
Fabulous and Pretty

Leslie's Pov:

"Where am I?"

I asked myself the moment I opened my eyes. My head was aching and I'm a little bit dizzy. I look at my surroundings. It's so dark in here. I tried to get up but my whole body was trembling. Shit! What happened to me? Then I remember.

I was in Maurice Berlemont Gymnasium, coz were having a fashion show there to showcase and launched our new designs of fancy clothes, bags and accessories for this month. The fashion show during was doing great before that sudden blast happend in the middle of the platform.

Due it's strong impact, the whole place was ruined and all the guest started to panicked. Half of those models, designers and special guest become a casualties. I don't know what to do that time. I'm just lucky that I'am on the ladies comfort room when the bombing occured.