
His HOT Wife

I've married the man whose responsible for my broken heart. I've hurt, cried, and pitied myself enough. And no more. I'll make him regret ever breaking my heart. I'll never forget and forgive him for his betrayal. I hate him..with every fiber of my being. I hate his annoyingly handsome face. His hypnotizing ocean blue of an eyes. I hate his frustratingly well-built body. But what really hits me in the guts HARD is the fact that no matter how much I try to prevent myself from ever feeling something for him again, he just makes it SO.DAMN.HARD. for me to. One moment he annoys me, and overwhelms me the next. Will the protective walls I built around my shattered heart hold for long no matter how much I struggle to keep it strong? Will I ever, if not truly heal, be able to fully love and trust someone, him, again? Or will I just make a run for it before I gave in and make the mistake of handing my already broken heart for the second time?

NZomi18 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter Three: Drey

Drey's POV

"I'm not going inside your room."

she said behind me in a warning more like threatening tone.

I can't believe I made her like this.

The sweet, innocent, and loving Nash was gone because of the jerk of a fucker that was me.

But no matter how upset she was with me, provoking and stirring the lust in slumber out of me was not a very clever move.

Especially with this very tempting materials plastered on her sinfully perfect body I didn't know she has until today,

She calls this flimsy piece of a clothe a  proper one.


I could imagine seeing men checking her out

and I feel like beating some fucker's face beyond recognition then.

My rage came with vengeance...

"Scared?"I said in a teasing way.

"Now, you can't just go and get away with almost wearing something that doesn't leave something in the imagination and plan on leaving for fuck knows how long!"

"Who else would you be seducing if not your own husband eh Loraine?"

"You'd think that 'cause god knows how familiar you become on roaming women's bodies..god knows how many of them you've bedded with!" she exclaimed.

That made me speechless.

Now, I was just being a jerk.

I mentally kicked myself.

I knew better not to bring this matter up and now? I just did.

Great Drey, just great..put salt to the fresh wound why don't you?

Why don't you just burn in hell?

I opened the door to my bedroom which was just beside her's, if you don't count the distance..that is.

"Put me down Stranton. Now," she commanded.

I ignored her and went in.

"We're going to talk this out Loraine, this has been going on for forever. It's about time to move forward and quit dwelling on the past."I stated earnestly.

She snickered. What the--!!??

I put her down on my bed rather a little harshly.

She yelped and bounced off the bed and landed with a swift thud.

I do not tolerate this manners of hers..Is this woman making fun of the situation? Of me? Well, fuck that! I'm pissed off with this new Nash! I refused to marvel how she looks so damn hot and perfect lying on my bed looking up at me as I towered her.

"It's funny you'd say that."she said and laughed bitterly.

She then propped herself up with elbow supporting her upper body's weight, chin up as she glared at me

Glaring she continued "In your dreams Stranton...in your goddamned dreams."

I glared back at her.

Oh that mouth of hers...and right then I was blessed with the opportunity to check her out up close.

Christ, did she not look so fucking beautiful and hot!

I noticed her tensed up and pressed her thighs together under my gaze.

I grinned and made my way back up to her lovely face and settled to her beautiful smoky gray eyes that stared back at me in disgust and hate so overwhelming it hit me hard in the gut and caused a chaos in my head and stupid heart.

I unconsciously took a step back.

Did she hate me that much? Loathe me even?

Of course, she does.

Is there no saving her? Us?

Is there even an us?

How far will this hatred of her eat her and probably me alive?

I was so preoccupied with giving her the time and space she wanted,

thinking it was all that she needed.

I never really tried to apologize to her and work things out for us.

And I'm to blame that it ended up this bad.

I was a jerk,

an asshole for thinking that it's all she needed to move on.

I mentally punched myself.

She stood up not tearing her eyes away from me.

"Go to hell Stranton," she said in my face and started for the door.

It never occurred to me...

until now,

It hit me like a stab of a knife.

now realizing her real deal when she addresses me that name...my surname, which she now carries like a bad word.

She never called me by my first name like she used to...

"Fuck!"I muttered under my breath and heard the door click close after her as she left.

What now Drey fucking Stranton? I asked my fucking self. What now?