
His redemption

Everybody knew he had it all. Fame, girls, shit ton of money, beautiful parents, charming brothers and best friend.... but, did he! Damon Stone didn't grow up like any normal child. At the early age of 10, he had to learn how to take care of his 8 and 7 year old brothers because his parents were never home. "We won't be home until next week honey, we love you three so much. Take care, mommy and daddy will be home before you know it" They'd say. But it was all a lie, he realised later that all they said was a load of bull and he loathed them so much for choosing money over their own children. His hatred blinded him so much that he started taking it out on other people. At his school, he was known as the 'Demon' with a heart of Stone and he couldn't care less. He loved it, all the fear, it's like he fed off of it. He loved the way girls would practically shit themselves under his gaze just for them to come begging for a one night stand. The way he would intimidate men both older and younger than him due to his strong built body, he loved it. Until he met her. They say that even the coldest hearts deserve to be let in, will she be his saviour! Or will he teach her all he's ever known. Destruction.

Sabrina_Iris · Urban
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22 Chs


It had been a while since I last partied around. I didn't have the spirit like Phraser or Ace ever since Rosie's sudden interest in us. She irked me to the core as well as her husband. I shook my head taking a sip of my bourbon, as tho that will keep my thoughts away from them.

"You've been so quiet, what's wrong!" Ace slured on his words. After having a little over 6 shots, I knew he was not dead ass drunk. He just had a problem with his speech if he took too much but other than that, he was good....for now.

"Nothing." I shrugged and sighed once I spotted Jennifer giving me oogly eyes.

"Just go fuck her already, she'll make you forget about who-shall-not-be-mentioned." I shot him a glare making him chuckle.

I shook my head and set my glass down a little too harsh, gaining a couple of people's attention. "I don't sleep with a woman twice, well in her case, hoes." He faked a gasp and I rolled my eyes.

"Besides, she'll only get ideas so I'd rather not." I turned my gaze back to her, and glared once I found her giggling with her friends whilst looking in my direction. She immediately looked away making me snicker.

"You're scary when you do that." Ace mumbled standing up. He closed his eyes for a moment before walking towards the stairs leading to a room near the chandelier. I'll never understand how the architect designed this place. I followed his lead, needing to get away from the loud music.

We leaned against the railing. The LED lights light the whole place up, making it appear red and blue. I turned and leaned on my back, facing my little brother.

"How is Leah!" I asked once I noticed he was quietly looking in space. His gaze snapped to mine in both shock and confusion.

"She's uhm...okay I guess." He sighed, running a hand through his damp brown hair.

"She's not really talking to me right now so." He shrugged and took a sip of his drink. I hummed and let him be in his thoughts. Ace has always been a sucker for that girl since Pre-school. He fails to see what a conniving, gold-digging, manipulative bitch she is and it makes me sick sometimes. I'm just waiting for the moment when he'll wake up and see her for her.

"Anyway, have you met Blossom!" He chuckled and ruffled his hair back.

"Phraser already has his eyes set on her."

"We'll see who'll get in between her legs first." I raised my glass in cheers and finished my drink in one gulp.

"Jackson probably will, he's always been a gentleman." Ace shrugged and looked me, waiting for some kind of reaction. I hummed and turned back around, looking down on the dancing floor they set up. I frowned once I noticed that people went from grinding into each other to dancing in a pair of two. The lights suddenly turned to a sky blue making everyone's figure very seen from up here.

Suddenly, I caught sight of the famous Blossom; New member of the 'horror house family' dancing with that imbecile, Jackson. I watched as his hands went lower and lower only stopping at her well sculptured waist. Her face was snuggled deep in his neck, hiding her beautiful doe eyes. I remembered the smile she had on her face whilst I was leaving, it was so contigious I wanted to smile back but instead, I only starred like a fool making her look away. I kept my gaze on her hoping she'd look back at me long enough for me to memorise her beautiful features. Her wavy afro hair bounced as she put some distance between them and before I knew it, she looked back. I caught my breath once her doe eyes starred back at my deep gray ones. I heard Ace say something but it went to deapf ears. I didn't want to look away, I couldn't.

My legs moved before my brain could truly comprehend what I was doing. I jogged down the stairs and approached the dance floor. Her gaze never left me, even when I approached them both. I cleared my voice, gaining his attention.

"Oh uhm, hi!" He trailed off looking at me as if I'd suddenly grown two heads but I couldn't care less. My eyes was on the beauty in this bastard's arms.

"May I!" I asked her. I frowned a little when I saw that she was looking at her fingers as if it was they were the most interesting things in the world.

"Only if she's okay with it." I snapped my gaze back to him and gritted my teeth in frustration.

"She's not exactly running for the hills, Jackson." I spit every word with anger and resentment because that's what I feel for him.

"You weren't exactly very keen on meeting her a while back now were you!" He crossed his arms over his chest and puffed. I almost laughed at the fact that he even thought he could intimidate me.

"Look she's obviously not interested, why don't you go and:-"

":-It's fine Jackson." She mumbled looking at me shyly. I smirked in triumpf and basically pushed him off of her.

"Bloss you don':-"

":-run along now boy, my partner doesn't need you're services anymore." I smirked and led us away from him. Once I dimned us safe from his prying eyes, I caught her by her little waist and pulled her close to me. I almost sniffed her lavender and fresh flowers scent like an animal. It wasn't one of those expensive perfumes every girl in LA seemed to possess. She smelt fresh, pure even and so so beautiful.

"Uhm." She mumbled pulling back a little. I cleared my voice and apologised for invending her personal space.

"Hi." I said trying to make small talk.

"Hey." She mumbled so softly making me chuckle. She frowned, keeping her head down but said nothing.

"I'm Damon." I said close to her ear and I could've sworn she shivered.

"Bloom--Blossom." She stammered still not looking at me.

"Well Bloom Blossom, nice to meet you." I chuckled, hoping it'd ease her up a bit but she only tensed in embarrasment.

"I can't believe you just got here and that imbecile is already dragging you to parties."

"Don't call him that. Jackson is really nice and he brought me here because he didn't want me to be all alone at the house." She almost shuddered at the last part. I would've laughed if it weren't for the fact that she wouldn't look at me.

"Look at me."

"I am." She mumbled looking at my stomach. I pulled her chin up making her frown a little.

"Maybe if he actually cared, he would've stayed with you at the horror house." She opened her mouth a couple of times before biting on her lip.

God I want to kiss her.

"Ho-horror house!" I hauled out a laughter when she voiced out her worry.

"Don't worrry sweetheart, it's just a little nickname I invented but uh if you're ever feeling scared.:-" I trailed off bringing my face closer to hers. She visibly gulped but didn't waver from me.

":-call me and I'll be there." She starred at me wide eyed. Her gaze flickered between my lips and eyes, mine doing the same thing. I leaned closer until we we're practically breathing the same air but then, she pushed me away.

"I'm sorry, I uh, I have to go." She stuttered and practically sprinted away, bruising my ego immensly.