
Highschool passion

Jessica Willams who formerly had a simple life meets Julian Gade who she couldn't resist even at first sight. Well, he is not as he turns out to be instead he's just the opposite of all that she wants for a first love. She's surprised with not only the suddenly change she feels because of him but also how more histrionic JK (her new transfer high school) can be. ...... Well, Jessica who doesn't want to be on the players lists tries everything she can to resist him it all doesn't work as she can't even control herself. She keeps her tracks on him not only because he's the best option that she's got but because he also won't let go. Will all this new changes MAKE or BREAK her? Welcome to my first book and I hope you enjoy it! Guyyysss! We’re backkk! Are you ready?

Favour_Olokungboye · Teenager
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162 Chs

Chapter 59 "Kiss Me"

I was about to ask him what but the words got stuck in my throat with the look in his eyes. This guy was damn serious! It would be to my disadvantage if I asked because he might do the things he always thinks of doing to me and knowing that they were all naughty thoughts it would drive me crazy. 

Trying to seem calm, I opened my mouth to talk "How naughty are the things you think of doing?" I asked and his smile lengthened.

"Very naughty," He said and my eyes narrowed slightly. Does this guy not have shame?

Clearing my throat I was about to dash into the bathroom but he pulled me back and pinned me to the door.

"Julian people might see..." I began but he put his index finger on my lips shutting me.

"No one will come to this side...I made sure of that," He said and I gazed at him. When our eyes met I unconsciously swallowed. The way he gazed at me...

He was gazing at me as if I was his food. Was I?