
The Witch

Kai turned and walked out of the bathroom, leaving me standing and wondering what had happened. I took off the blood soaked t-shirt and threw it into the laundry bin before turning to look at myself in the mirror.

I had blood splattered across my face and some on my neck. I wiped it off and slid on the shirt Kai had handed me. I ran my fingers through my hair and stared at my reflection trying to peice together what happened.

I heard Kai come back into the room and I walked out of the bathroom to meet him.

"Alright the witch and Marcus are in my private office. You ready?" He said while walking towards me. I got up on my tiptoes for a kiss and he leaned down towards me before we heard a knock on the door.

"C'mon guys we don't have all day" Marcus said through the door before his footsteps headed back towards the office. I placed a kiss on Kai's cheek before we turned and went to the office.

In the office Marcus sat with his feet up on the coffee table engaged in a quiet conversation between a woman who I assumed was the witch. She turned as we walked in the door and her beautiful sharp features scanned my body before he pointed lips turned up into a smile and she stood to greet me.

She had pure white hair that was cut into a sleek bob at her shoulders and a light pink sundress on that went to her knees. She immediately embraced me into a hug and I stiffly hugged her back.

"Marcus has told me so much about you already!I think we're going to be good friends." she said with a wink. Her soothing voice made me feel as though I could trust her so I nodded with a smile.

"So Maryann, do you know the cause of her ability to use and access immortal power?" Kai asked from behind me.

Maryann nodded and smiled at him before looking back at me. "Yes, Its quite an easy anwser actually." she said before turning to sit back down. I followed her actions looking at her intensely. "Kai's blood and power is extremely strong, and with Cassies birth being for this spefic pourpose it's like she's already turned." She said matter of factly.

I nodded. It made sence, but for some reason I felt like there was a twist. She took a deep breath before continuing. "Here's the thing. If you to were to have sex before she is fully turned it could cause her to lose control. I'm going to assume you haven't because she is perfectly fine as of now." She said before turning to Kai "and word of warning. I would suggest turing her sooner rather then later, because the same could happen if she continues with these patterns."

Kai nodded and looked to Marcus. "Marcus please go down and send the council onto their next stop." he said and walked to stand next to me. "Maryann I have another request from you." he said while placing a hand in my shoulder.

She nodded and waited for him to continue. "Will you spell our bedroom to be sound proofed and protected from people with ill intent?" Maryann nodded and stood up.

"Show me the areas you want charmed?" she asked while looking at me. I nodded and stood to lead her into our bedroom. She followed behind me with a peppy step. Kai cleared his throat before I left the room and I turned to look at him.

"Cassie, by the way Maryann is my half sister." he said with a smirk. I smiled and looked at her and then saw the resemblance between the two. She had the same eyes as Kai. I nodded and continued to lead Maryann to the bedroom.

I showed Maryann the room and watched as she worked. She began to chant under her breath with her hands raised, palms out towards the wall in front of her. She moved quickly around the room, and I watched the air in front of her hands swirl with a blurry green and blue hue.

She finished and turned to me with a smile. "All done!" she said before sitting with a thud on one of the sofas. I sat next to her and tucked my legs up into myself and rested my head against my knees.

She looked to me and smiled. "You know, I saw you when Kai and I were younger thousands of years ago." she paused and grabbed the TV remote, starting to flip through all the channels. "You're much prettier then I remember." she said before scooting closer to me and turning on a movie.

I grinned and turned to watch the movie with her. In no time we were laying over each other and giggling like children. I instantly felt close to her, like someone I had grown up with. Our instant friendship blossomed more with each passing second.

Maryann and I were in a fit of giggles as Kai entered the room and we turned to see him standing in the doorway looking bewildered, making us start to laugh harder. He walked over to us and looked at the movie in the TV which we had long forgotten about.

"Whats so funnny?" he asked with his eyebrow raised as he lifted my legs to sit on the sofa. My head was on Maryanns legs and we looked at each other and began to laugh again.

After I caught my breath I turned to him and told him how she was telling me stories of their childhood. Maryann was older then Kai and was born from a fling their father had had before meeting Kais mother, his eternal mate.

Kai looked over to Maryann quickly and scowled "Okay no more." he said with a huff before leaning down and pulling me onto his lap.

"Wait, Kai" I said while looking into his eyes with a pout. "Can Mary stay with us while im transforming?" I pulled my best puppy dog eyes. He sighed and nodded.

"Now out." he said and Maryann stood up with with a grin. She walked to the door and opened it with a twinkle in her eyes.

"See you two lovebirds in the morning." she sad before shutting the door. I turned and smiled at Kai before snuggling into his chest. He stood and sat me on the bed before trying to detach me from him. I held on and locked my legs around him.

"I need to go get dressed, Kitten" he said into my hair. I shook my head, not wanting to be away from him. He chuckled and walked to the closet with me still locked onto him. "Will you at least just sit in here while I change, and then i promise I won't move all night." I nodded and he set me down on the island in the closet.

I watched as he undid his tie and threw it into the laundry bin. He turned to me as he undid the buttons on his shirt, I watched as each movement of his fingers seemed to be in slow motion. He chuckled and finished unbuttioning his shirt pulling it off. He walked towards me and stood between my legs.

"Dont get yourself worked up, Kitten. I can't do anything until you're fully changed." he said and kissed my cheek before quickly changing into some sweats. He picked me back up and walked back to the bed, throwing back the comforters and crawling in with me still clinging to him.

Kai quickly turned off the lights and I snuggled into him whilst drifting to sleep.