
Him and Her - An Odd(?) Story

Get the completed novel on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Him-Her-Story-Haris-K-ebook/dp/B07YBL1ZC7 Tyson, suffering from long-lasting unrequited love, meets Aya, an odd, expressionless girl from his classes. As the curiosity about each other draws them together, it slowly sparks a friendship founded on honesty with which the two deal with one another. It is a story about two ordinary college students with their own, small circumstances, and love which blossoms between the two of them.

beddedOtaku · Urban
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50 Chs

Taking Charge


Did I push too much yesterday? Aya thought as she brushed her teeth, still expressionless. Or was it still not enough? Even though he said he'd given up on Emma, it can't be that easy to forget someone you loved for so long, right? She rinsed her mouth and wiped it dry, yawning as she went back into her bedroom and began changing.

Anyway, he doesn't seem like the dense type, but considering the flow of our relationship until now, I'm not sure whether he'll take it as signals or just me fucking around. Putting on the last of her clothes, she walked to the other side of her bed and packed her bag with textbooks and a few volumes of Berserk. Aah, lack of experience can really kill a maiden…

"So, did he like it?" Aya's mom asked as Aya went into the kitchen and sat down, waiting for breakfast.


"Your haircut," she said, smiling. "Did he like it?"

"Ah. I don't know… maybe? He didn't even recognize me at first." Aya said honestly.

"Oh. What a dangerous boy."

"…" Ty? Dangerous?

"What's with that 'not in a million years' expression?"

"He's… odd, is all."

"Well, you two should fit perfectly, then."

"How can you call your own daughter odd?"

"It's because you're my daughter I can call you odd."

"I don't follow."

"And that's why you're odd."

"… fine, I'm odd. How are you doing?" Aya asked as she took a slice of toast and put jam on it.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," her mom said, smiling. "How about you?"

"You ask me that every morning. Do you expect my answer to change?"

"Aah, I have to get back to work on Monday," her mom said, sighing. "I'll miss resting."

"Can't you take an extension?"

"I could, but it wouldn't be worth it now," she said. "It'll do me good to be around other people, and considering you've finally found a boyfriend, I'll start feeling lonely if I just stay home alone."

"… he's not my boyfriend though."

"Hang in there."

"… that hurt."

"Is this the boy you asked me about once?" her mom exclaimed as though she remembered something.


"So, he's no longer in love with his best friend's girlfriend?"

"… I don't know. It'd be great if he's not."

"Regardless of what it is, you're pretty open, aren't you?" her mom chuckled as she sat across. "That part of you… is a lot like your dad's."


"Hm," her mom nodded. "A day after we first met, without hesitation, he just asked me out in front of like twenty people, not an ounce of discomfort on his face. I mean, how can you say no to that, right?"

"… I see. So you were one of the 'easy ones', huh?"

"… did my daughter just call me a slut?"

"Of course not. I said 'easy one'."

"That's what that means."


"… aah, I really worry about you sometimes. Please tell me you didn't say anything strange to that boy…" … considering his reactions, I said plenty abnormal things. But it's just him, right? Hm, let's confirm it.

"Ah, yesterday I told him about that high school trip when I got my period," Aya said calmly. "But he got really flustered for some reason."



"That boy… is an angel." her mom's eyes suddenly shone brilliantly as she smiled. "An odd angel, definitely, but angel nonetheless."

"… you're the odd one."

"Eat up now, you'll be late."

"Yeah, yeah…"

Finishing the breakfast, she bid her mom farewell and walked over to the nearest bus stop. Boarding it a few minutes later and sitting down, she sank back into her thoughts again. Was it really that weird to tell that story? Although he was flustered, it didn't seem as though he minded it that much…

Entering the classroom, she quickly scouted and realized he hadn't arrived yet as she moved to her usual spot. However, it was already occupied, by a rather pretty girl no less, one she didn't recognize though. The girl was on a relatively tall side, bordering 180cm, with long, exposed legs, black hair and black, piercing eyes. Her lips stood out due to cherry-red lipstick, and her slightly tanned skin gave her somewhat of an exotic appearance.

However, as this wasn't exactly 'Aya's seat', instead of quarreling, she just sat down besides the girl without saying anything, taking out the textbooks meant for the first lecture of the day.

"You're the one called Aya?" surprisingly, the girl knew her. Aya turned sideways and tilted her head in confusion, trying her hardest to remember the girl, but nothing came forth. "I'm Layla."

"… nice to meet you." Maybe she'll ask me to tutor her or something? It wouldn't be the first time, after all…

"What's your relationship with Tyson?" … oh. It's not me tutoring her, but the other way around…

"… friends?" Aya said, her expression still deadpan.

"Do friends hang out every day after classes?" the girl asked, her expression sinking somewhat. "Nevermind, it doesn't matter. The point is, don't go on thinking you'll ever be anything more than that." Aah, so girls like this exist even in real life… "Tyson is my, my boyfriend, got it? He's just a bit confused at the moment, so a vixen like you better not have any delusions about it, got it?!"

"… uh, sure?"

"As long as you understand. So you won't see him from now on, got it?" Layla pressed.

"… aren't you a bit too old for this?" Aya asked innocently.


"Ah, professor is here. Shh, this is an important lecture."


"Shh." and thus Layla shhshed, listening to the lecture attentively.


When Tyson walked into the classroom, his eyes immediately glanced over to Aya's usual spot. As he found it, his steps froze for a moment; besides Aya, there was another familiar face sitting there – Layla. He dated her for about two months at the start of this year, but he quickly realized she wasn't the type to let go easily. Aii, Aya, don't give up! Fight!

Friday's lectures quickly came to an end and Tyson slowly began packing up. Bidding farewell to Emma and Jared, he glanced over to Aya and Layla and saw that the two were talking. I made a decision last night, he got up abruptly and began walking over. So bugger off, annoying girl.

"Yo, Aya," Tyson said as he approached the two, startling Layla. "You ready yet?"

"Your girlfriend here is annoying me. Tell her to go away." Aya said, as expressionless as always.

"She's not my girlfriend. Just ignore her." Tyson said in his usual, cool and calm way.

"Oh? 's that so? Very well then," Aya said, picking up her bag and getting up. "Let's go then."

"Sure." two slowly moved toward the exit as Layla stared daggers at them.

"You really have terrible taste in women, don't you?" Aya asked as they left the classroom.

"Let's not talk about that, please."

"She's pretty good-looking though. I wonder what the hell did you do to make her that crazy about you."

"… I'd like to know that too." Tyson said, sighing. We barely even made out a few times, is she just nuts?

"Anyway, talk to her please. I don't want your shady past to make trouble for me."

"… I wi—what do you mean shady?! There's nothing shady about it!"

"… if you say so. Coffee?"

"Yeah, I had breakfast."

"I brought you next few volumes of Berserk. How goes the reading?"

"… it's… tough." Grotesque! Just say it's grotesque!

"… you want to quit?"

"N-no… I'll persevere…"

"How brave of you."

"Don't patronize me."

"I'm praising you."

"Don't praise me then."

"Who's a good boy, huh? You, you're a good boy." Aya's flat tone and expressionless face didn't match her words at all, but Tyson just let himself be patted on the head. Aah, you're destructive one, aren't you?


"Wow. You enjoyed that. Pervert."

"… shut up. It felt good, what's wrong with that?"

"I'm beginning to wonder who's the alien between the two of us."

"You, definitely you. There's no debate there anymore," the two left the campus grounds and headed toward the usual coffee shop. "Anyway, I didn't ask you yesterday because you kept screwing with the mood, but, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine," Aya said. "Getting there, at least."

"Your mom?"

"Getting there."

"… wasn't I supposed to be the bad one when it comes to heavy topics?"

"Oh, no, you are."

"… thanks."

"You're awfully fidgety today. Something wrong?" Aya asked.

"N-nothing, of course it's nothing. I just think I'm a bit feverish is all." Crap, calm down, calm down!

"Oh? Should we skip coffee then?"

"N-no!! I-I mean, I can handle that much, you know?"

"… 's that so?" She's totally onto me!! Even though her expression doesn't show it, she's totally onto me!!

"Khm, anyway, let's go in," Tyson said as he opened the doors and let Aya walk in first. The two sat in their usual spot and ordered two coffees. "It must have been pretty hard carrying those volumes," Tyson said, changing the topics. "Sorry."

"Don't worry about it," Aya said, taking out five volumes and handing them over. "I don't walk much on my way here."

"… ugh."


"I just realized I was supposed to carry it for you," Tyson said, sighing. Goddammit, get a grip dude! "Sorry…"

"Don't mind. I know you suck at being a gentleman anyway." Ouch. "Being an eternally flustered dog suits you better." M-my heart…

"I already apologized, okay! Leave me some dignity!"

"You're pretty cute, though, so don't worry." Aya said, smiling lightly.

"… not as quarter as cute as you, though." Tyson blurted out subconsciously. W-w-wait, this isn't the part where my cool persona is supposed to take over!! Fuck, I'm too scared to look at her now! Just look! Look—oh… s-she's… BLUSHING?!

"… khm, t-that was a surprise." Aya said, lowering her head. Ah, fuck, here goes nothing.

"Y-you free tomorrow night?" Tyson asked.

"Tomorrow night? Why?" Aya asked back.

"I-I mean, wanna go out?" … I wanted to sound cool, not idiotic!!

"Oh? Could it be that the great Tyson is asking me out on an actual date?" Aya said, smirking.

"Yeah." Tyson said without hesitation, startling her; her eyes rounded, lips parting slightly as she stared at him. "S-so, are you free?"

"… y-yeah, uh, I-I'm free."

"G-good. It's, uh, a date then."



"You are supposed to ask this kind of a thing when we separate!" Aya exclaimed as she tried to cover up her red cheeks. "Or do you enjoy awkward coffees?!"

"Crap!! You're right! Ugh, uh, right! Let's just pretend I never said anything," What the fuck am I even saying?!! "A-and talk normally, and then I'll ask you again when we leave. How's that sound?"


"Wow, no hesitation. Nice one."

"I've had a good target for practice recently."

"… please don't call me a 'target'. I have a name, you know?"

"Oh, you do? Sorry, I forgot what it was."

"Ah, it doesn't matter," Tyson said, smiling widely. "Bombard me all you want for today. I got to see your blushing face after all. It was so goddamn cute~~"


"… I'm a master at making things awkward, aren't I?"

"Yeah," Aya said, chuckling lightly as her lips curled up in a brilliant smile. "But… you were pretty cool just now." Her smile… is… just… too… much…