


She immediately panicked when she saw me, it was obvious that I worked here I had the badge on my t-shirt and I'm sure she's seen me at the bar serving. I heard the whimper of the girl before I saw the woman run out the room.

Not on my watch Hun. I pulled the door open roughly and ran out to follow her. When I finally reached her, I pushed her against the wall shoving my elbow against her throat.

/"you're a sick fuck/" I shouted in her face watching her try and escape from my hold. My dad always told me that my elbow is one of my strongest so I used this to my advantage.

/"the slut asked for it/" she managed to say even though I was cutting off her airways. Alright I wasn't going to kill her but I needed her to feel pain for what she did to that girl.

Just when you thought guys were the only ones this happens. Just shows you doesn't it.