
Higurashi no naku koro ni X Classroom of the Elite

Welcome to the world of "The Cry of the Cicadas." The "Kidnapped by Destiny" arc will be the opening inviting you into this world. Don't play tough, just enjoy life in Hinamizawa to the fullest. The difficulty level is extremely high, but I hope you'll enjoy the reward... ... Wait, doesn't this remind you of something? It seems that something has changed this time, hasn't it? Talking about difficulty? But who are you exactly? Haven't you already experienced all of this in the past? Will things unfold the same way, or will it be different? The difficulty is high, but that's what makes it exciting.

Phoenix_Lore · Anime und Comics
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28 Chs

CLUE 3: Constraints

POV: Kyotaka

After following the path that led me to my front door and parting ways with Mion and Keiichi following our little "adventure" with Rena, I found myself in front of the door, ready to open it. Thinking back on the entire afternoon spent at my new school with my new classmates, I realized that each of them was kind and unique in their own way, and I didn't mind it at all.

Yes, I was starting to think that this place might suit me well. No constraints, just the freedom to do what I wanted with new friends in a new school, where I could finally live the normal life I had always wished for.

Reflecting on the little incident with Rena earlier, I was surprised by her speed and strength. I didn't expect that at all, even though I managed to dodge her attack. I guess Keiichi and Mion weren't as lucky. Still, that little moment was quite amusing, and tomorrow was Saturday, which meant I'd probably spend time with Rena and the others to explore the village, as they had mentioned. It promised to be very interesting, especially since I still had tasks to complete here, and as a bonus, I could have fun with them. Yes, it was shaping up to be really exciting, and I could learn many interesting things.

After these thoughts, I finally unlocked the door with my keys and entered my home. I took off my shoes and was about to place them on the shoe cabinet to my left when something caught my attention: a scarlet red letter sealed with a small ruby.

"Another letter? Something from this Rubis again? This is really getting annoying..."

At this point, nothing would surprise me about how she managed to make this letter appear here, even though the door was locked... Seriously, what's her game? I could have kept pondering, but it would be futile. She doesn't seem willing to show herself to me, so I guess I can drop these questions.

After spotting the letter, I left my shoes, locked the door from the inside, then picked up the letter from the floor and headed to the living room couch to open it.

So, I finally opened the letter to find a message written in beautiful calligraphy.

"I suppose this must be something important, or she wouldn't have gone through the trouble of writing it..."

Finally, I placed the envelope on the coffee table next to my point terminal and began to read the contents of the message mentally.

"Hi there~ It's your dear Rubis Onee-chan again!

How was your first day at the little school in Hinamizawa? Did you make new friends? I hope you're enjoying your peaceful life here, as I'm delighted to see you thriving. However, I'm writing to address an important matter, so let me explain in more detail.

You may have noticed that I didn't set a time limit for you to solve the mysteries around you. That's because you have the freedom to conduct your investigations at your own pace. I want you to be carried away by the soothing atmosphere of Hinamizawa and naturally uncover the mysteries that come your way.

That being said, I've made a small modification to your phone by adding an app called "Constraints." This app is designed to spice up our game and make it more fun. As a reward for your efforts, starting this Monday, you'll receive three constraints every day. You have the choice to follow them or not, but here's the important part: if you fail to adhere to a constraint, you'll face a mysterious punishment, and you'll lose 5,000 points for each breached constraint. However, if you successfully complete a constraint, you'll earn between 1,000 and 10,000 points, depending on the difficulty of the constraint. So, if you manage to complete all three constraints, you could earn between 3,000 and 30,000 points each day. But if you fail all the constraints, you'll lose an additional 10,000 points, totaling a loss of 25,000 points. These points are essential because it's the main way to earn money here, given the absence of other means.

In addition to the daily constraints, there are also "permanent constraints" that are mandatory. If you refuse to follow them, I have a severe punishment in store for you, and I'll reset this world until you agree to adhere to them. For now, here are the three permanent constraints:You cannot talk about your original world, your past life, or your former friends to anyone.You are strictly forbidden from committing suicide, no matter the circumstances. You cannot lie to your friends about what you know about Hinamizawa or anything related to your investigation.

I hope you've understood these new rules. I wish you a wonderful continuation, and most importantly, have fun exploring the mysteries of Hinamizawa and amuse me!"

After placing the letter on the table, my frustration grew. "I don't understand this Rubis Onee-chan, is this just a game to her?"

The idea of being treated like a toy or having my freedom restricted infuriated me. All that came to mind was how these daily constraints would weigh on my life and limit my freedom. I sincerely hoped these restrictions wouldn't be as burdensome as Chabashira-sensei's or Horikita's blackmail in my old world. Unfortunately, I was filled with doubt, especially because this person seemed supernatural. Initially, I was skeptical, but I'm not one to ignore facts and the truth presented to me. If this person showed me evidence of the supernatural, I'd have no choice but to accept it. After all, just being here is already evidence in itself.

I sighed deeply, resigned to this new reality. With my phone in hand, I activated the "Constraints" app. The startup screen, grotesque and strange, made me smile ironically. I scrolled through the three tabs, all while keeping in mind that I couldn't yet guess what these daily constraints would entail.

The first tab was "Daily Constraints." To my great frustration, it contained only a message in white: "Be patient, Kyotaka-kun, starting from this Monday, June 13, 1983!" I was inclined to suspect it would be more exasperating than I thought.

Moving to the next tab, "Mandatory Constraints," I found a list of three mandatory constraints, each accompanied by a grotesque icon. These constraints were identical to the ones mentioned in the letter. The first, "No talking about oneself," was quite self-explanatory. I wasn't allowed to discuss my "fragment" - my original reality - with anyone in this "fragment," meaning this world. I went back and then looked into the second mandatory constraint, "No suicide," for further details. The title seemed clear enough, but the mention of "if coerced or compelled" piqued my curiosity. In what circumstances might I be coerced or compelled to end my life? While I had no intention of doing so, that question hung in the air, unresolved.

The third mandatory constraint, "No lying," was the one that intrigued me the most. According to the provided details, I couldn't lie to my friends if they asked me questions about the investigation or anything related to this "mystery." However, I wasn't obligated to provide them with information unless they asked me. This constraint suggested that my friends were somehow tied to the mystery, but I didn't have all the answers yet.

These three mandatory constraints didn't seem too restrictive for now, which suited me. I could still act as I pleased, spend time with my new friends, and go about my business. What intrigued me further was the mysterious tab "?????," which I couldn't open yet. I anticipated another mystery that would undoubtedly frustrate me.

I hoped my freedom would remain intact in this environment and that I would eventually see people as more than just pawns. This was a challenge for me, given my tendency to view them as potential tools. For now, I had to accept my new reality and do my best to adapt. I planned to discover what the future held, especially on the upcoming day.

Hello, everyone! It's me again, Author-sama. I hope you enjoyed this third clue after Chapter 1! I won't dwell on this further here, actually. Everything necessary for the current understanding has already been explained. The three clues after Chapter 1 mainly serve to lay the groundwork anyway, so I suppose the clues in the subsequent chapters will likely be more exciting.

Of course, I wanted to introduce this constraint system already to limit Kyotaka in a certain way. Anyway, Kyotaka will take his time to solve the mystery, and then, we'll move on to Chapter 2... That's where things will start to become clearer, of course... with the barrier and everything that follows.

I wish you a good day while waiting for Chapter 2, which won't be available immediately, so you'll have to wait a bit! I hope you enjoy what's coming next!

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