
Chaotic Collage


I woke to an odd mix of smells. It was one part clean sheets and one part cafeteria food, though there was something else lingering under the two scents. The strength of the cafeteria food’s . . . odor easily masked the something else. I was curious, though. From what little I could tell, it smelled nice. Really nice.

I looked around, immediately realizing that this was not my room nor my bed. I nearly freaked, but then I saw Ash sitting at the desk. It took a moment for me to figure out that this was probably his room and his bed. I was invading his space. How many times can I be a nuisance before he snaps? I should leave before I push him too far. I can’t deal with someone else flipping after pretending to care. At least, not right now.

“I brought food, if you’re hungry,” Ash’s voice pulled me from my thoughts. I met his eyes briefly, his raised brow telling me I had likely been staring. Idiot. First invading, now staring. He must be done with me by now.