
His lover is Mafia Mermaid Prince


Saniya_Maji · Fantasie
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28 Chs

You are a crazy person.

Seeing that, Arohi puffed up his face and said to himself, "If they get married soon, I will be at peace and this Leela's mother has spoiled my plan. They will be together, after which they will be talked about and everyone will rush to get them married." "

Meanwhile, Leela's mother thought to herself, "Now my daughter will fulfill her dream. If her name gets a bad name, then everyone will rush to marry her. They don't marry her so quickly. My daughter is so young now."

By saying this, both of them turned away.

Just then Leela's screams reached their ears "Oma bhai has taken the remote and is not giving it. Send it to the room. Who won't let me watch my favorite cartoon this time?"

Hearing this, his brother also shouted angrily, "No, I will watch TV and I won't watch it. Keep the remote with me. Now it's my turn to watch TV."

Meanwhile, Aayus is getting upset in his heart seeing their fight but his face has no expression and is staring at the TV.

Meanwhile, Leela angrily sat down next to him and said, "I won't let that dog go, I'll break your dick, I'll always come and take the remote when I'm watching TV!"

Meanwhile, her brother started watching TV, and Leela went and took the remote control from his hand and gave it to another cartoon.

And Leela screamed loudly and called her mother, "Oma Bhai is beating me, Bhai has taken the remote. Bhai is not letting me watch TV. Whenever the phone goes off, I want to take away my phone as if it is his phone and now he does not want to let me watch TV. I want all the internet on my phone. Done. And now he is watching TV by himself."

Meanwhile, Aayus did not know what happened in his head and went and rubbed his hand on Leela's back and immediately Leela was squeezed.

Seeing that, Ayus brought his lips to her ear and said, "Relax is too strong. It hurts a lot."

Hearing this, Leela began to express her grief, "What else can I say, I have to bear this pain, this pain, this pain, what else can I do, I have such a bad forehead! I have got a brother like this! When this puppy kills me and I don't even say anything. couldn't"

Hearing this, Ayus put his hand on her back and said "O ok"

Saying this, Ayus started to bring down his hand, immediately Leela moved away and angrily moved towards her brother. Meanwhile, Ayus tightened his hand.

He is very angry because he wants to touch Leela but it doesn't happen now and he doesn't even know why he is getting such feelings unless it was the first time for him and if he sees someone more beautiful than her he straight up blows her with a gun. But in the case of Leela, if not, I want to touch Leela.

He himself does not understand what is happening with him? He does not want to do these things but his mind and heart want something else.

Ayus went to Leela again. But Leela went out of the room with anger and dragged her mother to the room and took the remote from her brother and showed her tongue to the brother and said "Ne ebar ne remote ebar ki Karbi kar!"

And Leela's mother looked at her brother with anger and said, "Don't tease Didi at all. After two days, Didi will get married and you will rule the whole house. Then I will remember Didi and cry."

Hearing this, the brother said angrily, "If she gets married and leaves, no one in the world will be happier than me. I want to leave here and get married soon."

Saying this, his brother started crying. Seeing her brother crying, Leela felt bad and gave the remote.

Meanwhile, all this was completely new for Aayush.

He doesn't even know that something like this happens. He has only learned to kill and knows nothing else except a lot of power and property.

Aayus is looking at the three with one look which Leela stopped and said "Hey, why are you all making such a rude drama?

Hearing this, everyone stopped and started laughing through teeth. The situation has become very acute.

Ayus shook his head and left the room. Seeing that, everyone shook their heads and started watching TV.

After some time Ayus Rao went to his house.


After eating at night, everyone went to their rooms, while Aayus Arohi came to the room to sleep, Arohi was sitting and watching a serial on TV, after seeing that, he quickly went to his mother and put his head on his mother's lap and said, "I am not sleeping."

Arohi patted Ayush's head and said, "Yes, don't sleep, what should I do, stay up till this night and you look like you haven't slept for a long time. Crazy boy, take a nap."

Arohi started patting Ayush's head and Ayush slowly fell asleep.

After some time today, Ayush is sleeping soundly with her head on her mother's lap. Seeing that, Arohi lovingly kissed the head of Love and Aayush placed the head on the pillow and covered him with a sheet and went out of the room.

Then came out and looked at the phone with anger and took a deep breath and dialed the number two rings the phone was answered and a heavy but interesting bell came from the side "I remembered after so long"

Hearing this, the rider angrily said, "I just called to ask something."

But completely ignoring the rider from the other side said "Ok Kale I am sending Z you both will come!"

But the rider said to the former, "You don't have to worry too much. I have chosen a girl for my son. I will marry her to my son."

The person on the other side was surprised to hear this and said with anger, "If you took such a big decision, I am nobody! You did not decide it at all, the girl or the girl is from the stand and you suck her."

Arohi also quarreled and said, "Don't you keep your mouth shut, my son will be married to her.I have known that girl for a long time and I like her a lot. And I will take him home with me. "And I don't want to talk to you, but I have to."

The person on the other side said, "Don't blame yourself, you have given my report to my sonMy son thinks the opposite about me. Something I didn't do!"

From this side, the rider also puffed his nose and mouth and said, "Yes, I have told you! You are the way you are!And I don't care about his thoughts, you don't listen to me at all, that's why I came here, how many times have I told you to leave the mafia, I don't like it at all, but you're going to do it."

Hearing this, Ayush's dad said from the side, "Please, Arohi, you have made me a playboy dad in my son's eyes, which I am not at all. And it is impossible. What kind of things are you doing? You are really acting like a child."

Hearing this, Arohi smiled and said, "Well done, there will be a lot of mafia about you, mafia king, play boy, mafia king."

From behind, Ayus's daddy Evel said with a smile, "What's the point of becoming a mafia king? I'm already a mafia king."

As soon as he said that, Vidyut was startled, so he was behind daddy and he had a terrifying evil smile on his face that would scare anyone. Ayus's dad was standing in Taris, there too the sky was clouded and lightning was flashing very loudly. But there is no fear of life.

Ayus's daddy smiled crookedly and said "I will never give up what you are asking me to give up, it is my addiction, I will do it and my son will do the same later!"

Arohi from this side puffed his nose and mouth angrily and said, "Okay, I will stay here.I will not go, stay with you, I will not send my child alone, I will marry him here and settle! Then I will stay here with my grandchildren and you will be alone there."

Hearing this, Ayush's daddy smiled crookedly and said, "You can't stay for more than two days without me!Calling is just an excuse, you had to talk to me! I was waiting for you"

Hearing this, the rider said with more anger, "Not at all, I don't want to talk to you, I'm hanging up."

Hearing this, I Center gave up in front of his wife and said, "Ok, you have won my order RanisaI won't say anything more, do what you want and I will collect all the information about the girl myself. I will marry my son only if the girl is good."

The two husband and wife started talking now.

While talking, the rider suddenly said, "The boy is behaving very strangely when he comes here..A boy can't stand nice things on his own. The boy came here with whom I was talking about marrying.

Ayush's daddy was surprised to hear his words and said "What are you sayingOto can't stand someone more beautiful than himself, so how can this be! If he sees someone more beautiful than himself, be it a boy or a girl! I have a photo of the girl! I thought my son would be killed."

Hearing this, Arohi sat down on the CD and looked at the cloudy sky and said, "I think I like my son for whom I am not doing anything in life, sometimes there are feelings in my mind, maybe it has come into him, maybe Leela can change him."

Aayus's daddy also said from the other side "Yes you are right love can change everyone like you changed me many years ago! Maybe this is happening to my son! Remember one thing, after two days I will send Jade, you will come because I can't be alone anymore without you like this, I can't leave the baby anymore, on the other hand, who can leave the baby, he has grown up, I can't leave you anymore, I want to have you close"

Hearing this, Arohi punched Ayush's dad and said, "You say that, old age Bhimaarti! Control yourself, if you marry your son after two days, you will become a grandson. Then you will do this? You are a crazy person. Shame on me, there is no name for shame. What will everyone think?"

(So ​​what is going to happen next? Read the next episode to know)