


Zach's Mom POV

/"Honey, she is here/"

I look up to see my husband standing in the entrance to our joint office with his glasses covering his eyes and coffee in hand.

I sighed but placed my phone down on the table and followed him to meet her.

Last night i got a message from Zach's girlfriend. I was surprised she had the nerve to message me but Thomas, my husband forced me to at least listen to what she had to say.

Somehow she said it was too important that she needed to meet us directly.

/" be nice, she cares for Zach too/" he says taking hold of my hand.

I said nothing as i followed him.

Imogen stood in the hallway. Her style was casual its like she hadn't even tried to make a good impression. Her clothes were baggy and dark. Why did my son have to choose this type of girl.

My eyes softened only a little bit when she turned to face us. Her whole face looked exhausted like she hadnt had barely any sleep.