
His sweet sin

Blue Ivan is a 22 yrs old man who is just trying to make ends meet and chase his dream of being a big-time star, but things get messed up when his former boss accuses him of stealing company files and selling them. all his dreams get shattered as he is put in prison and when he is about to give up and resign to his horrible fate, Drake Alexander happens... Drake Alexander is mysterious as he is alluring and he finds himself intrigued by the beautiful blue and all he wants is Blue's soul in exchange for all his heart desires. Blue is tossed into a world beyond his imagination and he tries to uncover the secret of Drake and struggles to achieve his dreams of being an A-star actor in an industry full of different types of talents. Will Blue be able to tackle all the obstacles in his path to his dream career and unveil the secrets behind Drake and why he wants his soul enough to stick to him? Read to find out.

Kim_o · LGBT+
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10 Chs


It was just as if Blue was having a bad dream that he couldn't wake up from, but deep down his mind, he knew this was his reality. 

   His asshole of a boss had framed him and put him in prison just because he didn't give in to his advances. Now, all hope was lost for him in the real world. he had a permanent criminal record now and that wasn't a good look to start up in the career path he chose.

    " Hey twink, walk on."  the warden said and pushed Blue, aggressively. Blue jerked from the push and he turned, glaring at the Warden.

     " Fuck you!" he said to the warden who laughed in return.

    "let's see if you can talk this much after spending some time in jail, pretty boy."

   Blue sighed and refrained from answering the warden and walked on. 

   Jinx high prison was a facility built to hold the worst criminals in the country and his innocent self was going to be spending years here with these men.

   As the Warden led him through the cells to his assigned cell, the prisoner's cat called him and whistled and he was so scared, but he knew not to cry. If he showed these men a glimpse of weakness, he would be torn in here.

   " you are very unlucky, twink. You are in cell 15C."

    Blue wondered why the fucking warden said something like that. was he staying in the same room with a very dangerous criminal? he was so fucking scared but did his best not to show it and followed the warden to his assigned cell.

    "Here we are, pretty boy. have fun with your new cellmate." 

    The warden opened his cell door and he stepped inside. Blue looked around the cell, there were two beds opposite each other and the one on the left had a book on top of the bed and he assumed it was his cellmate's bed.

   He sat on the other bed and he sighed, everything that had happened was just like a dream, a bad one.

    Blue finally allowed himself to cry, how could things go so wrong? he wanted to be in his mama's arms as she sang for him, he missed her so much. he would fucking kill that bastard when he gets out of prison, he will destroy his life and make sure that he crawls and begs on his knees for forgiveness.

     Blue had slept off on his bed exhausted and tired from all the crying he had done.

   "Isn't he so precious? he would look pretty with my hands around his neck." 

    Blue was about to open his eyes and find out if he was dreaming, but suddenly someone wrapped their hands around his neck and started strangling him. 

  Blue jerked in fear and he tried to pry the hands of his neck but the man was damn strong and he was cutting off his air supply. he wondered if he was going to die like this? why was life so damn unfair to him?

  He just hoped his family would have a happy life and as he was about to take his last breath, the man suddenly let go of his neck. 

   Blue gasped and breathed in the fresh air, the culprit burst into laughter and Blue looked at the blonde-haired man with fear in his eyes.

  " Don't give me that sad puppy look, you just looked so pretty that I had to do that. You know pretty things look more gorgeous when taking their final breath."

   Blue's eyes widened, he was roomed with a crazy person. he ran to the door and started banging it, crying.

   " Let me out... please, let me out." 

   " Tsk. tsk... you don't have to look so sad about the welcome gift I had for you, you wound my heart."

   The crazy man was walking up to Blue who was full-on sobbing and before he got to him, the lunch alarm sounded throughout the prison and the cell doors automatically unlocked.

  The man stopped on his track and smiled at Blue.

   " It's lunch break already, we will continue this another time and you must accept my gift then." 

     " you are fucking insane!"  Blue seethed and the blonde-haired man beamed as if Blue had given him the highest praise.

   " My name is Mccall, remember that." the blondie said and he walked up to the door. Blue moved away in fear and stared as Mccall left the cell room. his legs gave out and he fell to the ground, crying.

     Blue stood in front of the mirror, holding a razor to his face and he assured himself that this was the best thing to do if he wanted to save himself from his crazy roommate. the dude was obsessed with pretty things and when he sees his face all cut up, he would let him be in peace.

   "you can do this, Blue. Come on, just cut your face, and that crazy bastard will leave you alone."

    Someone burst into laughter inside one of the bathroom stalls and he gasped in shock.

    " Who's there?"  he asked, trying to keep his voice tough and show he wasn't afraid.

     " Just your friendly cell neighbor."

  Blue let out a soft gasp at the man's voice, he had a sultry baritone voice and it was sexy as fuck.

    Before he could reply, the man came out of the stall and Blue's eyes widened as he saw the man.

   The man was over six feet, four tall and he was sexy as fuck with a lean body and he has very visible abs. he looked like a Greek god with silky jet black hair and piercing red eyes, Blue was guessing contacts...

   " Uhm... who are you again?"  Blue stammered, he mentally scolded himself for asking him that type of question. he tended to speak rubbish when he saw a fine man and this man was by far, the most beautiful male he had seen.

   The man chuckled at Blue's questioned and he walked up to him. Blue gulped as he looked at the towel that was hanging dangerously low down his waist and he could see his pubic hair trailing down his-

   " Love, can I have your attention now?" 

   Blue blushed red and looked into the man's eyes. he looked amused at Blue's antics and Blue wished he could just hide under a rock.

   " So, what's the deal with the blade and the pep talk?"

     Blue groaned in embarrassment and the hotty laughed.

    " Jesus! how long were you here?"

   " Long enough, spill..." the man urged and something compelled him to speak about his problems.

    " I can't believe this is happening. Just a week ago, I was on my way to my first ever acting job and although I had a supporting character, it was amazing... I could finally start my life as an actor but my boss in the entertainment company I worked in wanted me to sleep with him and I refused over and over again and when he was fed up, he framed me and I have to spend five years here."

   Blue narrated and he was glad the hotty didn't see his story to be boring and genuinely listened to him.

   " And this fucking bastard am roomed with tried to kill me in my sleep cause I was pretty."

   " Is it Mccall?"  the hotty finally spoke, Blue's eyes widened.

     " you know him?"

   "Of course, who doesn't know him? no one wants to room with him because of his obsession over pretty things."

    " Am fucked, ain't I?" Blue groaned and the hotty chuckled.

     " I'll tell you what, I can exchange him with someone else that won't give you any problems."

   Blue's eyes widened and he walked closer to the hotty. he looked like a puppy at that moment making the man chuckle.

   " Really? can you do that?"  he asked, hopefully.

     "Yeah, I can but I want something in return."

    Blue's expression changed into a frown and he thought of all the things he had heard about prison. his eyes widened, was he going to ask him to be his toyboy?...

    " I can see the wheels turning in your head, get that thought of your head." 

The hotty said, knowingly making Blue blush. was his thoughts that obvious?

  "So, what do you want?"

 The hotty beamed at the smaller boy.

  " I want to know your name."

     " Ahh??"

   " Tell me your name." the hotty repeated, Blue looked at the man with skeptical eyes, could he help him?

    " My name is Blue... Blue Ivan."

   " you have a gorgeous name Blue, my name is Drake Alexander and  I hope you remember it."

    Blue blushed red and wondered if Drake could help him. his attitude didn't match his build and he was pessimistic but something told him to trust Drake and he was going to try and take a leap of faith.