insight.

Following the workout session, we meticulously refined the art of Seikūken. Prior to executing the Seikūken technique, I diligently practiced the Kata instructed by my mentor. To my astonishment, this additional step not only facilitated the setup of Seikūken but also unveiled the practical combat applications embedded within these movements. A specific maneuver dubbed as the Counted Overhand Stroke was emphasized by my instructor as an exceptionally potent technique reserved for critical situations. Despite my innate talent for martial arts, mastering this intricate discipline proved to be a formidable challenge.

Master Yao meticulously elucidated that every strike executed from a descending overhand position bears distinctive properties that grant it the ability to breach defenses effectively. Despite his profound knowledge, he found himself unable to decipher the exact nature of these inherent properties. Initially attributing it to the manipulation of Ki energy, a common belief among martial artists, he endeavored to enhance the strike with Ki infusion, only to be met with disappointment as it failed to yield the desired results.

Despite any obstacles, my Seikūken technique showed remarkable progress. The synergy between my Seikūken and Inner Eye Technique elevated me to a formidable disciple within the martial arts realm. Notably, as I synchronized my Inner Eye with the Seikūken, Master Yao's efforts to match my pace were evident. The accelerated improvement in my skills was undeniable, signaling a promising trajectory towards mastery.

"Well Yang. I must say you're improving at an incredible rate. If I didn't know any better I would say you might even be able to beat a high class disciple if they aren't careful." Master Yao, in his somewhat jesting manner, would frequently express his unwavering belief in this principle. This seemingly light-hearted yet impactful statement served as a catalyst for my continuous self-improvement journey. Nonetheless, as per the discerning assessment of my esteemed master, he deemed that I had reached the pinnacle of training for that day. Undeniably, his sagacious advice reinforced the importance of resting one's body as an indispensable component in achieving optimal physical and mental performance.

In a rather questionable decision to venture out into town, I felt the need to request some financial assistance from my superior, who reluctantly disbursed a sum of money to me in the form of an allowance. With this unearned privilege in hand, I predictably plan to squander it on sustenance. As I strolled aimlessly towards the marketplace with these newfound monetary funds, my attention was inexplicably drawn upwards towards the heavens where I witnessed an elderly individual engaging in acrobatics between architectural structures. Momentarily captivated by his peculiar appearance, particularly his extravagant mane of golden hair, I was abruptly and rudely disturbed as a result of a collision that sent me tumbling gracelessly to the unforgiving ground below.

Swiftly orienting myself, I observed various items swiftly soaring through the air, seemingly resembling ingredients commonly used in the preparation of curry dishes. Acting promptly and without a moment's delay, I energetically sprang into action to intercept these airborne objects before they inevitably descended to the ground. In the midst of this chaotic scene, my hand inadvertently made contact with a smaller hand, which was claimed by a young girl whose age closely mirrored mine. Both of us extended our arms in an attempt to secure the elusive ingredients, and upon their safe descent onto the ground, I dutifully passed them over to the young girl.

"I am so sorry for hitting you like that! I forgot that it was my turn to do the shopping today! Please accept my dearest apologies!" As I emitted a quiet chuckle, the young girl expressed herself verbally, prompting me to politely bow in acknowledgment of her communication.

"No harm done, but you should be a bit more careful! I am Yang Weimin, it's a pleasure to meet you." As I extended my hand for a handshake, she responded with a broad smile that illuminated her entire face, showcasing her genuine delight in the interaction.

"Miu! Miu Furinji! It is a pleasure to meet you Yang." Miu would casually mention, as I observed the multitude of bags she was struggling to carry, and graciously decided to lend her a helping hand with one or two of them.

"Master always taught me to be polite to girls, so why don't I help you with these." I would argue that, causing her smile to grow as she nodded in agreement. This led to me assisting her in transporting the groceries she had purchased, dutifully following her to her intended destination. Throughout our stroll, we engaged in a conversation about martial arts, and I unearthed the fact that Miu is an adept practitioner of a martial art known as the Fūrinji Style. The manner in which she articulated about it created an aura of reverence around this supposedly ancient martial art style.

I elaborated on the four distinct disciplines that I was engrossed in studying, a revelation that seemed to catch her completely off guard. Miu pointed out that it is an uncommon practice for martial artists to explore beyond a single discipline, emphasizing that the most formidable masters possess expertise in multiple styles. This unexpected piece of information left me slightly startled, yet undeniably intrigued. The journey to her residence seemed to fly by as we arrived at a place that resembled more of a Dojo than a typical home. The name "Ryōzanpaku" struck me as particularly peculiar, though its significance did not hold much weight in my mind at the time.

Upon entering the premises, my immediate observation was directed towards the doors. Miu effortlessly swung them open, contrasting sharply with my own experience of grappling with their unexpectedly cumbersome weight. Despite managing to maneuver them without much difficulty, there was no denying the sheer heftiness of those doors. As we proceeded through the expansive outdoor area, it struck me just how vast it appeared to be. The serene presence of a picturesque pond caught my eye, alongside an intriguing training ground looming in the distance. Our journey swiftly led us to the grand main house where we navigate our way to the kitchen, meticulously following Miu's precise instructions on where each item should be placed.

"This place is big, and you said Six masters live here?" I inquired about the situation, only to receive a nonverbal confirmation from her in the form of a nod, indicating a lack of verbal communication. It did not take us an excessive amount of time to complete the task of unpacking the bags that she had utilized for storing her grocery items.

"Again, thank you for all your help. You should stay for dinner! It won't be too long until I make it." She hesitated momentarily, seemingly on the verge of making an offer, yet I barely had the chance to voice my protest against potentially intruding on their personal space. However, just as the thought crossed my mind, a sudden presence loomed behind me, catching me off guard with its unexpected aura of warmth and kindness.

"Yes young man, everyone is welcome at Ryōzanpaku. You have helped young Miu and thus we must pay it forward to you." As I pivoted to identify the source of the voice, I was struck by the daunting stature of the individual before me. Standing well above two meters in height, his presence was undeniably imposing. It dawned on me that this towering figure was none other than the elderly gentleman I had encountered prior to my unexpected encounter with Miu.

"Oh Grandpa! Yang, meet my Grandfather and the master of the Dojo. Grandpa, this is Yang Weimin." Miu claimed that she had introduced me to the aged master, prompting me to politely bow in a gesture of respect. However, upon closer inspection, it was evident that despite his youthful appearance, the master appeared to be well beyond his forties.

What took me aback was the manner in which he responded when I offered a simple smile in his direction. Without hesitation, he proceeded to extend his hand towards mine, engulfing it with his significantly larger hand during the handshake, subtly asserting dominance through physical size discrepancy.

"Hayato Furinji, it is a pleasure to meet you young man." He casually remarked with an air of nonchalance, seemingly unfazed by his imposing stature and the undeniable air of authority he emanated. It was quite remarkable how he managed to project both power and kindness simultaneously, a rare trait among individuals in positions of power. One couldn't help but wonder about the nature of the environment I had entered - a place that seemed to defy conventional expectations and challenge preconceived notions.