


Xenon's P.O.V:

I picked up the cloth with the shiner and started cleaning my gun , what can I say I like my weapons clean and shiny for a clean death .

While doing the cleaning and shining my weapons my mind went towards Claire ....... That girl ...... She doesn't belong here , she is just too innocent and naive to be here ..... Boss is committing the same mistake I did , he shouldn't have brought her into this he should've leave her be , he was selfish to bring her but who am I to be saying that I did the same thing I myself was being selfish and I paid , no she paid more than me .

It's not that I hate Claire or dislike her she is just a misfit for this place she is a weakness basically so I am just a bit agitated , I know she is a sweet playful girl and all but that's what makes her a misfit .