
The Visit

Third Person's Point of View

THEY were in the middle of break time and her officemates interrogating her why she’s absent for the last two days. She can’t tell the truth that’s why she chose to lie to them.

“I was not feeling well. Sorry, if I didn’t inform you.” She just smiled at them.

“You don’t even text me.” Mica grouched said while pouting. Ayana came near to her and slightly elbowed Mica.

“Stop pouting, Mica. Do you think I already forget what you did?” She crossed her arms under her breast and quirked her right eyebrow.

“What did I do?” Mica can’t look at her. Ayana scrutinizingly gazes at Mica. Mica timidly smiled at her.

“You didn’t tell me that I don’t have the right to give your phone number to anyone.” Mica reasoned out. She amazingly laughed.

“What the hell? Do I really need to tell you that? Of course, it’s not right to give someone’s phone number to strangers!” She can’t hold back her annoyance. Mica’s really getting into her nerves.

Her officemates looked at her cluelessly. But because Mica has a big mouth, she told to everyone what happened. She rolled her eyes when all of her officemates looked at her while nodding, a sign that they agreed with all to Mica’s idea.

“You should try to date Evan,” Loisa said— her officemate.

“C`mon, Ayana, you’re already twenty-six but you’re still single. Get up, girl! You can’t be like this forever.” Stacey with her encouraging words again. She just heaved a deep sigh.

“But I’m not ready.”

‘She’s not ready to let go of her feelings for Gavin. Damn!

Loisa elbowed her. “When will you be ready? When you’re already eighty years old? When all boys on the earth are not available anymore? My God! Wake up, Ayana!” Loisa’s high-pitch tone was so irritating to hear.

“Easy!” She giggled. “Why having a guy in your life is a big deal? I’m pretty sure, they will just leave us…broken.” Her face turned sober and pain suddenly registered in her heart.

If she stopped her feelings for Gavin, she will not feel that pain.

“Ayana! You have a visitor.” Mike said while smiling at her sweetly.

They were all looked at the door. A good-hot-looking guy is standing on the doorway with one box of chocolate and bouquet of red roses. His presence was shouting sexiness.

She can hear her officemates talking about the guy. They were admiring him as he has different charisma that makes every girl drools. Her eyebrow quirks up when to the guy as if they already know each other for so long. Mica grabbed the guy’s hand and they were both walking towards her.

“Nice to meet you, Ayana. I’m Evan Guzman.” He enticingly smiled at her. So, that was the guy who called her before. She hated to admit it but Evan is really handsome.

“Ayana de l— Buenavista.” They shook their hands.

Her officemates coughed fakely. She heaved a deep sigh. She knows that they were just teasing her towards Evan.

“I’m sorry if I can’t wait you to set a date for us to meet.” He timidly smiled and that smile can make everyone lost their consciousness. That was so… so hypnotizing.

“This is your chance, Ayana. Don’t you ever lose this guy!” Stacey said and swaying her body as if she was dancing with someone. So crazy.

“I suddenly want to see you. I’m desperate to meet you.” Evan seriously uttered and it made her heart skipped a bit.


“Oh my gosh!

“This is your chance, girl!”

“True love does exist!”

There were different reactions from her officemates and she can’t help herself but to smile. They were all crazy yet super supportive. But still, she has husband. she can’t cheat on him.

“Please accept my little present for you.” Evan arrowed one box of chocolate and bouquet of red roses to her. She thought twice if she’ll accept it but before she could think, Mica slightly pushed. She just accepted his present.

“Thanks.” She timidly said.

“Go out with him now, Ayana.” Mike teasingly said. She glared at him.

“Mike is right. It’s time for you to experience dating.” Loisa laughed hard. They really thought she was single.

When she looked at Evan, he was passionately looking at her. She felt shy the reason why she looked away.

“I’ll do your work for now. Go, date him.” Mica pushed her again towards Evan. She immediately dragged herself from him. Before she was about to speak, there was a voice that made all people there stopped.

“Serenading inside my company is strictly not allowed. If you can’t help yourselves but to flirt with each other, you are feel free to go out.” Gavin’s eyes were blazing with anger while it settled on Ayana.

She gasped and looked away because she can’t hold back his gaze. But she feel his grim eyes pointing at her. No one dare to speak. Who wants to oppose the CEO, right? No one.

Gavin smirked when she look to the things she was holding that Evan gave to her.

“If you’re allowing us to go, Ayana and I will go now then.” Evan said with a bit respect to his voice but he held Gavin’s grim eyes. Maybe, Evan already realized what is the position of Gavin in the company since everyone seems afraid towards him.

Evan grabbed her hand and they were about to go out but to her surprise, Gavin grabbed her hand too but tighter than Evan.

Gavin clenched his jaw. “But my employee should finish her works before she flirts with another guy.”

Intense atmosphere was covering to the men standing in front of her. Evan didn’t bother even though Gavin was angrily looking at him.

“I thought we are feel free to go out?” Evan said, grinning.

“You can’t take her that easily.” Her husband said grimly.

“What? You’re puzzling me, man.” Evan’s forehead creased.

“Shut the fuck up or else you will going out in this company… injured.” Gavin impatiently said. If stare can kill, for sure, she’s already dead. Gavin

Gavin faced the doorway. “Within two minutes, you should be in my office, Ms. Buenavista.”

Everyone breathed in relief when Gavin finally went out in their department.

Mica punched Evan’s arm. “For fuck’s sake, Evan! The guy that you’re talking to earlier is the CEO of this company!” Mica exaggeratedly said.

“Is that so?” Evan just shrugged.

Her eyes widen when she remember what Gavin said before he left. She needs to go to Gavin’s office now!

She immediately placed the presents on her table and ran fast. Uh-oh, she’s in trouble!