
Office romance

You could hear a pin drop in Seth's office because it was so quiet. While setting up her new phone, Angelica tried to hide the sense of dread that was hanging over her. Seth was reviewing documents and looking through emails. He was totally focused on the work at hand.

She had almost forgotten that he is still the CEO of a significant company and that he also had the pack to manage and take care of when he was showing her such tender loving care. This man in front of her was feeling the weight of the duty he was compelled to carry. He had to be incredibly strong to have handled it all alone for such a long time, Angelic reasoned to herself.

As she was sitting across, staring at him she could feel her thoughts start to wander from the phone and what had occurred before. He looked so attractive. The serious expression on his handsome face, the way he was completely absorbed in the documents before him.

As they walked through the forest earlier, he had found a white v-neckline shirt, which might be a size too small as it was stretched tightly across his large muscular chest. You could make out every muscle through it not that she would complain.

The dread she had before being replaced by a mixture of sadness and love…? It couldn't be. I can't have fallen for him already. If not, why do I want to share his burden with him? Why do I just want to hug him and tell him everything will be OK?

As Angelica was in anguish torn between the newly discovered feelings and her reservations about him, Seth noticed a change in her demeanor and looked up from the documents to find her staring straight at him. Her sharp gaze held his for a moment before he started to speak.

'Is something wrong, you seem tense?". At this sudden question, Angelica snapped at him "Don't you already know; you have that mind read thing!". At her unexpected hostility, Seth sat back in his chair and took in a deep breath to calm himself. He had never really been a patient person, and she had thoroughly tested it…

"No, I don't. Since you can't do it yet, I've decided not to use it till you can. I want to give us a chance to get to know each other, which would be a lot easier if we weren't fighting every five seconds." He replied as calmly as possible.

Angelica felt bad for taking out her frustration on him. "Your right it would be but none of this is easy." She replied. Somehow, he felt a sharp pain in his heart at her words accompanied by the sorrow in her eyes.

He stretched out his hand across the desk and took hers in his, gently rubbing it with his thumb as if to say everything will be ok. "I know, but haven't you heard that nothing in life worth having comes easily…" He replied staring even deeper into her eyes.

He released her hand, turned the office chair, and opened his arms in a welcoming manner. "Come here, please." He requested, his voice sounded just like an angel's, and with the sun rays streaming in from the blinds behind him, illuminating his figure he looked like one too.

She couldn't help herself and did as he asked. Once she was in front of him, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in close sitting her on his lap. Instantly she turned bright red, she had minimal experience in dealing with men like this and the only experience she had was with him. She was feeling so shy and embarrassed because of the position they were in.

His strong arms wrapped tightly around her waist. His back is pressed tightly against his broad chest his chin covered in stubble and nuzzled in the crook of her neck. His dark earthy scent filled her nose.

Despite the slight discomfort she was feeling, she didn't want to move. She felt safe and secure in his arms. The world seemed to dissolve around them as they soaked in the feeling of the moment they were sharing.

Seth took this opportunity to state his feelings, so he whispered in her ear "I know it's soon, but I love you. It breaks my heart to see you struggling when I have the means to provide anything your heart desires. I wish you would rely on me more."

To which Angelica replied, "You more than anyone should know that trust is earned, just like there are things you can't share with me at this time, with me it's the same.".

At this, he released one arm from around her waist and used his hand to turn her face, which now only had a faint blush, towards his. They were now staring into each other's eyes, mere inches away. "That is fine my dear we can take our time, there is no rush." He replied in a husky low voice.

BAMM! Before she knew it his soft lips were firmly pressed against hers. His arm tightened around her waist. His hand slowly moved away from her cupped face towards her ear, slowly massaging her earlobe before moving down and softly tracing the lines of her neck with his fingers.

She submitted herself to the deep, passionate kiss. She waped her arms around his neck to bring him closer. Everywhere he touched felt like it was burning. He was igniting a fire inside of her that she wasn't even aware she had. Every time their lips came together, the kiss got deeper, but something else also grew...

Angelic felt something harden beneath her, as she was sitting on his lap still consumed by their progressing make-out session. From basic sex ed. She had received in high school and stories told by her more promiscuous friends she understood what was happening. He was turned on and so was she, but IT just kept getting bigger.

From his size she could tell that he wasn't going to be small by any means but just how huge was he?

She could feel herself losing control. The flames that were now raging between them posed a threat to engulf them whole. Seth's cell phone suddenly began to ring loudly, as if on cue, breaking the tension in the atmosphere.

As they slowly pulled away from each other, panting for air. Seth was clearly irritated at their sudden interruption, but who is calling him on his personal phone?

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