


I can't beleive that I'm finally in London it was my dream to come here and study. I am at the airport .I start looking around searching for Eva my bestfriend I have known her through the internet and we talked a lot. She told me about London and I told her about my country. Suddenly I see her running in my way and she hugs me " I can't beleive that you are here in front of me, somobody pinch me so I know that I'm not dreaming". she says and I pinch her " awww that hurt, I was just kidding but anyway you're here and I can't wait until I show you around" she didn't even let me talk" EVA!!!" she stops talking and look at me"I am tired and I just wanna sleep" I told her." She look at me and says " Ohh I forgot about that part let's go home". we walk out of the airport and get a taxi to go to her flat I mean ours since I'm gonna be her rommate now. after a few minuts we arrieved there and get in the flat. It was a 3 rooms flat , there is 2 bedrooms and the kitchen, the living room and a bathroom. We enter a room " this your bedroom I hope you like and if you don't you can decorate it to you liking" she says " No I love it thank you" " anyway have some rest and I will show you around tomorrow, good night".

The next day I woke up did my bussiness and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. After an hour Eva woke up" good morning sleepy head I made breakfast" she reply" Morning how can you be this active in the morning"" Oh I'm just so exciting to discover the city". After we ate our breakfast I changed into comfortable clothes witch is bisically black slim jeans and a white hoodie and put my hair into a ponytail. I find Eva waiting me in the living room" come on let's go you took forever to change" she scoled me "okay I'm ready" I told her. We took a taxi " first, we"re going to the buckingham palace and then we go have lunch at my favorate restaurants" We reach our destination. It was so beautiful there was so much flowers and the inside is better than the outside. We saw where the queen and members of the royal family host guests for state, ceremonial and official affairs.When it was lunch time we went to Eva's favorate restaurant. After we ate and on our way to leave I was lost in the conversation and did't see what was in front of me until I collided with a wall. Wait there wasn't a wall in the middle of the road and when I rised my head I saw the most handsome man I ever seen and I just couldn't take my eyes off. He has the beautiful eyes, they are dark brown. I can stare at his all day and I won't get bored. I was so lost in his eyes that I didn't notice Eva trying pull with her away from him and then I realised I am musliùm I can't stare at men like that. it's forbidden but what can I say I just couldn't help myself. Well it's not everyday you meet someone that can be handsome, cute all in one"you have to stay away from him" she told and I asked the most reasonable question" Why??" " Well firt of all you're muslim and he's not. Second, he is a badboy and dangerous. Third, he is a playboy he will only hurt you" " OKAY OKAY! chill it's not like I was going after him anyway and I'm not gonna see him again anyway" I told. She keep looking at me doubtful but I just ignore her.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Serino_Ghcreators' thoughts