
His Little Secret: The Man of Valor

Warning: This book is rated 18 as parental guidance is advised. There possible and explicit description of sex scenes, gore and language. **** "Teach me how to hate you," Xavier shrieked. He pressed her against his bare masculine chest "How did you transform a Saxton's vicious cold heart to melt? You'd have to fix this emotional damages or.." His words. Something about his words seemed dark but engrossing. Her eyes widen staring intently into his dark eyes. Monarchial Forbidden affair, between a noble and a low-born, is the case of Xavier and Ursula. This is the story of two lovers who found love against the rules of Saxton’s tradition. It's a tradition that no Saxton citizen is allowed to fall in love with an Abominable (plebian), which leads to death. Xavier, who is a soldier also called the man of valor, falls in love with a slave bought by his mother. Thinking that the secret affair would make things easier, but things don't go well, since his sister, is involved in their affair, whereas to separate them by all human means. Through their strife to provide their love, they take an oath the meet in another world. **** Falling into a love web between a Saxton citizen and a non-Saxton (from an abominable clan) in Saxton Province is considered betrayal which becomes unbearable between Xavier Salvador (A vicious Soldier referred to a man of valour) and Ursula who's from an abominable clan!! Yet they must not compromise their love for each other which leads to a whole new phase of hatred, jealousy, contempt, treachery and treason! Will Xavier choose between his family, upheaval positions like being the next 'Lord in waiting' to fulfill Saxton's laws and traditions OR would he rather sacrifice his life for a reborn only to live a brand new life with Ursula, his one true Love? Beating all odds! (Things get uglier and there is a reincarnation into the next life. The lovers' hearts find it's way back into their lives after a long strife and oppositions.)

_Blurry · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter five

The ring!

"Dinner is served, my lady!" Donna informed Mariah who was just taking off her jewelries after a long day with Mrs Cunningham, Fiona.

"You may leave!" She called

Is missed without turning to Donna then she stopped her again. "Donna?" Donna stopped instantly

"I need Marie and Nathan present at the table before i join in!" She instructed concentrating on her reflection, her snowy was glowying abd her black painted lips made its distinction..

Donna informed Marie about her mother's demands but along the way, Donna sent Ursula to Nathan's instead, Donna had forgotten about the Ale which was a culture in the family to be served, in order not to make a mistake or keep them waiting she had to send Ursula while she brings forth the Ale. Tessa was preparing Mariah's room for tonight after she eats dinner. It was a daily etiquette. There were several other maids but Donna, Tess and Ursula were assigned to special duties while the others worked on the mansion entirely

Ursula knocked on Nathan's door softly, trying hard not to upset him because he could act awful within a snap. She heard him give his permission. She entered Inside after a deep sigh to procreate confidence. She sighted a naked girl on his bare body while the sheets was covering the girl's butt cheeks. Ursula turned her back against them, she was covered in chaos. The girl wore back her gown while he wore his black trousers. He looked unbothered.

"Why did you turn? Have you not ever seen two people in the act?!" He said sarcastically with a smirk. He turned to the girl "Take the backdoor, tell the guards that i summoned you! I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Of course, Sir Nathan! Anytime!" She said with a flirty smile as she scurried away instantly. He turned to Ursula who's back faced him.

"Look at me when i talk!" He inspected fiercely. She turned immediately but her face stared at the floor instead. "You have not answered my question!" He reminded

"No sir! I have...have not!" She said. He drew closer holding unto her with slight pressure, pressing her again his chest, her eyes met his but she was totally uncomfortable. He smiled mockingly

"You could always try to ease your curiosity, poor Ursula. Indulge in such exploitation to know how it feels..."

"The lady wants you present for dinner, sir!" She reminded before he goes any further with his unruly and disgusting words.

"Oh yes!" He shrugged as he released her walking towards his bed to wear his shirt.

"Can i leave now sir?" She asked politely. He ignored and since he ignored that meant she can not leave by choice. She watched him wear his shirt then his coat then he came closer again. He stopped still staring at her lustfully. He was staring at her chest intensely, she felt uncomfortable yet she had no right to talk or complain. He sniffed her like she smelled like roses. Ursula shivered, he attempted to place a kiss on her neck then she pushed him away immediately. He was furious and wild. She regretted her actions but that was her only defense. He hit her with the back of his hand that had rings on the fingers then she fell to the ground, he had bruised her face which turned rosy as a result of the bruise.

"How dare you lay a finger? You need to be thought about the Saxton's law!" He almost yelled. A knock interrupted then he opened the door without hesitation.

"What?" He asked Donna. She was concerned about Ursula who hasn't returned from her errands.

"Everyone's waiting for you, sir! The lord and the lady seek your attention!" Donna said. He walked past her without a word as she found Ursula struggling to stand still. Donna was shocked at what she saw. She held her by the arm gently as they walked out of the room.

Donna handed Ursula to Tess because she had to be there where they ate just in case they had nasty complaints, they could never appreciate you for trying harder.

Ursula was silent, she was dumb stricken by Nathan's intensions from earlier.

Ursula sat quietly while Tess attended to get with a cup of water. Ursula's hands shivered while she drank from the cup.

"What happened, Ursula?" Tess asked coldly sitting next to her.

"No...Nothing! I...uhm...Don't worry, im fine Tess!" She said

"No Ursula! Ms Donna and i were worried over you! We thought that something might have happened!" Tessa stated outrightly

"Oh no! I'm fine. I badged into his chamber and then he got angry! It was my fault." Ursula lied. She didn't want to tell the whole story because she wanted to learn to handle things herself. Ursula looked quirky to Tess.

"You are not telling the truth, my dear! Am i not a friend enough to know what troubles you? I could help..." Tess explained almost bitterly then Ursula interrupted hastily

"I am fine, Tess! It was my fault and i paid for it!" She finalized. Tess nodded positively slowly

"Ok! Be careful!" Tess hugged her tightly. Ursula was a bit relieved. A guard interrupted them immediately as their attention turned to his.

"You both are wanted now!" He turned to leave

"Are we in trouble?" Tess asked

"Maybe you could explain what happened to the lady's missing jewelry!" He gave a daunting look and walked away

They stared at each other in chaos, it was a big problem for them tonight.

Every servant assembled while Mariah and Marie sat abreast crossing their legs respectively. Mariah raised her head up slowly with a smirk settling on her face. She stood up them walked to the servants majestically and asked. She dipped a whip into pot of fermented alcohol and turned to them with fierce look.

"If a non Saxton citizen possesses Saxton's citizen's property dhould be thrown into the dungeon for three consecutive days without food nor water." Mariah stopped

"The fourth law, mother!" Marie blurted out with a smile

"Correct, princess!" Mariah concurred. "Who has dreamt of possessing my properties, let alone my jewelry?" She asked. Everyone was silent, chattering almost silently "Lord Jim had gone out of his way to get that precious gem for a woman of worth and elegance, so how dare you steal from me?" Maria yelled out furiously.

No one had a clue or understood what she was talking about, Marie laughed out wickedly then she stood close to her mother who repeated soaked the whip into pot of alcohol. She turned to the servants first

"The lady's jewelry bag is missing and you all feign to not know what is going on? If i eventually lay fingers on that troll, then its perdition in a dungeon" She turned to Mariah. "Mother, i suggest that every blood non Saxton should be searched and their quarters be ransacked thoroughly. I will not let that troll breath find!" Marie groaned angrily while suggesting to the lady. Mariah turned to her instantly.

"Of course!" She affirmed. "Nicholas?" She called on the superior to the guards. He came hastily then bowed.

"Yes my lady?!"

"Lead the way!" Mariah instructed.

Nicholas was ahead with two guards beside him, Mariah and Marie followed then the servants who were left in confusion. Tess and Ursula speculated as well but Ursula seemed off and somewhat scared. Tess would ask severally but she'd assume to be doing fine. The daunting look that Marie had given her scared and perforated her, shewas certain that Marie must have done something quite not forgiveable.

Every room was ransacked, five other servants' room remained including Tess and Ursula. Two were ransacked, three others remained. The search stopped at a male servant named Konan while two remained,Ursula and Tess. Mariah turned to them again

"Still trying to play smart huh? Once the fire is ignited, I'd add more oil to burn even more. A wild fire!" Mariah smirked after warnung for the last time.

The soldiers entered Ursula's room while Marie couldn't stop smiling mischievously.

"This is my first scheme of perfect revolt aginst you Ursula, you'd pay!" Marie muttered inside her. Ursula tucked Tess to see Marie's face, Tess paid less attention and assumed it to be Marie's usual facial impression of fancy to punishments against the servants.

The guards didn't have to search intensely, the bag of jewelry was on the wooden table beside the lamp. They ran oit like they've been chased out by wild animals.

Mariah looked at the bag of jewelry and Ursula who stood behind, when was confused about what had happened, it seemed like a mystery to her and everyone repeatedly chattered amidst.

The guards stood before Ursula to drag her forth, Nicholas stood aside unable to believe his eyes, he did not imagine Ursula to have stolen the bag but the evidence glared.

She was brought forth before Mariah who was fuming in anger while Marie had a steady smirk on her face.

"Go on your knees!" Mariah instructed Ursula. She knelt down without revolting, there was no reason to be defensive had she tried.

Mariah squeezed Ursula's cheeks tightly, tilting Ursula's face towards hers.

"Did you have to steal my jewelry bag, desperate one? Hmm?" Mariah asked "Ever since you stepped your miserable feet into this mansion, you have been nothing but trouble but guess what honey?" Mariah strangled Ursula by the neck while Ursula gasped for air "You'd pay for intruding! After i must have lashed your skin to bleed then you'd be thrown into the dungeon as promised. I respect Saxton for such laws as this!" Mariah released her to the floor. The servants were petrified even more, Mariah turned to them.

"To the field!" Mariah commanded and everyone obeyed.

The soaked whip had swollen. Ursula knelt down to the detriment before her yet she was chained to a pole. Mariah and Marie were sitting under the thatched roof that was also decorated with bamboo sticks.

"Lady Mariah, i didn't do it!" Ursula pleaded in tears

"Silence!" Mariah Interrupted "There's no mercy under this era, you have erred so its irrevocable!" She reminded without a pinch of concern "Make her bleed!" Mariah instructed. Everyone watched her get beaten by the guards mercilessly. Tess couldn't watch, she had been crying right from the moment the bag was found in Ursula's room. They were all dismayed except for Mariah and Marie who smiled at the brutality they instigated.

Ursula clothe was drenched in her own blood, she was bruised on the face and around, she was almost breathless and weak.

"This is only the beginning! If anyone tries to possess what you were not born to possess, I'd double perdition's heat! Did you hear me or not?" She groaned

"Yes our lady!" They answered in unison covered in fright.

"Throw her into the dungeon!" Mariah ordered, she left and Marie followed unfailingly.

She was dragged to the dungeon under the basement, the lady had authorised everyone not to see or feed her, it was a dark room that had only a burning candle that could be exhausted in less than an hour, the cold floor was no where close to friendly, her body was sore and bruised, the scratches and wounds wouldn't stop hurting her.she coukd think of nothing but her mother and yet she wished for Sir Xavier, just maybe he could help; she thought. How could he save me while i was in possession of the jewelry his mother owned, she reminded herself. She curled up at a dark corner drenched in tears and her blood. She couldn't help but cry out as often as he could.