
His lover is Mafia Mermaid Prince


Saniya_Maji · Fantasie
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28 Chs

beautiful and sexy girl

Leela looks expressionless at the moon outside. Just then Ayush came to her side and said without express, "What are you talking about from me, tell me quickly. I don't like that you hide anything from me."

Hearing this, Leela angrily said, "I don't want to say anything, please please leave here!leave me alone for a while"

Saying this, he angrily left there and Ayush was not happy to see him behaving like this.


On the other hand, a large building

A big shiny black car came and stopped.

And two bodyguards went and opened the car door and from inside the car was a very attractive man wearing white and black board black pants and he had long golden hair that was tied up with some hair on the top and part of the hair on the bottom.

Her thin pink lips are very bright. Any girl who sees her pink lips will immediately want to kiss them.

The man said in his charming voice "Wow very nice! So where is my secret?"

Just then a girl came running there with bread on her face and glasses in her eyes. The girl is wearing white shirt and black skirt. The girl is very cute. And her beautiful cheeks are slightly red.

That's when the girl came there and gasped and said, "I have joined you as your secretary today!"

Hearing this, he removed the sunglasses from his eyes and looked at the girl. And looking at her from head to toe he turned his face and said with a jobless expression, "Not at all hot and sexy from any angle! I'd rather hire a beautiful hot and sexy secret."

Hearing this, her manager said with a trembling voice, "Sir, she was hired not because of her beauty, but because of her qualifications, otherwise there are many beautiful people whose qualifications are not that good."

Hearing this, he clenched his fist and said, "Okay, fine!"

Saying this, he went forward with anger and resentment and followed her as his secretary.

In fact, the secretary's name is Kathy. My very straight sided daughter is very good at studies, for which even today she reaches this stage.

After a while inside the cabin. The attractive man called the secretary.

Immediately, Cathy came running and asked in a trembling voice, "Sir, tell me what I want, I'll bring it!"

Hearing this, the attractive man said with a strange expression, "Yes, I want a beautiful girl, send me a beautiful girl."

Hearing this, Cathy put her hands to her ears because she couldn't believe if she heard right or wrongThat's when the manager came running and tried to send Cathy out and said, "Sir, please, can you stop this for a while because it's all night, it's going to be done all night, but it's not going to happen during the day, and you can tell me what you want, you don't have to say anything. call it work"

With this the manager asked Kathy to go out and Kathy also went out quietly.

Meanwhile, Hejark angrily said, "I want a beautiful girl immediately, I will be physical with her."

Hearing this, his wife gave a sigh and said, "Sir, there is a secret room inside. I will immediately send a beautiful girl. You can take her to that secret room."

Hejark became completely normal after hearing this. And a sweet smile appeared on his face.


After some time, a very beautiful girl comes in the cabin and it looks like she has come to seduce Hejark.

Hejark saw the girl and directly asked her to come to him. As soon as the girl came to him, Hejark took her in his lap and started pressing her breasts with both hands.

The girl put her hand on the engrossed Hezark's shoulder and said in a charming voice, "I'll take you to heaven! You've done the best you can by giving me this chance, once you've had me, you'll want more."

Hearing this, Hejark bent over and said to himself, "I will have sex with you and eat you because you are a very special dinner."

The girl does not know that she has made the biggest mistake of her life by coming here.

Meanwhile Hejark came to the bedroom with the girl on his lap. Then made the girl sit on the sofa.

Then he removed all those dresses from the girl's body and strangely Hejark started to please her.

Although the girl felt strange, she did not say anything. He started enjoying it silently.

After some time Hejark took her to the wash room and then threw her in the bathtub and came on top of her.

The girl also happily hugged him and started kissing him.

But Hejark did not delay the girl's private party. Then he brought his man near the girl's private part.

Feeling this, the girl became more excited.

Then Hejark slowly put his penis in the girl's private part and started pushing.

The girl parted her legs so that Hejark could enter her better.

But after a while the girl felt she couldn't take it anymore and Hezark was going deep inside her. The girl can't believe that the penis is so big.

"I can't take you, I'll die if you come all the way in! Let me go, let me suck someone else"

But Hezark entered fully in anger. Immediately a lot of blood started coming from the private part of the girl.

The girl screamed in pain. But Hezark is having so much fun and he has never done this with a human before and never knew he could have so much fun with humans.

Hejark began to thrust his penis in and out with great pleasure. Meanwhile, the girl has fainted. But the hedge doesn't stop there.

The girl is completely half-witted. And Hezark is in separate fun. He had never had so much fun. And it can't do it all day and night without stopping.

"This is so much more fun! . . Why haven't I done this to a human before eating him! From now on I will have sex with people for a long time before eating them!"

Saying this Hejark started laughing terribly. Her laugh is so terrifying that anyone would be scared to hear her laugh.

O one whose eyes see something strange and terrible.

Then Hejark started having sex with the girl and became more intimate with the girl.


Meanwhile, Leela looked at her beautiful thick long hair and at Ayush standing in front of her.

Ayush came to her and placed his hands on her beautiful hair and said, "You and your hair are both very beautiful and you have a wonderful fragrance coming from you that is driving me crazy."

Hearing this, Leela smiled lightly and said, "So nice to hear praise from your mouth."

Hearing this, Ayush grabbed her waist and pulled her to him and said, "I am ready to praise more! But come to me only then."

Hearing this, Leela smiled lightly and said, "Ok, I am close to you and how close will I go, there is so much money."

While they were talking like this, the doorbell of their room rang.

Hearing that Ayush opened the door of the room. As soon as he opened it, he narrowed his eyes and saw the person in front of him.

Seeing her daddy standing in front, Ayush said with annoyance, "What are you doing here, I didn't ask you to come here, go away from here."

Hearing this, her daddy smiled lightly and said, "It's nothing, I came to give a gift to both of you, your wedding gift! I could not give up the promise to give earlier, so I have come to give it now"

Hearing this Ayush snatched the gift from daddy's hand and closed the door.

At that time, someone started ringing the door again, seeing which Ayush got annoyed and opened the door again to say something, then his eyes turned towards his mother.

Ayush calmed down seeing his mother and asked "Mmma are you here?"

Her mother smiled lightly and said, "I came to give you a gift, take it and enjoy it, we will not come to disturb you again."

Hearing this, Ayush closed the door and came back to see Leela packing her bag.

Aayush was surprised to see Leela packing her backpack and asked, "What happened, why are you packing your back?"

Hearing this, Leela smiled crookedly and said, "I will go home. I don't feel like staying here anymore. It is very boring. I will go home and it will be good for you if you bring me home."

Ayush went to Leela and put his hand on Leela's waist and said, "Why are you behaving so strangely since you regained consciousness? I will bring her to your home but how can we go tomorrow?"

Leela said angrily "No I will go home immediately. Just take me home I don't know anything."

Aayush without saying anything took off his shirt and threw it aside and pulled Leela's dress and said "before that we will have our first night friend"

Hearing Aayush's words, Leela said without clarifying, "Here I have no intention of doing these things, bring me homeYou can have your first night friend in the village if you want."

Hearing this, Aayush got edited and said, "Okay, okay, I will bring you to the village today."

Saying this, Ayush crumpled his shirt and threw it away and angrily left the room.

When he came outside, his parents were talking to each other.

Seeing that Ayush turned his face angrily and went to the roof.

Ayush came to the roof and took out a cigarette lighter from his pocket and started smoking.


On the other hand, Hejark is lying in the bathtub and some human bones are lying next to him.

(So what is going to happen next? Read the next episode to know)