
Who's Your Child's Father?


Father nods, watching Tyler closely. "Yes, it seems there's no bite mark." He eases back into his seat. "Great, things can now proceed as proposed."

Tyler tugs up his collar. The way his mouth is pursed in a thin grim line tells me he feels insulted. I can smell that resentment from where I am. He has to understand somehow that that's how things work here. The sooner he gets used to it, the better. He may not like how father spoke to him, but he has to accept it. I bet he knows that isn't even a question. 

"Now get the wedding scheduled as fast as possible." He clutches on the arm of his seat. "I have work to finish now, you can both leave."

I know that father is only saying this because he wants Tyler to leave. He doesn't want to be seen weak. There's no way he is going to let anyone but my mother see him in the state. Other than his doctor, she is the only one who sees him weak, because she tends to him.