


/"For the last time Karly, I am fine/" I say to her as she helps me out of the car. It's been 3 months and today is the last day of the court case.

I have watched over 6 weeks of this case against those charged for the crime of sex trafficking, rape and many other illegal crimes.

/"You're lucky he is even letting you in today/" Karly moaned as she grabbed my bag full of all the necessary needs of being heavily pregnant.

She didn't have to remind me, I've done a years worth of begging this week just so I could come today.

Today was good day, it's refreshing to actually be out of the house where I've spent most of my time. Braden sorted out a camera so that I could hear and see everything going on in the court whilst I was at home.

/"Well he didn't have a choice and besides he could never say no to me/" I grinned as we walked up the steps.