
Chapter Fourteen

"It will soon be over okay, now that am staying there I would get something doing; I am sure he would not prevent me from working he doesn't pay or give me anything the least he could do is allow me work" 

Tanya prayed in her heart he would let her work, she feared he might not allow her work, no matter how much she didn't ask him for anything and wished she could not ask him but that was impossible. The talked for so long while Tanya waited for her father she wanted to ask him a lot of question, she knew its was never his routine to be at home this time but she wanted to see him and let out her grievances.

Tanya left the house promising to come back visiting; she could not stay any longer the guards were already telling her to hurry up since her father didn't show up and she notice Damon asking if they have gotten to the mansion she doesn't want any of his trouble this moment ;.

When she went home Damon has left the house she was relieved.

She meet two maids sitting under a shade since she was feeling  bored and needed someone to talk to she decided to join them 

"Hello I'm Tanya" she introduced her self with a small smile

"I am Claudia nice to meet you" the first maid was chubby short hair replied with a smile

"I'm Leah nice to meet you too " the second with hair replied but her face wasn't looking welcoming at all was she mad at her, if she could remember clearly she has not had any from of disagreement with the maids so why was this one attitude a bit off?

Tanya was glad the other wasn't rude, although the looked at her the same way every one was looking at her she didn't mind

"Can I sit?" She asked pointing to a seat beside them 

"No you can't" Leah replied not caring to hide the hatred in her eyes 

"Can't you see we were talking before you came here you should be in your room waiting to be fucked and brutally beaten" 

"I beg your pardon" now she knew what this maids thought of her it wasn't their fault their master said it from the beginning that she was his slave she wasn't surprised the news should be everywhere in the house ; she never imagined they could say it to her face 

Their boss was never gentle with her in their presence or absent it was normal for them to be rude towards her.

Tanya just stared at her not knowing the respond she would give, it was clear this lady had a thing against her and she wasn't sure what it was 

"Sure!" Claudia replied her brow creased while she looked at Leah; she shifted a little making enough space for Tanya to sit down.

"I hear you the boss sex slave?" Claudia ask with her eyes wide open; Tanya nearly coughed the maid was so straight forward , it was though she wanted to ask her the question for a while now.

Although she was surprise by her question she nodded slightly.

Claudia turned to look at Leah telling her their assumptions were true.

"Thought he was in a relationship with Mrs kourtney?" Claudia ask no one in particular 

Tanya wondered who that was; she has never seen him with anyone aside from the one which was flirting with him the other day.

"Heard you went to his room last night" Tanya nodded  

"You know some people would do anything if he took a glance at them" Claudia said not minding the vicious stares Leah was giving her; Tanya noticed the tension between them and understood something;.

This blonde is jealous of her, she laughed internally not want to embarrass them or herself , here she thinking on how to survive in the hands of that demon and there is someone dying to be noticed by him

What an irony!

If she could fulfill wished she would have granted this lady's desire.

Tanya glanced at Claudia who had a sorry expression on her face towards her and Leah was just looking like her secret has been exposed.

"There are rumors of boss not having a woman twice except for miss kourtney everyone is surprise that he is keeping you as a slave and an exquisite one at that everyone thinks he is using you to clear that rumor"

"What rumor?" Tanya ask confused

"Perhaps he is not  committed to miss kourtney I guess"  Claudia said in a hushed tone; Tanya felt like laughed this lady is surely  talkative! She couldn't blame Leah for glaring at her she spoke so freely not caring if ur are mindful of what she is saying to you and he had begun to like her already.

She was the perfect tool for getting information.

"Is that so?" Tanya asked her eyes widening in surprise; if the rumor is true that means it was good news for her .

"Yes I think the rumors are getting to much so he wants to silence it, his grandfather had ask him to marry kourtney several occasions he doesn't want to so he got you to keep the matter off the table for the time being.

Tanya thought to herself; the explanation was quite understandable, he said her father was owing him and the maids are saying a different story.

This is one hell of a big mess she had gotten herself into and getting out of it would too risky; 

Now she thought about he had ask her to strip the first and second time they were alone in his room; he didn't want to touch her he just doesn't want to appear committed to the miss Claudia talked about, perhaps if she questions the maids and guards she would be told he had a slave and she had gone to his quarters a few times.

The more Tanya thought about it the more happier she became if it was so then she would just comply to his excessive demands, he won't touch her at least he doesn't find her attractive.