
Highschool System

" Do you think you can avoid me baby girl? " He asked, smirking. " Don't call me that. " She snapped, glaring at him. He raised his eyebrows at me, raising his hand up, putting them into my hair. " But you are my baby girl though. " " Just mine. " " Keep dreaming, rich kid. She snapped back. " Ohhh only if you know what I dream of. " Ryan replied with a smug look.

DiamondInk · Teenager
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10 Chs

Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

Tina's Pov

My heart skipped a beat when everything got quiet downstairs, making me wonder what exactly was going on. Everyone was acting weird, except for Rita, who was always her usual self.

I couldn't help but wonder what Ryan might have told Alex that made him so shocked. I could literally see the fear in Alex's eyes when he came to drag Rita away from me.

I sat at the edge of my bed patiently, waiting for whatever drama was going on downstairs to be over so I could go back down and finish my chores.

I laid on my bed, thinking about events from today. I signed. Well, here comes hell in school, I thought.

Honestly, I knew Ryan was just trying to make my life miserable by dumping him, but I refuse to break under him again. Ryan was a bully, just like most people in school, and I knew because I had dated him before.

Talking about him being a girl's first boyfriend is absolutely the worst. I couldn't help but remember countless nights when I had to stay awake, emotionally wondering if I was really alright.

I was a twelve-year-old girl from a broken home with a broken boy. Life was definitely not on my side those times, as I kept wondering if I was really boring or if I was really not interesting.

Ryan played with me emotionally, always telling me that I was boring and that I needed to change. He went as far as saying that I was the reason my mom hated me, after I confided in him about my mom.

I know Ryan was a good guy, but the bad in him overshadowed the good in him, and I am not willing to stay and help him out of the shadow.

I signed again before getting up. After changing my clothes, I went back downstairs to complete my day chores so I could focus on my assignment for the day.

"You the fuck ask you to come back down?" My aunt yelled, staring at me.

I quickly turned to look at her and saw Rita sitting on the couch, holding her cheeks with a little red print on them, making me wonder what was really going on.

"Get back upstairs, Tina." Alex commanded, glaring at me.

"But I have some unfinished work to do in the backyard." I said it quietly.

My aunt marches towards me, yanking my hair painfully, making me grim in pain as I try to free myself.

"Mom, let go of her." Alex said, rushing to my aid.

"Stay out of this, Alex." She shouted at him, making him stop on his steps. Honestly, I wonder why he was helping me out today and not keeping quiet like he usually does on a normal day.

"Mom, you can't do this; remember what's at stake." He yelled at Aunt Lynn.

"I don't care right now; I just want to teach this pathetic girl a lesson. I knew I should have refused to bring you into this house, but of course I kept thinking of what people would say.. She yelled, yanking me to the side, making me hit my mouth against the stairs rail.

"I told my father that I didn't want you, but he forced you on me, and now what is happening? You are not only making my life miserable but also the lives of my children.. She yelled, turning around furiously, looking for something.

Oh No! I said it inwardly, holding the side of my mouth that had a cut inside. I knew what was going to happen next; she was looking for something to hit me with again.

She matched towards the decorative lamp post beside the TV, removing the lamp head and holding the stick; she matched towards me, raising it up, while I cowardly backed back.

"Mom no." Alex yelled, holding the stick, while I tried to get on my feet and run for my life, but Rita came forward, stopping me, while Alex and my aunt kept fighting over the lamp stick.

Rita raised her hand, slapping me hard.

"This is for the problem you caused me today." She said she was grabbing my hair and pulling it.

I was struggling to take Rita's hands off my hair when I felt a sharp pain in my back, making my vision go dark from the intense pain.

I dropped to the floor, turning and clutching my back, and saw my aunt raising the stick with a hateful expression on her face.

My vision slowly started getting clouded and dark, but I could hear the argument between my aunt and Alex. I turned to the other side to ask for help, but I saw Rita folding her hands with a smirk on her face.

I chocked on sobs, the pain killing me. As I tried gasping to get Alex and my aunt's attention, I heard the doorbell ring several times, with my aunt shouting at the maid to tell whoever was there that she wasn't home.

I laid my head against the floor, slowly letting the darkness consume me, but not before hearing his voice.

"What the hell happened here?" He yelled out loud.