
Hikigaya’s Route to Senior High Is Not Normal, As I Expected

Hachiman goes to Advanced Nurturing High School, a pessimistic, broken, but different boy from his home series. Come and see how he adapts! Semi-OC, half inspired by Hikigaya Hachiman.

12thirtypain03 · Anime und Comics
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30 Chs

End of Day 1

Hikigaya's Route to Senior High Is Not Normal, As I Expected

"Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play." – Immanuel Kant

Manabu's POV

The shocked faces on both Manabu and Akane's faces said it all. Their reaction to this student clearly questioning the legitimacy of what was being told to them, and rather than accepting what was coming, he questioned and was getting down to the bottom of these kinds of things.

Whilst it was expected of students in Class A, B, or even C, not D.

"Class 1-D… Hikigaya Hachiman… Are you sure he belongs in Class 1-D?" Akane asked curiously, almost mumbling in disbelief.

Even Manabu was stumped. While Hachiman hadn't gotten the entire picture of what the whole deal with the private points were yet, he was clearly putting forth his own investigation into it.

And for someone in Class D, that was more than enough. In fact, Manabu knew that only a few students were capable of theorizing what the school did with its points, and all of them were in Class A.

But never Class D. That was supposed to be the class full of defects.

Whether it was through social aspects, personality problems, or violent tendencies, every student in Class D had a critical defect. But this student…

He didn't seem to have a particular defect, at least not at a first glance. Even Manabu knew the defect of his younger sister whenever he talked to her.

She was always in her own world, her walls up high, instead trying to be the perfect replica of her brother.

Something Manabu hated.

Then, there were clearly other students in Class D which had already caused a bit of problems, as they had walked out their class in the middle of the half day, causing a ruckus and already costing them merit.

But this student. Manabu couldn't tell what this student's defect was, that led him into Class D.

Perhaps his defect was less noticeable. That could be it.

But with the way he spoke, he clearly was aware and questioning the surroundings. An initiator for change…

Any sort of questioning can get a student far, and Hachiman clearly had that intellect and the capacity to go forth and analyze it. He clearly was.

In fact, Manabu theorized that Hachiman may discover what he's looking for in around two weeks. Whether he is over or underestimating Hachiman, remains to be seen.

But even then, considering what he heard from the boy with fisheyes, he seemed capable and well on his way.

"Horikita… Should we do something about him?" Akane asked. Manabu knew exactly what she meant. If everyone knew of the system run so early in this school, it could cause problems with dictating the classes.

Basically, Manabu couldn't let this occur, else some of the teachers may be suspected of giving students unfair information.

However, the fact that Hachiman hadn't come up with anyone, made Manabu curious.

"I don't know. But I'm willing to keep an eye on this, Hikigaya student. Something tells me he has potential." Manabu pondered.

Akane turned to the president, worried, "What if he tells the rest of his class?"

Manabu hummed, "Then we will act accordingly. However, something tells me he won't."

"How so?" Akane asked.

Manabu chuckled, as he pulled out the records of the new students that had been placed into the system. It was displayed specifically and only for the student in their id card, however for executive and influential individuals like Manabu, he was able to see the students' capabilities and evaluations in case he ever wanted to hire new students to take on important roles.

Simply put, some requirements for specific evaluations would be required if one wanted to be, for example, a member of the student council.

And Hikigaya's evaluations became the perfect reliever for both Manabu and Akane. But also, their biggest confusion.

"An F in cooperativeness?!" Akane had to stifle her own voice upon reading that.

Manabu nodded, even though he was impressed, but also disappointed. "I've never, in my entire time being here, saw someone with an F score on anything…"

Akane then turned to where Hachiman went, "So then he likely won't tell his class."

"Exactly, he'll let his class burn as long as he is fine." Manabu concluded clearly his opinion on Hachiman changing.

While Manabu clearly could see that Hachiman was incredibly gifted and making the right decisions, what good would it do if he didn't assist the rest of his class? He wouldn't be able to handle the stress of what this school brings alone. Ultimately, the school prioritizes how a group of class works together. If Hachiman refused or didn't work with his class, then his efforts won't do him or his class any good.

"His class wouldn't suffer if he spoke out, but alas, if this evaluation has anything to go by, then he likely won't… So that's his defect…" Manabu sighed. "In a sense, he's similar to my sister, but to an even worse extreme…"

Manabu sighed, "Does it say he has like, anti-social disorder?"

Akane shook her head, "No, but even with that evaluation, something tells me he's promising."

"I agree, but alas, like every student in that class, they have a defect they must grow out of if they wish to succeed and be a force. But even I will admit, if Hikigaya can overcome his own defect, then he could be on a candidate to rival that of Class B, and most of Class A." Manabu explained, pondering.

It was clear that Manabu had a high opinion of Hachiman, which while lowered somewhat due to his apparent F in cooperativeness, Manabu could see from the little action he had done, that he had enormous potential.

Then there was another thing that made Manabu smirk, "He's experienced in a martial art."

This confused Akane, "Huh?"

Manabu's smile didn't leave, "He had a black belt in his hand. He clearly is a Dan in some martial art."

Akane however sighed, "What significance does it have with what Hikigaya was asking us?"

"Nothing, it just adds to my interest in him, that's all." Manabu explained, placing his glasses down as if pondering. "Perhaps it's because I've never seen anyone else here show their pride for it, or that since he's already interested me, this is just adding to the interest, I'm unsure."

Akane looked at Manabu with a bit of a conflicted expression before answering, "Well, for now, we must continue for the club events tomorrow."

"Right. This person can wait, and if we must, we can negotiate some form of contract with him if he is a risk of disrupting the school's system." Manabu explained. "But then again, he's not necessarily breaking any school rules, as he is figuring it out, and even then, he shows hints of not going to extend his findings beyond anyone but himself."

Regardless, Manabu accepted Akane's proposal, as the two got ready for tomorrow's event.

However, just before the two could get prepared for the upcoming event tomorrow, they got a call from the librarian, who asked them to oversee the signing of a contract.

While they thought it would be an upper year signing a contract, they were shocked to see it was the very same boy who had asked them not too long ago about the system of the school.

"Seems he strikes again, so quickly and so soon." Manabu smiled as he realized, that any downplaying he considered for Hachiman, should be scrapped right out the window.

Hachiman's POV

Hachiman was somewhat surprised at how easy this was.

All he really did was convince Nao of the gist with private points to exempt himself from school rules or any hesitations, and now he was close to getting a part time job.

"This should act as a steady way for me to receive and gain private points now." Hachiman told himself as he watched Nao write the terms of his contract. Nao then began to inform Hachiman of something.

"Also, to assure that this forum is legitimate, the signing will be overseen by a influential member of the student council, or someone overseen by the president of the school.

Hachiman nodded, "That is fine, unless-"

Hachiman never got to finish, as he had spotted the very same two people he had talked to not even an hour ago.

"Them again?!" Hachiman thought, unaware that both Manabu and Akane were thinking on a similar length.

"Are you sure this guy deserves fisheyes? Because he's more like a shark, identifying areas and taking his chances." Manabu thought, "Is this why he's asking? So he can get a part time job?" Manabu asked himself, as Hachiman looked on.

In the end, he sighed, "Do they have to read the content of our contract?"

Nao nodded, "Yes, to ensure it is appropriate with school protocols."

Hachiman didn't want to know what that meant.

Regardless, they looked at the contract.

Little did Hachiman know that Manabu was thinking about the contract especially with the information he told Hachiman prior. Akane too was in thought as she observed the contract

Contract between Nao Nagamine and Hachiman Hikigaya)

Participant A (Nagamine Nao) will receive 50,000 private points from Participant B (Hikigaya Hachiman) to circumvent any restrictions for students working part time.

Participant B will work for Participant A for the first week for free, requiring at least a total of 12 hours by next week. If Participant B fails to meet the required time, they will pay Participant A another 50,000 private points, and be fired by Participant A.

Participant A will pay Participant B, 125 private points per hour, if Participant B completes Requirement 2 by the beginning of next week.

Participant B will mostly work in the organizing booth sorting books for certain carts, only allowing them to place books onto shelves during the later hours of work.

Signed by: Manabu Horikita, Akane Tachibana, Hachiman Hikigaya, and Nao Nagamine.

Hachiman was completely fine with that. He had a healthy stream of points beginning next week, and if he was aware and conservative, he could save plenty of points in case something bad happened.

In the meantime, neither Manabu nor Akane could have thought that this was what Hachiman would have done with the small information they had given him. But reading the contract made sense to Manabu and Akane.

"So, he's doing this to maintain a steady flow of private points, using his current to secure his future supply? That is smart and unexpected, but rather than fix his issue and defect, it's as if he's learning to live with it…"

Manabu wasn't entirely sure how Hachiman was, or the kind of person he was.

In truth, he hadn't expected this route from Hachiman, but the new student continued to mildly surprise him with what he did next.

Manabu expected that he would either tell his class or do absolutely nothing about it.

Instead, Hachiman was trying to find ways to secure his own self. Which was selfish, but in a way, not entirely being isolated.

He would still need to speak.

Regardless, Manabu and Akane both signed the contract, thus allowing Hachiman to officially work in the library.

Of course, he wasn't technically hired yet, as he wasn't getting paid, he would start next week once and if he completed 12 hours of work for free.

And he was fine with that, especially since he'd have to work without any compensation before. As Manabu and Akane finally left, Hachiman gave a nod to Nao before bowing, "I will hopefully be in your care for the school year."

Nao merely smiled nervously, before responding, "I will as well. I hope you will do great things here."

Hachiman gave a nod to Nao's comment before he called it a day.

Even though it was late in the afternoon, there were still students outside enjoying the time, with their private points.

But for Hachiman, he was contempt with the fact he had found a secure way of sustaining private points. He had used what he learned to bypass some restrictions, and now he was reaping the immediate consequences, but long-term benefits.

As he looked and indeed saw that his private points had dropped to 50,000, he didn't mind. He could find ways to boost it up.

Getting a part time job was one, but perhaps he could even gamble, if there is such a place.

Hachiman shook his head, there was no doubt in his mind that the school would allow such a thing. If Sae said that bullying for private points was prohibited, then it meant any extreme form could be scorned, including gambling.

Sure, Hachiman figured that perhaps that didn't stop some people, but for him, he was going to take it safe for now.

The contract did however purposely have a loophole that Hachiman left out.

In short, it didn't specify whether Hachiman worked the entire week or not. However, he, with the agreement of Nao had stated that rather than it be a week of work, he would work for free for a set number of hours before he could begin getting paid.

He still had the penalty if he didn't complete twelve hours by next Monday, but he was highly confident that he could get the 12 hours complete by Wednesday if he worked 6 hours tomorrow and Wednesday.

That meant he could easily gain a decent number of private points by Mid-April.

But with the first week of classes and the semester being usually light, Hachiman decided he would spend most of his time working in the library. If he worked six hours for the weekdays and ten hours on Saturday, he could easily get 10,000 per biweekly payment.

And that was not counting the potential for pay raises, something anyone can get. Therefore, his starting salary of 125 per hour could rise slowly, but it would be worth it.

Regardless, Hachiman felt a bit more at ease knowing his private point supply was slowly becoming more secure. His only worry would be being fired, but the contract, as long as he followed it, would ensure his security.

Therefore, he sighed, and decided he would try and ask some of the older students in Class D what the deal was in this school.

Because both Sae, Manabu, and Akane had refused to properly answer Hachiman's questions, meaning he had to find it out for his sake.

In the end, Hachiman could only depend on himself. Not others.

Checking the time, it was now 5pm. The library was closed after 8pm, meaning that six hours was theoretically the most he could work on weekdays, unless he wanted to go in during lunch time, for seven hours.

But it wasn't worth it.

Instead, he remained content with that. He could work that much now, at least until the first month when he sees the bigger picture.

With that finished, Hachiman wen back to his room in 407, in the dormitories, as he could tell that they were indeed split between the different genders.

For now, Hachiman went in his own dorm, not really seeing anyone, as they were likely already in their dorms, adapting to the change of being alone, whilst others remained carefree enjoying their so-called freedom.

Regardless, Hachiman was somewhat curious. If the school was this lenient when it came to the wellbeing of their students, then how would they act when in class. They still had their classes to participate in, and thus needed an education system.

It was a curious theoretical prediction.

The youth were always carefree and never aware of their consequences, until they suffered them, and learned the truth of the world.

Perhaps this school was similar. Perhaps the school didn't need to do anything because something was already disciplining them.

Regardless of what it was, Hachiman felt that he was fine. Sure, likely faulty, and ugly, but he was fine to admit that, and move on.

People aren't going to be perfect, and adhere to everyone's expectations, so it's better to work to show what you are capable of rather than place expectations and anticipate.

"But then again, I do that with Aoki…" Hachiman sighed, as he shook his head.

In the meantime, Hachiman felt that he got what he wanted to do finished. Sure, he couldn't figure out much regarding his suspicions about what Sae had told the class, but he was sure that eventually, he would figure it out.

The idea of class shuffling, and how Manabu and Akane said currently regarding their class position remained on Hachiman's mind as he lied down in his bed, taking account of the tiring day he had.

His body was sore, but he was fine and used to it. Aoki had ensured that Hachiman's physical prowess wasn't poor.

"Even if the methods he used were torturous, he meant well by them." Hachiman told himself as he thought about the next couple of things he had to do.

"Well, I guess I got a job, a quiet place, and a secure way of receiving private points, all I need to do is check the number of students in the third-year class, and also the status, before I can gather everything," Hachiman said, before he had another idea.

"Or I can confront Chabashira and Hoshinimiya about what I figured out so far, and maybe get more answers from them…" Hachiman thought more as to what he should really do next.

Whether it was heading back to confront his teachers with more information or to head and check the environment of the third-year classes, he wasn't sure, nor did he mind.

If he got the answers he was looking for, then he could be content, knowing and feeling secure with the intel and knowledge he would gain.

All the while Hachiman stared at the uniform in his closet, thinking of what Aoki would say about him.

"Aoki was right, I really can never keep my mind shut when it comes to learning… I always work to learn more…" Hachiman thought, a small smile forming on his face as he remembered the one person who made him feel what it felt like to be a teenager.

Even if he was "free," in this island school, he wasn't sure what the future would be and how this system worked.

And for Hachiman, that was his biggest current threat he needed intel on.

Because Hachiman knew, that even if he didn't care for anyone, if anything jeopardized his security and life, then he will fight back, fists, academically, however, or whatever was necessary.

What do you all think about Hachiman getting a part time job in ANHS? I didn't want to go the gambling way because someone else did it, and also Hachiman's past I won't reveal until later, but instead you will get small glimpses and hints through his monologue. For the time being, take note of the small things he says, because it coincides with his past that I have written for him.