


Zachary's P.O.V:

I settled the microphone properly in my ear with tremulous hands as the chopper took a flight off from the helipad with along with others following behind at a safe distance as to not cause any air traffic. I was overwrought , totally on edge knowing my Tesoro is out there exposed to danger .

Soon the estate came in view and so did the woods behind it which made me even more anxious and on edge because I did not know what to expect , what I was gonna see in the woods when I reach there , will she be okay or will she be hurt even though I have my men who I trust with my life there to watch over if anything goes seriously wrong but I do not trust them with her life , I can never completely trust anyone with her life , she's just too precious . All these guards , gun men are just reassurances I would never completely trust them with her . I just hope everything goes according to the plan and I get her back safely in my arms .