
Rob’s Business Proposal

Billie Bob Taylor 


"I have a business proposal for you," Rob smiled once we entered the house. 

Winter was quickly approaching this year and the landscape of late November really started to display it. The ranch always had this depressing dryness during the winter and since I had been spending most of my time in a heated floor house, I regretted only wearing a hoodie. 

I was desperate to get inside to drink a hot cup of cocoa, scratch that since Benedito had ruined hot chocolate for me, I was desperate to get inside to drink anything warm. 

"And what's that?" I chuckled as we all headed for the kitchen. 

"Evelyn mentioned this beer she once had in South Africa," he explained as I went straight for the pantry to find any sort of decaffeinated tea. As usual I found absolutely nothing because if it was not ice cold beer or coffee it did not go down Rob's throat.