
Him and Time are just right

Suzy White has always had a crush on Lexis, the popular boy in school but she knows it will always be just a silly crush. But fate has a way setting things, when her Father suddenly dies and she is left all alone then a really close friend of her dad comes and takes her in, she is shocked to find out he is no other than Lexis' father. As she spends time with Lexis, she realizes that there is more to him than the eyes meet. Will Suzy accept him even after finding out the secret he has been hiding from her relating to her father's death?

Shy_gal_Cizzy · Teenager
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

"Dad, I'm home" I walked into our small restaurant, I couldn't see dad anywhere, oh no could be that he got so worried about me and he left to look for me?. I went to the kitchen and found he sitting down with a piece of paper in his hands, his eyes had nervousness and hopelessness in them so I knew something was wrong. 

"Dad, what's that?" I walked up to him, he looked up before putting the paper into his pockets. 

He smiled sweetly, "cupcake, when did you get back from school?"

"I just got back, what was that?"I tried to reach for his pockets but he dodged. 

"what was what?" He played dumb. 

I frowned and rolled my eyes "Dad, what was that you had in your hands when I walked in?"

"It's nothing, are you hungry?" He is obviously avoiding the question, I still pushed on. 


"Gosh! You never give up, do you?"

"No I don't, so what is it?"

"It's really nothing, it's just a note from one of the customers" dad sighed moving to the fridge. 

"What did it say?" I really want to know what is was, it must be important for him to have has that look. 

"It really is nothing, Suzy" I rolled my eyes again, looks you win today, dad. I gonna stop asking. 

"So how was your day, dad?" I picked up an apple from the bowl on the table. Apples are one of my many favorites things. 

Dad snatched the Apple from my hand and glared at me and I give him a silly smile. 

"The usual, how was yours?, you came home pretty late today" 

Yeah, I had to stay back for a science project and school today was amazing" I lied, I am truly amazed at my own lying skills. Dad doesn't know about me being bullied at school and I want to keep it that way, I don't want to bother him with my fucked up life, he has enough to worry about. 

"I am glad to hear that, go wash up, I will be with for dinner later" he went back to work. 

"Okay, make my favorites" 

I went upstairs to our two rooms apartment, Dad uses downstairs for his small restaurant and upstairs is where we live. 

I took a shower and stood in front of my mirror and stared at my body. God I hate my body, I have a small and really weak body and that's because I was born prematurely. Then my eyes, the right one is light blue which twinkles a lot and the left one is is light brown, I know right?. It's weird, but I know where I got them from, my has blue eyes while my mom had brown eyes. 

I am supposed to hate my eyes because they are the main reason I get bullied at school but I love them because they remind me of my Mom, she would always say that I am special, that it might take time for others to see that too. 

But who cares what others think, all that matters is that my family and friends think I am a unique and extraordinary person so I don't feel bad at all. 

My phone began to ring, I picked it up and answered it. 

"Hey Suzy"

"Hey Kent, what's up?"

"Where were you?, after school I looked everywhere for you" he sounded really worried. 

I sighed " I went home pretty early, sorry for not telling you" I lied again, this is becoming a hobby. 

"Are you sure?, nothing else happened?"

"Nope, nothing else happened. I am alright, Kent" I laughed a little to calm him down. 

"Okay if you say so, are you still working, would you like me to come over?" He went on and on. 

I giggled softly "you are cute, don't coming, I don't want to bother you"

He chuckled and sighed "you aren't bothering me, 

I want to help." He insisted, God, the dude sure is persistent. 

"But still..... Besides my Dad and I got this" I assured with determination. 

"Are you sure?" He asked. 

"Yeah I am absolutely confident" I declared with pride. It's not that I don't want him here, it's just that I can't always depend on him all the time. 

"Okay, just make sure to get some sleep, I don't want to see you sleeping in class tomorrow" he chuckled loudly. 

I blushed "I… I have never slept in class before.."

"Are you sure?" He teased. 

"I hanging up right now"

"Okay, see ya tomorrow, love you"

I blushed even harder,this isn't the first time he's said 'love you' to me but I just can't get used to it, that's all. 

"Why are you blushing?" Dad brought me back to reality. 

"I wasn't even blushing, this room is just a little bit hot" I covered my face with my hands. 

Dad chuckled mischievously "is that so?"

I nodded eagerly "yes"

"Was that Kent you were on the phone with?" Dad gave me a look, oh I know that look too well. 

"Dad, Kent is just a friend" I crossed my arms "a really good friend, just like Nina and Renee"

"Come on, I know you too well and plus I was once a teenager" he laughed softly as we set the table for dinner. 

"Dad, I can't date Kent"

"Why?, he is a really good looking boy who has always been with you for as long as I can remember" dad stated. 

He's right, Kent is good looking but I just don't see him that way, I have only thought of him as a big brother and a really good friend nothing else. 

"Of course he's good looking but it's just.....i don't know….." I strutted not sure of what to say. 

"You don't think of him that way again" dad nodded to himself. 

"Yes,yes, and I don't want to destroy the friendship we ha–" I paused, turning to dad "what do you mean again"

Dad made himself comfortable before putting a spoonful of food into his mouth, "Don't you remember that sweet little girl who had a huge crush on Kent when she was little, she would always make up silly excuses just to go over to his house?"

My cheeks turned red in embarrassment, Gosh he still remembers that, okay I might have lied when I said I have only thought of Kent as a friend and a brother. 

The day I first met Kent was when I was 7 and he was 8, he saved me from my bullies and I began to have this childish crush, I know I tend to have crushes too easily, anyway That stopped in middle school when he began to date a popular girl but after a few months, they broke up and he he never dated since then. He has always been beside me. I think it's because I was bullied more and more by the passing day so he would always stay beside me like a knight in shining armor. 

"Seriously!,dad don't you ever forget?" bowed my head avoiding eye contact. 

Dad nearly fell of his chair laughing and I glared at him "don't look at me like that, it's one of my sweetest moments with you so I can I erase that from my memory"

"Dad!!!" I swear if my face could get any more red it woul, This is super embarrassing.

 After dinner dad went straight to his room saying he had something important to do, I wonder what it is, lately dad has been acting all suspicious, I mean sometimes I hear him make strange calls in the middle of the night or most times he just stares into space. I wonder what going on?, buy each time I tried to bring up the topic he just shoves it off. 

I blushed once again remembering what we talked about during dinner, he really knows how to get to me, I mean he would always say one embarrassing thing or another whenever Kent comes over to our house for dinner or lunch, Kent would laugh it off awkwardly or he would tease me with it for the rest of the week, sometimes it normally the latter. 

Dad knows everything about me...…well not everything, he doesn't know about my crush on Lexis and most importantly, he doesn't know that I am being bullied at school but I can talk to him about everything else as he is all I have now, I miss my mom too a lot but dad is trying his best for me.

Back to what happened in school today, I hope I don't see Lexis tomorrow. It will be really, like really embarrassing for ME!!!!!.