

THIS STORY IS A OF A MAN AYUSH REBORN BUT WITH A SYSTEM WHISE REAL NAME WAS HILARIOUS SYSTEM A SSYTEM WHO WILL GUIDE AYSHA IN HIS LIFE BUT HILARIOUS TASK LIKE MULTIPLE MARRAIGE, SEX , DESTRUCTION SLAUGHTER AND MUCH MORE LETS SEE HOW ILL AYSHA SURVIVE THE SYSTEM HILARIOUSNESS AND DOES SHE/ HE WILL KNOW THE TRUTH IF HIS SYSTEM "Aysha, once Ayush, a man brutally murdered by his own fiancée, Sarah, and her boyfriend, Alex - his former friend and confidant. But death isn't the end. Ayush is revived as a woman, Aysha, by a mysterious succubus, who imbues her with her own powers and a strange, otherworldly system. Reborn in a new body, Aysha finds herself in the same house, with the same parents, but with a twist - she's now a stunningly beautiful girl, exceeding normal parameters. However, her transformation into a succubus is incomplete, leaving her with only a hint of the powers and desires that come with it. As Aysha navigates her new life, she's torn between her desire for revenge against Sarah and Alex, who are now her classmates, and her growing confusion about her own identity. She's still learning to control her succubus powers, which are weak and unpredictable, and struggling to understand her place in the world. As Aysha navigates her new life and a revenge path , But when she's been gone in a state of death due to her power , Alex saves her life, and they're forced to spend the night together. As they grow closer, Aysha's emotions become tangled. She's drawn to Alex, but her succubus powers stir, tempting her with desires she can't control. The night they share ignites a fire within her, and Aysha must confront the chaos brewing inside. Her feelings for Alex resurface, but so does her thirst for revenge against Sarah. Aysha's torn between her love, desire, and the darkness within. Will she find a way to balance her emotions, or will the turmoil consume her? Despite her beauty, Aysha feels incomplete, like a part of her is missing. She's caught between her human and succubus selves, unsure of which path to take. Will Aysha find a way to balance her thirst for revenge with her growing hunger for intimacy and connection? Can she control her powers and the system's influence, or will she succumb to the chaos within? And what will happen when she confronts Sarah and Alex, who are now her enemies and classmates?" in this story it contains R18 ,SUCCUBUS, ROMANCE ,MARRAIGE BETRAYAL, INNOCENCE ,SYSTEM SUPERNATURAL , POWERS , MODELING , VOILENCE and much more THIS WORLD IS FICTIONAL WORLD IF ONE CHARACTER AND COUNTRIES COUL RESEMBLES SOMEONE NAME BUT ARE OPPOSITE OF THERE CHARACTER AND POWR OF COUNTRIES OR PERSON ,THEN I AM VERY SORRY IF YOU ARE HURT TO MUCH THEN SAY MAYBE I COULD CHANGE A LITTLE BUT REMEMBER IT IS A FICTIONAL WORLD

Ayush_Jaiswal_3105 · Urban
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37 Chs


"As I completed my preparations, I packed the necessary items, artifacts, and equipment. Just as I was about to enter the vortex, a system message popped up:

*MAIN QUEST: Find all 8 missing members of the Ritual Awards*


1. A top heavenly-level weapon

2. [To be revealed]

3. [To be revealed]

*Tool: The Seeker's Map*

This map will provide directions to one random missing member. As the system has detected your location, we will begin from that person's direction. The map is now bound to your hand."

I felt both excitement and confusion upon seeing this message, but I pushed aside my doubts and stepped into the vortex.

As I entered, I was perplexed by the sudden surge in power. "What ability is this?" I wondered. "I've never thought I had this much strength to create a space path . Will I be able to reclaim this power again?"

My thoughts were filled with determination: "I must ensure others' safety. I won't let them face danger again."

The vortex enveloped me, and my journey began.

"Suddenly, a massive pressure bore down on me, and powerful slashes ripped through the air, sending me stumbling. I realized the gravity of my situation and summoned my full power, calling upon the Earth Element. Though I had only practiced it briefly, I attempted to create a protective wall.

However, my efforts yielded nothing.

As the slashes continued to assail me, my body suffered gruesome wounds, and blood spilled from the gashes. My usually impressive resilience only seemed to exacerbate the damage.

Desperate for answers, I queried the System: 'What's happening here?'

The System responded, 'This is a Space Distortion, and Space Wind has appeared. These powerful wind slashes are infused with space energy. While they're dangerous, you can absorb some of this energy. Don't worry about the harm; I'll purify it. But also, try to learn from this experience and grasp the principles of Space Law. Your high intelligence will aid you in sensing and understanding.'

I focused, attempting to comprehend the Space Wind's dynamics and harness its energy."

"I focused on the Space Wind waves, maintaining calm and clarity as the System advised. I absorbed their energy, seeking to understand the distortion and its depths.

As I delved deeper, my consciousness shifted. My Sahasrara (Crown Chakra) began to glow, drawing all energy into it.

I disconnected from the physical world, sensing only my presence on a thousand-petaled surface. The violet hue enveloped me. Same as that thousand pleated surface

A surge of energy and knowledge flooded my mind, but I felt a disturbance – a sense of incompleteness. And the enrgy creates so much disturbance and started to harm me in that situation my mind nearly stopped to work due to pain but soon i recalled that my 7th Chakra represented Thought and Space. To channel this energy perfectly, I needed a single, resonant word: OM.

The universal sound, omnipresent in the cosmos, echoed through every molecule.

I realized that space, the most fundamental aspect of the universe, could be harnessed and balanced through the potent mantra: OM."

"I began to chant the sacred word: O...O...M...M. Despite the turmoil, the energy within me calmed slightly with each repetition

As I continued, the blocked blood in my body began to flow freely, releasing the pressure. My body relaxed, and I chanted more intensely.

My awareness blurred; I couldn't distinguish between reality and imagination. Yet, I persisted.

With each breath, I cultivated the energy, guiding it to my 7th Chakra. I began to grasp the essence of space – its fractured dimensions and distorted energies

Suddenly, I snapped back to awareness, realizing I was within my mind. My physical body remained damaged.Undeterred, I continued cultivating and learning. Time lost all meaning; even my System had shut down, yet its purification function persisted.

Just as I made progress, a powerful gust struck my body, shattering my concentration. A scream escaped my lips, and my cultivation was disrupted.

I felt weak, vulnerable."

"Suddenly, colossal waves assaulted me, and I felt myself being torn apart. Blood gushed from every wound, and my consciousness began to slip away.

In my final moments, one thought persisted: 'I cannot die. I must find them all...'

So much passed, in a way distinct place in an unfamiliar place – a small village nestled in the mountains the whole village giveing vibes of 16s . A girl lay in a wooden hut, surrounded by the soothing scent of nature.

A figure stood before her , draped that perosn into a bandage-like clothing, covered from head to toe in a yellow paste. The physique which is bandaged suggested a 16-17-year-old girl, with small horns protruding from her head soon that man left as he heared some noises outside after some time

As I regained consciousness, I noticed the wooden roof above me and felt a sense of relief. I had survived and found refuge as I was just feeling relaxed I got little alert

Upon hearing noises outside, I mustered the strength to stand, despite my aching body. Surprisingly, I felt a surge of stamina and energy as I have been eated so much amount of food and nutrition

Stepping outside, the sounds grew clearer – the gentle voice of an old man.

"Arnav, don't you understand? She's the only outsider in our village. We can't let our people die because if we could send her ," a soft but a voice in angered sound. I know ahei kaka but she is a a littel girl and is not even conscious

Hari Uncle countered, "You're not understanding, Arav. That girl has been in a coma for nearly three years. We've never harmed anyone who didn't seek death or wasn't at death's doorstep. Our village has no one dying or diseased now, only the new generation and some of us old folks."

A young boy spoke up, "Kaka, I understand, but how can we sacrifice an injured girl? I was only 12 when I last saw her. As a चिकित्सक (doctor), I know we can't do this. She's a guest in our village, and guests are equivalent to gods."

The villagers fell silent, weighing the boy's words.

"Another voice spoke up, 'We have no other choice. We'll sacrifice her to save our village. If you intervene, we'll use force.'

A smile spread across my face in every place the survival of fittest I ahev no danger to this people they all are just simple man and someof them are cultivvayor but only open 1- 3 chakra I was taken out of my thoughts as Arnav's soft voice replied, 'Do what you want, but I won't let you harm her.'

I had been listening to the conversation from within, unseen.

The boy continued , 'You know the village manager and soldiers could protect us but they didn't what they did was just sit . That monster has been devouring people, and they're powerless.'

An elderly voice whispered, 'We knew, but we couldn't do anything. If we don't sacrifice her, the beast will come and take hundreds of our children.' The villagers fell silent, overcome with despair.

The young boy spoke up, 'Okay, don't worry. The beast will get its food but you have to promise me ' His words weighed heavily on my heart.

I nodded in disappointment, thinking the boy is a good person but in the end he is also a human , but his willingness to sacrifice an innocent was disheartening he fight upto this and take care of for

The realization hit me – I had been unconscious for three years.

The boy's next words echoed in my mind making me more shocked