
Chapter 22

“The other people you two have been with…was it always just a one night thing? Or did you have long-term…arrangements with them?”

“Mostly one night things. A lot of people are just in it for the sex, which is fine for us. And the ones who wanted more, well…let’s just say not everybody is as tolerant of Sasha’s schedule as I am.”

“I imagine not everybody is ready for a ready-made family either?”

“That, too,” Scott conceded. “Sasha and I have had to give up some things with the choices we’ve made, but the one thing that we won’t ever shortchange is Colette.”

Adam couldn’t help but smile. He didn’t doubt Scott at all. And it would have been easy for Scott to decide that a family life wasn’t for him and left Sasha—it’d still be easy for Scott to pick up and leave. But he wouldn’t. “I know. All you have to do is talk to her for five minutes to see that she comes from a very loving, supportive family.”