
Hikigaya’s Route to Senior High Is Not Normal, As I Expected

Hachiman goes to Advanced Nurturing High School, a pessimistic, broken, but different boy from his home series. Come and see how he adapts! Semi-OC, half inspired by Hikigaya Hachiman.

12thirtypain03 · Anime und Comics
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30 Chs

Recognition and Fall Back

Hikigaya's Route to Senior High Is Not Normal, As I Expected

"Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement." – Matt Biondi

Hachiman's POV

"Everyone! Burn these images into your mind! Remember the fap material you will see here today." There went Ike with his perverted comments. How in the world he was more popular than Hachiman made him question what society even wanted in men these days.

"Whatever, but clearly, with everything I'm being told, private points are basically dictated by the behaviour of other students. If a student behaves badly, then either they or the class faces a penalty of private points. That would make a lot of sense, considering the upper years' stark living standards compared to one another, the camera's frequent in common places, and the apparent reshuffling of classes Horikita mentioned." Hachiman concluded. While he wasn't entirely sure whether the actions of one student would impact the entire class, Hachiman wanted to make the latter assumption, due to what Sae had commented all those times back.

"Classes do not shuffle after each year or semester. The people you are with will be here with you for the next three years." Hachiman remembered that comment.

It was ingrained in his head as a festering question, and now he had managed to get some answer to it.

You can change classes, but, unless Hachiman found a way, they were stuck with the same students.

It seemed like an apparent disadvantage, to place those who performed poorly in the entrance exams at the bottom, but perhaps it was motivation. To flush the defect out of everyone so that they could improve and rise.

Hachiman wasn't sure of the school's game. But what he was aware of, was the fact his class was likely being heavily penalized for their behaviour.

This would affect everyone, except for Hachiman, who would still gain a set number of private points for his own work.

In the time, Hachiman, who had managed to gather a pretty much, complete picture of what he felt was confidently correct, he sighed as he realized the girls were now racing in the swimming pool.

"Must be the first group." Hachiman commented considering the excitement many of the boys were in. "The large rise due to no exposure."

Hachiman looked on as the boys in particular began to look at Kushida's body, all the while some of them were even hiding their crotches.

"Honestly, if I was Kushida, I would be mad that the boys were sexualizing me… But then again, I don't know if she hates or loves it." Hachiman thought. In truth, he couldn't be the one to speak for Kikyou when she hasn't expressed her opinion yet.

Sure, it was hypocritical, but the world was full of hypocrites.

Kikyou was seriously dominating the boy's attention that even if she performed poorly, she would still win in the eyes of many of the boys.

"And I'm pretty sure she would win in crotches of many horny boys as well." Hachiman rolled his eyes at the disgusting behaviour, but once again, he was a hypocrite, but alas, he wasn't as impacted by Kikyou as the others.

The only other boy who didn't care was Yousuke, which Hachiman found intriguing. The boy who had the highest chance of getting a girlfriend was ignoring the girls right now. Alas, Hachiman understood. Would it be suspicious if one was to not pay attention to the girls at all, or give them all your attention?

Regardless, five of the girls dove into the water. To the surprise of very little, or perhaps just to the horny boys, Suzune placed first.

Her score seemed to be around twenty-eight seconds, which was fast.

Many of the boys congratulated Suzune, but most were probably just excited to see her behind make some action as she swam. Even Hachiman would admit her backside was more remarkable than her chest.

"Just like Yukinoshita." Hachiman thought, really hating how he was seeing a replica of her in Suzune.

The second race began, with Kikyou being involved in this one. Here, the boys were especially riled up, as it was becoming more apparent how they were hiding their crotches, so much so that some of the girls looked at them with a dirtier expression. Of course, Hachiman had spent the entire time standing, and thus he was mostly spared, due to not really being recognized.

Kikyou finished in fourth place at around thirty-one seconds. Some girl named Onodera, who was in the swimming team currently and before, she won by a mile.

Onodera had finished in twenty five and a half seconds, which clearly made it more impressive of her athletic prowess.

"If I recalled correctly when the last time I swam, I was around twenty-eight seconds, but of course, Aoki's training would have definitely made me improve somewhat." Hachiman thought.

If he had never been found by Aoki, Hachiman would have likely been one of the boys who was completely average. Not really being noticeable.

But with Aoki's training, Hachiman was not only forced and inclined to be more physically active and fit, but he also had the build appropriately.

Almost like Yousuke, which some of the girls clearly liked, Hachiman's body was very similar to him. Almost like light and dark, Hachiman was a more brooding and darker version of Yousuke.

Regardless, the boys' turn was next, Hachiman sighed as he got into his own position. Thankfully, the girls' attention was focused purely on Yousuke. Ike and Yamauchi looked offended clearly wishing the girls were looking at them, but that was how life was.

And so began the rivalry between both Sudou and Yousuke as Hachiman just watched in apprehension.

Eventually, the whistle blew, and Hachiman dived into the pool, remembering that time Aoki had purposely pushed him into a nearby lake until he properly didn't land on his stomach and hurt himself.

At this point, Hachiman was only making progress at such a pace due to Aoki alone.

For the meantime, once the round was over, Hirata and Hachiman's swim times were pretty much neck and neck, for a tie.

Hirata's time was twenty six and thirteen milliseconds, while Hachiman's was twenty six seconds and eight milliseconds. Neck and neck, and easily within a standard deviation, so it was pretty much interchangeable, Yousuke was, in the eyes of the girls, higher than Hachiman.

Hachiman got out, not really thinking he would be qualified for the second round, and yet, to his surprise, he did.

Alongside Yousuke, Sudou, Kouenji, and some random boy.

"Wait, I finished in the top five?!" Hachiman asked in a bit of worry and surprise. "If I had known that I should have just been rather slow on purpose so I didn't have to do it again!"

Hachiman sighed as he got ready for the second round.

Kouenji had blitzed through the entire remaining of the boys with twenty-three seconds and twenty two milliseconds. Sudou came in second at around twenty four seconds and ninety-eight milliseconds.

Hirata came in third place, with Hachiman in fourth place, both ending in around twenty six seconds, except for they had hit the twenty five second mark.

With that being done, Hachiman sighed as he got out, and mumbled how he should have just not taken the effort if it meant he would be fine. Now he had tired himself out more than he needed to.

Hachiman sighed in exasperation. "That really was not worth it."

But then again, Aoki would always tell him that the way he thought was not right considering physical activity. "That is nonsense and you know it. Every time you work out, you train yourself both physically and mentally to be stronger!"

Hachiman resisted the urge to chuckle at Aoki's motivation as he would kill and exhaust Hachiman. Once again, it was all for good intentions, and it wasn't something inhumane, but for someone as lazy as Hachiman, it was a hard change for him to adapt to.

"Aoki… I pretty much relied on your training and experience to get the results and physical prowess I have today…" Hachiman sighed as he slowly got up.

Before he could make it to the changeroom, thinking nobody had given him any attention compared to Sudou, Yousuke, and even Kouenji, instead Sudou had approached him, to his mild surprise.

"Hey! You!" Hachiman turned around to see the redhead eying him up, which made Hachiman confused.

"Why is he calling me out for?" Hachiman asked himself, as he prepared himself for whatever Sudou had to say to him.

"Good job out there swimming. I noticed you were very good compared to the others." Sudou smiled, giving Hachiman a small pat on his shoulder, which confused Hachiman.

"But I thought you were too competitive for comradery?" Hachiman was too confused that he had just asked that with no real thoughts.

Sudou chuckled, "I was just jealous of Yousuke so I got a bit too competitive. But I didn't with you, but because of that I'm just glad to see someone being capable and strong. Kind of develop it when you're apart of the basketball team."

Hachiman nodded in understanding, "You have to work as a team to succeed, got it."

Sudou grinned, before he then pointing to Hachiman's pocket. "When we're out of the swimming room, give me your contact ID."

Hachiman looked more confused as Sudou ran back to Ike and Yamauchi who were embarrassed at their performance.

Yamauchi was distraught that he had to take supplementary lectures of swimming with the coach.

Hachiman eyed them, specifically Sudou for a bit with his eyes before he calmly walked back to the changing room.

Some of the girls and boys remained behind to enjoy their time, all the while Hachiman got himself dried up, and went straight to the library to begin his job. His school day was done, so now he was going to work.

The extra physical exertion may be a bit of problem, but Hachiman felt he would be fine. Aoki was just that much of an influential trainer.

As Hachiman began to organize some books, he noticed a particular book.

One he would read to Komachi when they were younger.

"Right… Komachi was very sick… And I would read her these stories to help her fall asleep earlier… Even when she would wake up in the middle of the night, I would always care for her and read a book to her…" Hachiman reminisced before he lowered his head.

"I'm sorry I failed you, Komachi… I didn't deserve to be your older brother… If only I tried more…" Hachiman sighed, as he went back to sorting and organizing the books of the library accordingly.


When it came to the class Sudou was placed in, he somewhat didn't care.

At first, he was angry that he wasn't accepted into the school he wanted, having to go with ANHS instead. But alas, it was something he recognized was an issue.

Sodou didn't necessarily see himself as a bad person, but more of just a misunderstood person. Sure, he admitted he was more of an angrier person than the rest, which made him susceptible to violence, alas, he felt like he couldn't help it sometimes.

Whether it was him being overly competitive, or just him being unable to control it, Sudou was an angrier person.

It was more regarding him wanting to be capable. Sudou wasn't the one to reflect, considering he had a lot on his plate, especially considering basketball, as it was currently the beginning of new contestants needing to fulfill the expectations he was on.

And sure enough, that was something he also placed on others.

Especially considering the swimming contest, Sudou was very hoping most or at least some of his classmates were just as capable.

Alas, he himself, as much as he hated to admit, had been bested by the know it all named Kouenji. All the while he had finished second, not even obtaining the 5000 private points.

And even if Sudou looked at the performance of others, he wasn't impressed.

Sure, Yousuke had managed to keep up at a respectable amount, but Sudou couldn't really say the same for the others. especially since Yousuke was liked by everyone. It was somewhat annoying considering there were some people who were just universally liked, and others who aren't worth it in the eyes of the world.

For Sudou, he had historically been on the receiving end of the latter. Always being looked down upon and all the while he always tried to make himself worthy. Especially since he had performed better than Yousuke, instead he had to deal with being scorned upon.

Sure, he was an angry person, but he was someone who expressed how he felt. Whether it was lashing out to the world or standing up for what he thinks, it was merely him expressing himself.

But at the end of everything, Sudou had looked at the status of everyone within the class. Many of the girls were fine how they were, although Sudou could have wished they had participated more rather than sit on the back end.

As for the boys… Sudou was more disappointed in them.

However, there was one person that Sudou had suddenly gotten intrigued by.

Not romantically, but more of just curiosity. Hikigaya Hachiman.

Even though nobody really spoke about him, he had scored roughly around the same area and timeframe as the pretty boy.

However, Sudou had a problem, in that he didn't even know what Hachiman even looked like. In fact, Sudou had to look at someone who purposely stood out, which he finally did.

The boy was unique, in that he seemed to be similar in build to Yousuke.

If anything, Sudou was immediately a bit angered at that considering he thought Hachiman was just another version of Yousuke.

But instead of another carbon copy, Hachiman was more of a darker and brooding individual. Sure, their physical build was the same as each other, but Hachiman clearly had a more pessimistic look on his face, which coupled by his dead fisheyes making his looks go down a few points, making him uglier than Yousuke.

For the time, Sudou realized he didn't have a reason to really hate Hachiman at a first glance. He seemed normal, albeit dark and brooding, but that was just how it was.

Therefore, as Sudou looked on, he merely attempted to approach Hachiman.

Of course, the guy was a lot more socially awkward than he anticipated. Well, socially awkward was not the right term. Socially withdrawn. That was what Sudou would say regarding Hachiman.

And Sudou would find that out when he tried speaking to Hachiman. At first, it was right after the swimming contest, as Hachiman had immediately begun to get up and head to the change room.

Perhaps Sudou didn't think properly when it came to asking him immediately, since he realized he couldn't get his contact, because neither of them had their student card nor their school phone.

In the end, Sudou knew he had to try after the swimming contest. But contacting Hachiman was difficult for Sudou. He was very intent on leaving, and wherever he went, Sudou had a difficult time finding the guy.

Especially when nobody really knew who Hachiman was. They just gave him a confused look as if they were being asked about a ghost.

Sudou's frustration then turned to one of pure confusion as he clearly was wondering, "Just how on earth can one person be a literal physical ghost?"

Sudou sighed in exasperation as he pondered. Hachiman was wherever Sudou could wonder.

It was even worse when Sudou continued to ask, especially Suzune Horikita, since she seemed very stuck up and not wanting to speak to him.

When he then spoke to Kikyou however, he began to get a bit more progress. Apparently, she had managed to get the loner boy's contacts, which made it a bit easier for Sudou to at least recognize that Hachiman was in fact, an actual student rather than a ghost.

It would take a bit, but Sudou would try to get Hachiman's contact so that he could speak to him. Even if Sudou could speak to him, he knew he would likely get mad at Hachiman due to his clearly quiet nature.

If the guy was quiet enough to not be recognized by anyone, then Sudou knew he wouldn't be speaking much to begin with.

Eventually, it took him until just after eight in the evening to find out.

Hachiman had walked calmly out, heading towards the dorm when Sudou found him.

He immediately ran and placed a hand on Hachiman, clearly surprising the guy as his hand had moved almost to strike Sudou.

However, once his eyes met Sudou, his hand quickly went back to his side as he clearly didn't see Sudou as a threat.

"Hey man, you're in my class, right? Hikigaya Hachiman?" Sudou asked the fish eyed boy as he clearly looked on. However, his eyes only held a sign of resignation.

"Yes." He merely answered as he turned his eyes to focus on Sudou.

Sudou nodded and silently sighed as he at least was speaking somewhat. "You did pretty well in today's swimming contest. I was shocked to see someone keep up with me."

Hachiman's face turned to one of confusion before he shrugged, "I just performed how I could. In the end I did what I did."

Sudou nodded, "It's nice to see someone be capable physically."

Hachiman sighed, "It wasn't myself who made me like this. My guardian was."

"Trainer?" Sudou asked Hachiman, a bit surprised to which Hachiman nodded. "Huh, I guess that would make sense."

Hachiman nodded after a bit before Sudou brought out his phone. "Can I have your student ID, Hikigaya?" Sudou asked Hachiman, who looked a bit conflicted,

"Why the hell would you be conflicted of giving someone your phone contact?" Sudou asked out of pure confusion.

Eventually, Hachiman slowly relented as he sighed. "Fine."

With that, Hachiman gave Sudou his phone, as the delinquent boy could clearly see that Hachiman's contact list was pitiful.

In the end, Sudou had been given Hachiman's contacts by the boy himself as he merely nodded, and then walked into the dorm building for his own room.

While a part of Sudou wanted to follow and make some more smaller talk, but considering how quiet and withholden Hachiman was, Sudou decided to leave him alone.

After all, the last thing he needed to do was let his anger cause Hachiman to stay away from him.

I apologize if Sudou's not in character. What I see in him at least at the beginning of the novel is that Sudou is highly competitive, and short-tempered, but can have a surprising amount of sportsmanship. That's what I see in Sudou, especially considering he is highly sporty. Sure, he can be a know it all and want all the attention, but I see that as a desire to prove people's assumptions about him wrong. Anyways, at this point, Hachiman will slowly be recognized, but not spoken to yet.