


Is he not familiar with my line of work, my job isnt even on the same level as Zach's but i dodnt know anything else.

/" very funny, im just curious but maybe if i won the lottery you might find yourself lucky/" like that was ever going to happen.

Do people even win the lottery?

You Don't have to be a millionaire to afford a holiday/" easy for him to say. He is a millionaire.

/" If you thought about what i said you would be able to afford more of this. Its what you deserve/" he said. I knew what he was talking about.

I know that he doesn't like my work, the fact that i work at a bar throughout the night. Come home early mornings and just sleep unless i have plans.

But like i said, its what i know. What i am good at.

/" And do what, i dont know anything more than serving people/" Zach sighed.

/"It's not too late to learn. You're great at the bar i can see you running your own bar somewhere/"

Could he.