
Chapter 33: Quality Time

It had been several days since the ball and Katerina stayed within the walls of Ezra's room. She was brought food three times a day by the maids of the castle. It was probably the most exceptional meals she ate her entire life, but Ezra had not visited her since.

Katerina had a standard childhood before her parents were killed. They lived in a small town called Vienna just west of the Fraiser Kingdom. Fraiser was approximately 300 miles south of the Mobley Kingdom. While most Kingdoms were ran by vampires, there were some small human governed ones.

Her family was categorized on the lower end of the income spectrum, but nonetheless had everything her parents could give her. She was a reader, and her father would bring a book home every week for her to read something new. He worked close by the library, so when he and other workers received payment, he would get her a new book.

Katerina was brilliant and incredibly intelligent compared to other children in the village. She was a problem solver who could design an easy solution. Her mother stayed home often, sometimes assisting doctors to help heal people in need. She believes that the reason she is so caring and compassionate is because of her mother. Her mother understood that when people are hurt are just in need of comfort. Her father admired that trait about her and it enhanced the love they shared.

When Katerina was five, the village was scavenged by vampires. Killing families and children. Her mother and father sacrificed themselves to provide an escape for their daughter. It was how she became to live with her aunt Annie and uncle Kieran. They also shared a daughter, Bethany. The cousins were inseparable, but Bethany was some years older than she so when she moved away, Katerina was more lonely. Bethany wrote letters to them, writing on and on about how the traveling was well and she enjoyed the new scenery.

Over the next months, Bethany wrote less and less. Her words were more straight and to the point. In one letter, Katerina remembered that she had found a man to love her. They met at an art gallery. It was practically an invitation to come visit them, however, no other letters arrived after that. Annie and Kieran decided to travel to where she was to see her.

That is when they traveled as far as the outskirts of Mobley.

Katerina sat on the daybed next to the opening of the balcony. It was almost noon and she anticipated lunch would be there soon. It was the only time she interacted with another human without being forced into fear.

She pushed the curls away from her face, brushing her fingers over the scratch on her cheek bone. It sent a shiver down her spine at the memory of the ball. How naive of her to listen to a man that Ezra adherently opposed. She must have disappointed him to the extent of avoiding her presence.

Her thoughts began to wonder, or worse, she thought. He was probably planning some extensive torturous event that would ultimately end with her death. Katerina's heart began to race, pounding an echo through her ears.

"Haven't I said before to control your heart rate?" A familiar voice made Katerina stiffen her posture. Her eyes trailed over to the door to see Ezra holding a tray. She hadn't even heard him come in.

Breathless, "I-I'm sorry." She managed.

Ezra ignored her and walked over to the balcony, pulling the curtain open to reveal the sunshine. He stepped out and placed the tray on the table. Katerina stood up and Ezra motioned her to sit and eat.

Ezra sat on the other side and placed his elbow on the arm of the chair and rested his hand against his cheek.

"No other words to greet me with?" He scoffed. "Not even a thank you for bringing you lunch?"

Katerina lowered her head, "Thank you." She spoke softly.

Ezra half smiled. "It doesn't count now."

Katerina was feeling nervous. Her hands began to sweat as her fingers consistently rolled over each other in habit. She wanted to say something, anything to break the silence. Maybe she should apologize for the ball.

"I'm sorry for wha-" Ezra cut her off with a stare. His eyes intensified in color.

"You were foolish." He stated coldly. "Not only did you endanger yourself, but you completely defied my command."

Katerina said nothing. This man protected her from others even when he was a bully to her himself. She should be grateful.

Ezra sighed and looked over at the balcony edge. The waves of the ocean gently crashed against the brick at the bottom.

"I'm ordered to be rid of you."

Katerina felt sick. She knew it was coming.

"Lucky for you." He smirked. "I don't listen to commands either." His eyes went back to her, who was staring back at him. He wasn't expecting her to look directly at him, but she was more bold than others. Her eyes made him lose focus for a moment and he hitched his breath to regain control.

"Something has to change in order for you to stay here."

"Why do you want me here?" She blurted. Unaware of the repercussions to follow, her thoughts overwhelmed her to speak.

Ezra furrowed his brows, stood up and walked over to her side. He leaned down, breathing in her scent while maintaining a straight expression. He wanted to know himself. He wanted to know why he was drawn to her. It couldn't have just been because she was an exotic human species. No. There had to be something else. He couldn't answer her question.

Silence fell among them as he kept still. Their faces inches away from each other. He studied her face, searching for some type of answer for anything.

Katerina watched his eyes look over her face. He looked as confused as her, but his closeness only made her feel weak. Weak in the way that she should fall to her knees and submit, but she didn't want to nor did she believe she should. She was grateful that he continued to protect her, but how much longer would it last?

The dance they shared at the ball, changed her thoughts about him. He wasn't so cruel, maybe at one time in his decades of life but something was different. Katerina lost her entire family, and her cousin might be gone too. This man was essentially everything she had left, but this place was not going to be easy to stay in.

Katerina's heart beat picked up in pace again when Ezra lifted a finger to run over the almost completely healed scratch. His eyes deepened in color, a burgundy. She allowed him to linger against her skin, relaxing her body and lowering her heart rate.

He smiled. "That's better." He drew his hand back, pleased with the affect he had on her, then spoke again. "I'd like to spend time together."

His words bewildered her, and her expression made him rethink.

"The relationship between a pet and their owner is typically strong." He attempted to explain, stepping away from her. "It might help if we get to know each other."

Happy Valentines Day <3

NoelleClarkecreators' thoughts