
His Kinky Condition

"Very well then, I think this is not the proposal you are expecting but I am a businessman Ms. Jones. And I only want something that can be beneficial. I don't do charity. And this is the best offer I can give you. If you don't want it sign the contract and leave." the authority in his voice is telling her that she offended the man and that thought make her calmed down a bit. Then she bit her lip again and decided to look at him.

Jomaica_C · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 4

After days of packing and boxing all her belongings, she sighs loudly as she takes in her surroundings. The sadness she felt before she went to Mr. Black's house was still there but she surely is handling it very well. Her life has changed drastically. She decided to donate all the things that are not a necessity for her. She even sold her car to have extra money just in case of an emergency. Her job is stable but she's not sure what will happen in the future. And the fact that she seldom goes out made her decision of selling very easy.

The loud noise of the phone ringing made her stop daydreaming. She went and answers the phone wondering who will it be.

"Hello?" there's uncertainty in her voice.

"Merry?" she heard the familiar voice of her manager.

"Joset? I thought you were out of the country. Are you back now?" she asked happily.

"I'm calling overseas. Merry, we have a problem..." her manager sounded sad and troubled.

"Is it about the deadline for my book? I'm working on it. You don't have to worry about it." she said hoping it will cheer her manager.

"It isn't about the deadline Mer. The publishing company canceled our contract and they don't want your book to be published anymore." she gasps.

"Why? What happened? Are there any shortcomings on my end?"

"No, no Mer. They said that they don't have any funds for it anymore." she's nodding like she's talking with her manager face to face.

"I guess it's okay, we just have to look for another publishing company, right?"

"I already did. I've been sending emails to almost all of the publishing companies in the country but every time I give your name they immediately decline our proposal. My friend who works closely with the president of CMJ Publishing said that you were banned from all the publishing houses. That's why I'm calling you now. I want to know if there's something wrong that happened to you when I was not there?" her brows furrowed. Who could have the power to ban her name from the industry of writing?

And then she thought of that one event she was in. Her negotiation with Mr. Black. But why would he do that? Just because she declined to be his mistress? That is so petty. She's mad and upset now. But she calms herself. She doesn't want her only friend to be worried while she's on her vacation.

"Nothing that I could think of. But hey! It's okay Jo. I've been thinking to take a rest by the way. So for now we just have to slow down about the book. We can worry about this when you get home." she's lying. Writing has been her world for the past few years. And her turning back on it breaks her heart into pieces.

"Are you sure Mer? You know I won't be back yet. I promised my mom a 3-months vacation here in our hometown." she knows that, the reason why she doesn't want her to be worried.

"Yes, I'm sure Jo. We can figure it out when you're home. And oh by the way, please give me your cellphone number." she's relieved now that Jo has called. She doesn't have any way of contacting her once she moved out of her house.

"Why? I thought you don't wanna have a cellphone? What changed your mind?"

"Yes, I just realized that it's time to be modernized," she said while smiling like an idiot

"Oh that's a good thought Neanderthal!" and with that, she laughs together with Jo forgetting the problem they have at the moment.

After her call from Joset, she calls the moving company to inform them about her change of plans. She initially planned to be moved by tomorrow but the man who now owns her house is sabotaging her life. She felt the need to run away from him.

"Hi, this is Merry Jones and I have made a schedule which will be tomorrow." she started.

"One second, I will just have to look for your name on our system," she whisper a soft thank you as she patiently waited for the other line. "Yes, that is confirmed, Ms. Jones. Is there any problem?" she shakes her head. And she realized that she has to use her words.

"I want to know if I can move the schedule by today?"

"That would be alright if we have available trucks at the moment. Let me check it for you." another minute passed until she heard something from the other line. "Well you're lucky Ms. Jones, we have an available truck for your disposal. Please be ready, our staff are on their way." she happily said thank you and did another round of checking her stuff. After not too long of waiting the truck is already parked outside of her house. No scratch that, it's Mr. Black's house now.



I wanted to make it short because I feel like the previous chapters are too long? Let me know your thoughts :)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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