
We met

We met online. Just like most people on our generation these days. I never thought I would go after someone younger than me but there was just something about him that told me to keep it up. He's smart, young, mature, and damn does he look good in a uniform. He's a year and a half younger than me so there's not much of a difference.

When we first met of course there was that awkward stage. You know the one that you hope leaves but sometimes it just lingers. But with him it was different. There was the awkwardness but it left very quickly. It was like we belonged talking to each other. We didn't have much time to talk because he was just on a lunch break and it happened I was around just as he went on break. He greeted me with the biggest smile on his face. Told me I looked beautiful even though I was a hot mess. My hair was in a messy bun, sweats, and a hoodie. No make up on what so ever. But he accepted me for who I was.