
chapter 31

"You sure this is the place?" Luka asked.

Xavier didn't reply and kept moving ahead towards a small house.

When he entered, there was his team of 12 guards all stationed at their places and a man sitting on the chair coughing blood after getting pummelled.

"Is he who I think he is?"

Nodding Xavier stood infront of him and took off his jacket handing it over to one of his men.

"You dragged me all the way from the airport after an eleven hours long ass flight to this? I'm disappointed man, you no my bestie anymore"

"Shut the fuck up Luka and get on with it"

"This is child abuse" He murmured and punched the middle aged man in the face multiple times.

"The one you gave the city land to, who's that person?" he asked calmly.

"I told you I don't know. I was offered more money and I did what any human would" he spit the blood and shakily replied.

"We both know you're lying and I will not ask so nicely again. Who. was. that. person."

" I don't-"

" Wrong-fucking-answer"

He gestured Luka to continue and sat down on the sofa comfortably watching the other man scream in agony.

Luka smiled devilishly and picked up a plucker and took a hold of his hand. He started counting,

"One, Two, Three, Ten oops-"

The man couldn't even blink when suddenly his nail was pulled out by Luka who stood their smiling innocently, his hands holding his nail and blood dropping from it.

"Sorry it's been a couple of decades since I did counting like that so forgive me for that slip up"

Their was no end to his screams and crying, even when he said he is ready to give them the name Luka only ever stopped after he was stripped of all five of his nails of one hand.

He was enjoying it too much to just stop like that.

Xavier got up and bent down to his level staring him right in the eye


"I-I was con-contacted by-by a man named Dino. He said he would send me to P-Paris and get me women and a house there as well"

"Tell me more about this Dino. You met him before?"

" No we talked on phone and I received cash payments through courier."

"That's all?"

" Yes sir. I'm so sorry please let me go. I have a fiance"

" Bastard still wanted whores in Paris. Asshole" Luka scoffed.

" Kill him"

" No wait wait- Santiago knows him, his face. Now please let me go"

Xavier took the gun from the hands of Enzo and put it in his mouth and pulled the trigger, effectively killing him on the spot while the poor man scratched his hand and thrashed around in his seat but to no avail.

He wiped the little blood that splashed on him and walked out, half of the people following him and half staying back to take care of the mess.

"So Santiago?"

"Yeah but not today I have an important appointment"

"With a certain person who apparently loves chocolates?"

"Might be"

"Did somebody tell you?" he stopped and put his hand on his shoulder and asked him looking serious.

" What?"

" That you're so fucking whipped lmao" he laughed so hard snorting and coughing in the middle while Xavier stood there looking at him with disgust and sat down in the car not waiting for him and drove off.

"Hey wait- Fuckerrrrr!"

He stopped by his office, did his work for an hour, got changed and headed home where he knew his girl was waiting for him.

As soon as he parked his car in the driveway Ailee came up running to him and jumped in his arms and Doodle barked from behind.

"We missed you so much. How was work?" she asked pressing a firm kiss on his forehead. He closed his eyes and breathed in her scent.

"Tiring. Yours?"

"Great. Me and Doodle had so much fun in your garden I was planting some new flowers that I brought from my house but he won't let me put them down so I kept them away and thought we would do this together when one of us can hold him back and also I tried to teach him how to do high five but he kept licking my hand instead an-"

" Breathe Coco breathe" he said removing the hairs that were falling on her face.

" And I think we should get inside unless you want both of us to get sick"

"Umm yeah sorry" she smiled sheepishly and slipped down from his embrace.

"It's alright" he held her waist and they got inside.

"Why can't he keep his mouth shut?" he asked pointing at the puppy who hadn't stopped barking since he stepped into the house.

"You haven't greeted him like you did to me. He is sad"

He looked at the dog and then at Ailee who was looking at him so hopefully. Both of them giving him the famous puppy eyes and he sighed rubbing his temple.

He crouched down and reluctantly gave the puppy some belly rubs and he looked so much happier now.

"See you both are practically best friends"

"Are we talking about me?" Asked Luka entering while giving everyone a toothy smile.

"Yeah dog always you" Xavier said and left the place to freshen up.

"Nevermind him. Welcome Luka" she said smiling kindly and taking him inside.

"For the first time I'm getting such a warm welcome in that grumpy ass man's house and hi sunshine I was dying to meet you again"

She giggled and picked up Doodle in his arms.

Luka gasped like the dramatic ass he is and snatched the puppy from her.

"God another cutie in the devil's house why? Can I kidnap it? Y'all in the wrong place like the wrongest place you can be on this planet."

" We're in the right place. He cares for us both so much anyway you want something to drink or eat"

" Who am I to say no to Free food?"

" By the way is it yours? or its actually his?"

" Well he found us here and now he is ours. His name's Doodle"

" That's a cute lovestory"

They both went to the kitchen and drank the fruit smoothie while waiting for Xavier to come down.

" And imagine my face when I heard their moans before their naked figures could appear and my parents were as awkward-"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

" We're talking about a movie duh?"

" What movie? She only watches fucking tangled and Frozen and those walking yellow cylinders what you call them" he asked turning to her.

" Minions" she helped him remember.

" Yeah those and I don't recall having R rated scene in any of them"

" Shit my bad"

" I knew calling you here would be a bad idea"

" But you love me"

" The hell I do"

Ailee quietly slipped out of her seat and served the food while the big babies were bickering and then called them in.

" This is so delicious. You're teaching it all to me one day"

" Sure I would love to"

" So when's the wedding?"

" Already happened. Oh wait shit I forgot to call you" Xavier smirked.

" Das not funny bro. I'll be the best man I don't care what."

" Let's go to the beach" she stopped them before they could start again.

" Yeah let's go. It's been a million years since I went there"

"Were you not just there building sand castles with your nieces yester-"

" Okay fucking got it Alexa. You're sucha party pooper."

" How did you both survive together for this long?"

Ailee asked chuckling.

" It was me- I Practically raised him up- My child- So much pain I went through. Please feel sorry for me" he said between fake hiccups and wiping his fake tears.

" I'm so sorry" she said and burst out laughing looking at her boyfriend's face, he was barely holding back himself from strangling his friend.

" All day Luka and not one sensible word came out of your mouth"

Luka just showed him his tongue and got back to eating.

After their meal they ended up dropping Ailee before they could go to a beach.


"Xavier when are we meeting up with Santiago?"


"You think he'll tell us?"

"He has no reason not to"

"That is true but I can't think of someone who would plan against you with so much patience usually they are more..... loud you know."

"Hmm I'll take care of everything but I don't want Coco to be dragged in my shit. If they are watching us then there is a high chance of her safety being compromised."

" Right. She is a sweet little thing. I wonder how she'll react when she'll find out you ditched her and brought me to the beach instead." he asked discretely creating a distance between them.

" You were driving and said you have something important to tell me and brought me here."

" I did not"

" I am leaving your ass here then"

" You wouldn't do tha- I know you would sorry my bad" he said when Xavier gave him a look that said 'try me bitch'.

Noticing the passersby looking at them curiously he pulled a pouty face and started clinging on his arm saying,

" Honey don't do this to me, where would I go? I am your wittle baby right. Come lemme give you a kissy"

Xavier cringed so hard and pushed him on the ground and ran to his car hearing people talk rather loudly about them.

As soon as he sat in the car, Luka came and settled in the passenger seat and smiled sweetly

" You forgot to pick me up Zaddy"

Xavier punched him in the face lightly and started laughing loudly.

" You are a fucker"

" Thank you. But let's go baby our bed is calling us"

" You have a bigger house than I do. What for?"

" My girlfriend, my dog, workers etc"

" You better start paying me rent at this point"

" Yeah yeah I will give you 1 kiss per day. Oh My poor luscious lips"

" You say one more word and I'm throwing your ass so far even Enzo won't be able to track it back."

He zipped his mouth but a second later blasted Taylor Swift's songs in the car while singing loudly along with it and they went home like that.
