

Third Person's Point of View

THEY were inside the bar now. Her officemates ordered different kinds of alcoholic drinks. They started to drink except her.

“Ayana, don’t be a killjoy. We’re not kids anymore.” Stacey said.

“How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t drink?” She was already irritated.

“C`mon, girl! Evan will not be mad if you drink tonight!” Mica laughed.

She rolled her eyes. “Stop teasing me with Evan.” She grimaced.

“Then, drink and we’ll never tease him with you.”

To end that teasing smiles of her officemates, she grabbed the goblet and drunk the alcohol in it. She savored the bitterness.

“Happy now?” She sarcastically uttered. They just laughed.

“Actually, Evan is calling me right now. Should I answer his call and tell where you are?” Mica was obviously teasing her and she knows that Mica can do that. She can call Evan and ask him to company her.

She doesn’t know how many goblets she drunk now. She just wants to stop them from teasing her. It irritated her so damn much. She rolled her eyes when her officemates laughed at her.

“Stop fooling me.” Her vision was not clear anymore and she felt her surroundings were shaky.

“Are you already tipsy?” Mica chuckled.

“I’m still sober.” She lied.

“Let the party begins!” Mica shouted and went to the dance floor. Her officemates followed Mica. They left her alone there. They were dancing on the dance floor as if they were the only one who’s in there.

Some men were attempting to sit beside her but she pushed them away. Some were asking for her number but she didn’t give it to them. Because of her seductive dress that almost reveals her soul, some men think that she was an easy girl the reason why they were insisting their selves with her.

She stands up and went to the bar counter. She sat on one of the bar stools there. She suddenly wants to get drunk that’s why she ordered drinks for herself. She’s not used to be like that but she wants to forget for a while. Her eyes were already sleepy and her body became weak. She can’t control herself anymore. Now she knows what the feeling of being drunk is. She suddenly giggled.

“One shot of hard drink.” The stranger guy said and sat beside her.

She looked at him. She could say that he’s handsome. He’s wearing a gray simple t-shirt with black jeans and white shoes. Even though it was dark where she at, she can still see how attractive the guy is. She immediately looked away when the guy looked at her.

“Why you’re alone in this kind of place?” She flabbergasted the moment he asked. His voice was really manly.

“I’m not.” She haughtily said.

He raised his right eyebrow. “But it seems—”

“I’m with you, so, I guess I’m not alone.” She grinned at him. She’s really tipsy as she already has guts to flirt with another guy. He slightly staved off but he grinned after.

“So, are you letting me join you here?” He was enticingly smiling at her.

She shrugged her shoulder. “You’re already here. Who am I to refuse?”

A smirk formed into his lips. “I’m Asher.”

“Ayana,” They shook hands.

“Brokenhearted?” He suddenly asked as he swallowed the drink that he ordered.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re drinking alone, so, I think you have a problem.”

Is she really visible? Is it really easy to read her mind? The pain that flashing in her eyes can’t fade even though she smiles every second.

He scrutinizingly stared at her. “I think I am right.”

“You’re right.” She can’t hold back her feelings. She looked at him softly. “I’m broken and I want to be fixed.”

“A girl like you should love and shouldn’t be hurt.” He gently said.

She chuckled. “I hope he thinks that way too.”

She ordered drinks again and drank it. She took a deep breath. Asher just staring at what she was doing.

“I’m here to listen.” He sincerely said.

“I can handle this pain.”

He frowned. “You can handle the pain? Why are you here, then? Why are you drowning yourself in alcohol?” He crossed his arms and gave her a scrutinizing gaze.

“What I mean is, I’m already immune to the pain.”

“I will listen. Spill it.” He said again. When their eyes met, a glisten in his eyes was visible. The way he looks at her is as if they know already each other for so long.

But she ignored it and just continued to talk. “I love him and he can’t love me back. End of story.”

“Is that what you can tell?” He was dismayed.

She nodded. “That’s the main plot of our story. The girl is deeply in love with the man who can’t love her back.” She bitterly giggled. Her tears want to escape but she holds it back. She doesn’t want to cry anymore. “So funny, right?”

“That guy is fucking stupid. If I were him, I won’t hurt you. Instead, I will love you more than what I could give.” His tone was gut-clenching serious.

She frowned. “Don’t say that. I don’t want to hear sweet words and as if you’re willing to do that.”

“I’m serious.” He was deadly serious. She was caught off-guard because of his intense stare. Her heart skipped a beat. She suddenly felt an unknown emotion inside her. He smiled after.

“Can you please stop smiling?” Her forehead creased.

“Why? Because you’re falling in love?” He was teasing her. “Don’t worry, I know how to catch.”

She can feel the hotness of her cheeks. “Your smile annoys me.” Her eyebrow rose.

“Am I really annoying or you’re just being attracted?” Then he laughed so hard yet so manly. “Don’t lie. I can see it in your eyes.”

She grimaced. She admitted he’s handsome but her husband is the most handsome man in her eyes. “You’re handsome but my husband is more handsome than you.”

Asher stopped laughing as he looked at her incredulously. “You have a husband?” He was confused. “But you just said that the man you love can’t lo—”

“Duh! Fix marriage does exist!”

He was enlightened because of what she said. “Why did you agree to marry him?”

This time, she can’t help herself but to roll her eyes and scratch her nape. “How many times do I have to tell you that I love him?” She took a deep breath. Her face turned somber. “I am deeply in love with him.”

Asher felt her sadness. “Then, why he agreed to marry you if he doesn’t love you?” He straightforwardly asked.

She smiled weakly. Emotion tightened in her chest. “Because of the company and our parents say so.”

Asher’s lips slightly parted. “That’s insane.”

She rested her head on the table and glanced up at Asher. “I am.” Then, she finally falls asleep with the stranger beside her.