
Chapter 19: Run

"I don't understand." Katerina said. "I thought you were a prince?"

"It's nice that you have finally come to terms with that." He smiled.

"You make the rules do you not?" She began to become nervous at the thought of her own death. "How can someone do something that you do not agree with?"

"It's more complicated then that, Katerina." He began to walk back towards the castle. "There is a justice system that even me or my father cannot intrude on. It allows for order to be kept in place. If a royal member were to do wrong then the justice system would appropriately take care of it."

He noticed her emotions becoming a bit entwined. "Quiet you. I won't let it come to that." She felt a sense of relief when he said that and relaxed her body to follow him.

"What are the other responsibilities of a pet?" She questioned as they walked.

Without turning to look at her, "Obeying is the number one priority right now. Humans have such a loud mouth in which they cannot hold their tongues. Learning to know when to speak and when not to speak will be the next thing you must know."

"Anything else?" She pressed.

"Among the simplistic rules. A pet usually pleases their owner." He turned his head slightly to smile at her, searching for her reaction but she had no idea what he meant.

Knitting her brows together, she tried to think about what he meant. Suddenly, her cheeks turned a brighter red than they have ever been. "I cannot.." She stuttered.

"That's okay." He raised his brow. "I don't mind taking you when I want. You would eventually give in to desiring me."

She stopped walking, "No. I will not!" Stepping back, she gazed at him with a look of disappointment. She had no intentions to give up her purity in such a way that it was forcefully taken from her. She wanted to save herself until she married to a man she dearly loved and come to think about it, she didn't believe she would ever be given the chance now.

He closed his eyes in annoyance and turned around, "Your innocence will get you killed." He turned back around to walk again. "Come."

She shook her head, reaching up to yank and pull at her collar to get it off. She wasn't going anywhere with this sadistic creature.

"Katerina, you are testing my patience. Stop fiddling with that thing and follow before you anger me."

Her heart began to race while she scanned her eyes across the wooded area. It was thick around this path. Maybe he would lose me, she thought. Thinking she could out run a vampire, her mind decided to try and escape him while she could. With quick, unintelligent thinking, she picked up her feet to push her legs as fast as she could into the thick shrubs and trees.

"Katerina.." he growled and turned around to see she had vanished into the woods. With an irritating twitch rising in his face, he loosened the tie around his neck. "Such a rash decision maker she is. This chase will be fun." He stood there for a moment to allow her to catch some distance between them.

She held her arms up in front of her face as she pushed through the branches and bushes. At some point, she felt as if she was running through a pack of thorns with how painful her arms began to feel but she did not stop. She was stupid to think that she was going to be able to stay here. These vampires..they are all monsters, she thought. Her willingness and perseverance to get away from Caine Castle only made her more determined to run faster. The white gown she had on was beginning to tear seams and fray away from the material.

She hadn't known how far she got but she also hadn't noticed that Ezra wasn't following her. She didn't care if he was because she only wanted to get away from him and the wretched vampires. They didn't care about humans but only themselves. Katerina was growing tired from running, but she continued to push herself until she felt her calves begin to burn in straining. She gritted her teeth together to bypass the pain, but she suddenly pushed through a thickened bush and landed on a path. It was a small dirt path and it looked like it was used frequently with the wagon wheel tracks going both ways. She looked to the right of her and the left of herself to see the paths stretching for probably miles.

Her mouth felt dry and beads of sweat trickled from her forehead down to the bottom of her jawline. The collar was still tightly bound around her neck and the running managed to leave a mild raw spot in some areas. Placing her hands on her knees and hunching over, she took deep breaths and wondered if she was able to free herself from Ezra.

After a moment went by, a carriage was stomping down the path with four horses pulling it. It was traveling at quite a speed that Katerina had to step out of the pathway in an attempt to hide in case it was a royal carriage. She cowered into the shadows but the carriage slowed down to a stop directly in front of her.

Biting her lip, she thought this was the end. That she was going to be executed in punishment for fleeing the prince. Her eyes closed tightly as the carriage driver stepped down and opened the rather large carriage door.

"Miss?" A voice called from inside the carriage.

Katerina still held her eyes closed tightly and pretended that she was frozen.

"There is no need to be afraid miss." The deepened voice spoke again as a body appeared from inside the carriage. "You look like you could use a friend. Please do come in."

She opened her eyes to see a handsomely smiling gentleman peeking out of the carriage door. As naive as she was, her feet began to step forward in hesitation.

"Are you alright?" He asked her while still smiling. "You look very injured. I will help you." His voice sounded very kind and it actually made Katerina feel safe. It reminded her of her father and how caring the man was.

"Help her Harold." he demanded the carriage driver to help Katerina into the carriage. The door closed and the driver began to handle the horses once again.

The man sat across from Katerina, eyeing her intently. "I won't hurt you miss. Are you alright?" He asked her again, hoping she would respond.

"I-I'm fine.." She whispered lowly, truly exhausted from running.

He nodded and crossed his left leg over his right and placed his hand on his knee. "What is your name?"

She was reluctant to tell him, wondering if she should. She had no idea how far she had gotten from the castle but maybe she had gotten far enough to be in protective territory. At this point, she only wanted rest and water so maybe this kind man could give her that.

"Katerina." Her eyes never looked at him.

Another smile crept upon his face, "Hello Katerina." He leaned forward from his seat to look at her a bit more, "It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Alessandro."

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