
His Viken

Some people were never meant to meet.. A mistake!

Doris_Roberts_5605 · Teenager
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4 Chs

Chapter 2( We meet again! )

Angrily I walked into the school old library which had been long forgotten. Not that I cared I was ugly is just that the jerk was my first suitor who had the guts to ask me out publicly. I never felt so insecure about myself for a long time.

I ran a finger across my freckles which stood out majestically with my green eyes. Subconsciously I ran into a figure

Not again!

"You again! I heard an accusing voice beam at me as my eyes widened subtly behind the glasses on seeing the person who saved but made me late. His eyes narrowed, holding my gaze for a few seconds

"Are you following me" her curiosity bluttered out of her lips 

"You wish !" He scoffed

"Rosel Hales" he read out my student's i.d which hung loosely on my shirt "Is this how you pick on the guys you just met? 

His expression was that of boredom as if he was dealing with a child.

I shook my head as I threw the question back to him

"Is this also how you treat girls you just met, you dickhead" rosel asked, she knitted her eyebrows together while giving him a look

"That's Definitely not the name you call someone who saved your damn butt ----- He was interrupted

"And that's Definitely not the tone you use on a girl" I snapped as I rubbed my forehead slightly, my eyes trailing on his body trying to look for his i.d or something,when I suddenly realized he wasn't wearing one. 

He had thick black locks of hair that covered parts of his foreheads and slightly high cheekbones, her eyes caught sight of tattoos peeking out from his T-shirt and noticing his arms and neck to be inked.

He was trouble with the capital letter! I thought

He took one daunting step towards her and rosel took one back. She gulped

"Could you enlighten me on the tone a guy should use on girls like you"

His words hit a nerve as she quickly brushed it off, knowing full well he was mocking me. JERK!

" Forget it, forget our little conversation, I'm out of here" I sucked in air as I stomped my feet angrily before turning to leave. There was no reason for me to stay back with this idiot! I thought as I walked away probably looking dumb in his sight. Never mind!

"Dummy!" He said tartly as he watched her leave, he brought out a cigar which he lit with a lighter, taking a slow drag as he closed his eyes while blowing the smoke into the air.

"Well! Well! That girl really got some nerves" a voice said grimly as a figure came out of its hiding place with a smile.

"Silas! How many times will I tell you to quit eavesdropping"

"I couldn't help it--- Silas said defensively

"Where are the rest?"

"They are having lectures Alex, not everyone is a genius like you who skips classes but still gets good grades"Silas spoke grumpily as he ran a pinky into his red locks


Stepping out of the building, rosel hugged herself because the temperature had dropped more than the usual in the evening, walking away she looked at her watch


Classes had ended for the day. She tided her books as she grabbed her bag to head home. Yep! She had no ride!

Not everyone in her caliber could afford a personal chauffeur not to talk of a car. Partish was a collage for the delinquent, she got there through hard work. A scholarship!

A sigh escaped her lips as she watched some of the rich kids enter their ride and zoom off.

"Mom, Dad I'm home "she called out as soon as she got home. Her father ran a mini coffee shop which he inherited from his father, more like a family business! She thought

She quickly slipped into a T-shirt as she headed for the coffee shop which was nearby, she noticed her father was no where to be seen, she saw her mother attending to a few customers

"Hi mom!"

"Rosella my dear you're back, go go mama left you some healthy soup, go eat and come help me"Her mother's said bashfully as she frowned, she never really smiled.

"Thanks mom" I muttered underneath my breath as I made my way to the counter where the food was kept inside a warmer.

'Mashed potatoes, my favorite '

Rosel quickly digged into it like an hungry wolf . She had missed lunch at school thanks to Valerie ---WAIT! VALERIE!

She had left her behind, she felt an ache in her chest. What if something happens to her?

"Rosella! You don't like the food?" Her mother's voice rang in her head as she saw her mother's worried face. Her once ever green eyes which used to glitter like the stars had dimmed due to stress. Her forehead had wrinkles from aging and childbearing.

"The food is nice mama, thanks ---- BUT could I borrow the shop's telephone for a minute, i promise i won't take long "

Her mother's frown deepened as she spoke, clearly pissed off

"You know your father and I works so hard just to pay the damn bills rosella, why can't you be considerate?"Her mother paused then in an annoyed tone spoke

"I'll be going to the groceries to get some flours so you watch the shop, close the shop exactly by 6 and try as much as possible to avoid the agents, we still owe him some money!

My family never really made use of the shop telephone except for receiving orders, don't blame them charges are $80 per month for analog, not all average parents could afford that you know it was super expensive!!!😵‍💫

Finally I write again, I hope you love it

Doris_Roberts_5605creators' thoughts