
Everything's Gonna Be Alright


I study Justin, weighing between hurting him vs needing him to cheer me up. But will I get attached if I hang around him too long? "I'm just worried that you will resent me if I don't give you enough attention?" I say quietly. "I'm worried that I may hurt you."

"No." he frowns. "I'm not a child, Wesley. I'm glad that you were honest with me and now I know the score. Okay?"

I hesitate for a beat. "Are you sure that you want to waste your time with me?"

He snickers. "I don't consider it a waste of my time. I think of it as enjoying my time." He gives me one of his jolly little smiles.

Once again, I can't help but smile back. His cheerful nature is contagious.

"Come on." He wills me. "Just say yes."

I shrug. "Okay, I'll have one drink with you, Justin."

"Really?" his eyes light up. "That's great. When? Tonight? We can go as soon as you get off."

I laugh gruffly and take a step back. "Tonight?"