
His wife reincarnated

Tracy doesn't believes in past lives but when she meets a new student in school she is forced to believe in past lives . She meets him for the first time but feels she have known him all her life . She starts a mission to find out who he was, where she knew him from and what happened during that period. She shockingly discovers something weird about him and that leads her to her past life.

temiyemi354 · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Five new students

Highschool is supposed to be so much fun but mine is a very different story . When you have a mother who doesn't let you out of the house except to school and church you will have no option than to stick yourself at home.

I made no attempt to sneak out knowing there was no place of fun to go to or maybe I was not interested in finding out.

I lived in Wetfield which could have been called rainfield in order to describe it better. It has almost twelve months of rainfall except for a short break midway into the year. I am not complaining because that is just what my skin needs. I was born with a very weird skin that prefers cold weather and any atom of excess heat will cause a serious sun burn.

I had only three people in my life, my dad, my mum, and my best friend. My friend and I knew there was no friendship as weird as ours noting the fact that both of us shared different ideas about virtually everything.

I don't believe in past life not because I think it doesn't exist but because I don't want to believe the girl in my dreams was me. My dreams were like living in three centuries ago with a particular guy whose name was Raymond.

Everytime I dream of him there is always this feeling of fear, pain, agony and love. There was never a day I would wake from my dreams without a puzzle to solve. And the truth is I have never solved any.

"Usually it is weird to have new students in final year in high school but when it gets really weird is when you have five new students that claim to be from the same family," Winnie complained as though she was responsible for their feeding. she was wearing the kind of look a really broke mother  would be wearing.


"Now whats your business  and how did you hear about the new students," I demanded making sure an expression of disgust was boldly written on my face.


"Come on don't stare at me in that manner I told you I joined the gossip group on FB and that have helped me to be lot more current than you are," she said sarcastically.


"Yeah that's your business. you know I told you not to join," I reminded her. I watched her turn away in guilt I knew quite well what she loved and felt there was no offense in doing what she loved after all we were friends.


I stared at her as she kept her gaze on her baseball sneakers; that was her way of avoiding a lot of talk from me. I never knew anyone that could cope with my one hour of heated sermon and blabbing.


"So what about your maths test it seems you don't want to tell me about it," I said as we walked into our school building.

She rolled her beautiful large brown eyes and frowned. "You are right maybe I don't want to tell you about it." she turned her face in shame I knew what that meant. Failure.

"You've got me here for you I could teach you maths. Don't you want to go to college?" I knew those were just empty questions she have always told me she hated the whole idea of college but I wanted her to go to college with me.

"You shouldn't be asking me I told you that I hate college,"she moved towards her locker leaving me in a total state of confusion. She was capable of going to college except for her nonchalant attitude towards education.


I moved to my locker and opened it. I could not even think of a way to help my friend. Her mother knows how smart I am and have always looked upon me as a saviour it was really hard to save someone attempting suicide except the person doesn't want to die anymore.

Before leaving the crowded corridor I wished her a good day at school and headed to my homeroom. I don't ever have special days in  school because everything goes on as routine.

I don't know why I was so curious to see the 'five new students'. I tried to cover it up with the fact that Winnie's excitement is so easily contacted.

School closed for that day without the new students coming and that made me even more curious. I knew Winnie was hardly a liar except a false news was spread. I wasn't going to ask about it to avoid looking weird.

I was so anxious to see them. I wanted to see someone among the five students, someone I have never seen but my heart belonged to. Perhaps my soul mate, I kept looking around for any new face but saw none.

When was this stranger coming? It could be a boy or a girl. Was he handsome or cute?  Or was she beautiful or cute?           

I tried not to make my curiosity obvious but I was really anxious to see the weird siblings. I could not get in touch with Winnie to hear about them or maybe my pride would not let anyone know about my curiosity.

Those people were not the first new faces I have ever wanted to see but I felt a sense of connection to one of them. It was like expecting an old friend.

I could not think of telling Winnie that I could not sleep due to my curiosity, I knew she was definitely going to have me sent quickly to see a psychiatrist.

I rolled off my bed, glanced at my alarm clock before running off to the bathroom. I had less than thirty minutes to do all I had to do and get to school. I had the quickest shower of my life taking only few seconds to gulp down a cup of tea.

Winnie and I got to school just in time for the new students to arrive. I got down from my car staring at them while Winnie joined me I felt weird at first but it felt better when I found out I was not the only one staring at them.