
Highschool DxD: The Ultimate

A simple young man was reborn in the world of highschool DxD with the greatest power in the universe. A world where the strong preys on the weak. But what was his goal? Conquer the World? Save the world? Acquire a Harem? His goals are unknown but there is only one way to find out. -------------------------- (Make sure to write a review about your thoughts about the story so I can improve the story)

NinjaKilla · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

The Meeting

The next day, a happy lunch-time atmosphere spread over the school.

I sat bored and alone at my own seat in the classroom. Inadvertently I mumbled.

"…For real?"

Wow, this was beyond my expectations. Can someone be this isolated?

Those rumors about me and Sona must have spread like wild fire, and now I've become the No.1 public enemy of all the boys.

"Surprisingly a man's jealously is even greater than a woman's. And it's quite lastjing." I muttered.

Indeed. It's no wonder that the boys of the other classes glared at me with hostility when I left the classroom to go drink some water and that I even felt a vague killing intent in the toilet.

I can't blame them though. After all, I was just like them. Well, there is no need to cry over spoiled milk. I will just ignore it for the time being but being glared at, doesn't feel nice at all.

I also noticed that Issei and his friends are starting to gain reputation as perverts. I caught them peeking on the kendo girls like in the anime. Needless to say, the kendo girls didn't like getting peeked on and they beat them up. I think they have built a nice masochist/sadist relationship with those girls.

"If Issei didn't hang out with those boys, he would have gotten a girlfriend by now. What a waste!" I thought and released a sigh before looking outside the window. I can't help but think I've been sighing a lot lately.

-"Aahhhh! Is that Himejima-san and Shinra-san?

-"Yes, it's them but what are they doing here?"

-"Who cares!!"

I turned to look at what's causing the sudden commotion and spotted Akeno and Tsubaki heading my way.

"They finally decided to call me, huh? They must have sensed my magic power but what took them so long? They must have decided to play it safe but It seems they can't wait anymore." I thought as they finally reached my seat.

"Hello Ben, I hope we aren't intruding?" Tsubaki asked while Akeno greeted me with a smile.

"Not at all, but how may I help you guys." I said nonchalantly.

"Well, the Kaichou and Occult Research Club president wants to see you." Tsubaki said

"Huh? Am I in trouble?" I said pretending to be confused.

"No that's not the case, they just want to see you." This time Akeno replied.

"Well alright, I'm willing to accompany you." I said before standing up from my seat and leaving the class with them.

We walked for a while before we reached our destination: The Student council Office.

When we opened the door and entered inside, I was immediately shocked. "Wow, am I getting jumped? I thought with a wryly smile.

What appeared within my line of vision was Sona and Rias sitting on the couch facing the door with their entire peerage standing behind them.

Isn't this too much? This feels like a set up like those movies where the mob leader call you for a meeting and boom, his entire gang is there with him to jump you. I didn't understand why both of them called for me, it seemed like they want me to choose between them, huh?

I walked to the couch facing them and I sat on it while Tsubaki and Akeno walked and stood beside Sona and Rias respectively.

"Welcome Mr Oliver, My name is Rias Gremory, the Occult Research Club president." Rias introduced herself.

"I'm Sona Sitri, the student council president."

Sona introduced herself and I immediately stared at her.

(-_-) What the hell woman, why did you introduce yourself? Didn't we talk like yesterday?

"Nice to meet you, Rias Gremory and SONA SITRI." I said and made sure to put emphasis on Sona's name.

"Likewise." Rias said

"So why did you call me here?" I said getting straight to the point.

"We called you here before we wanted to have a chat with you about something." Sona said while pushing back her glasses.

"And what would that be?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, do you believe in the supernatural?" Rias asked the question.

"Huh, where did that question come from?" I said, obviously playing dumb.

"I will be frank with you, Ben. We're devils." Sona dropped the bomb.

"(-_-) Are you guys messing with me or something?" I said, clearly acting as if I didn't believe them.

"You don't believe we, huh? That's expected, what if we show you." Rias said then everyone revealed their devil wings.

"So what do you think." Sona asked.

"Cool." I uttered. I thought the way they revealed their wings in unison was really cool.

"Me and Rias are both devils of noble houses. I'm the heiress to the house of Sitri while Rias is the heiress to the house of Gremory. Both houses are part of the 72 pillars created in ancient times by...."

Sona started explaining everything about devils, angels and fallen angels and also explained the events of the war between the three races. Afterwards, she spoke about evil pieces, peerage and rating games and how rating games are important in devil society and so on.

I already knew everything she was talking about so I wasn't listening to her and shifted my attention to Rias. Wow, I'll be damned if I let that loser, Issei tap that. Hell No! The Crimson red, the blue eyes, the porcelain smooth and flawless skin and the best of all her big breasts. She also happens to be one of the few devils that actually care about those close to her which is what makes her lovable. I don't know they made her like a villain in a lot of fanfics like seriously.

Then there's Akeno, I don't need to say much about her if you know what I mean 😏. Her voluptuous figure, her long black hair and her violet eyes can lead any straight man astray. She is like a walking succubus (Well, she is literally a devil). It's no wonder she had Issei's first child. Any man in their right mind won't even think about rejecting her.

Sona herself doesn't fall behind in the beauty department as she also has flawless skin and I have a thing for glass. She's only lacking in the chest department but you know what they say: FLAT IS JUSTICE! I've made up my mind there's no way in hell am gonna let a loser like Issei get close to them.

"So do you have any questions?" I shifted gaze towards Sona but it seems that Rias and Akeno noticed I was staring. Rias smirked while Akeno licked her lips.

I shook my head and said "Nope not at all."

"Actually we called you here since we sensed magic power from you." Sona said and Rias nodded.

"Really?" I acted surprised, damn my acting skills are so good, I should probably become an actor.

"Yes, do mind raising your sleeves on your left hand?" Sona said. Oh, she seems to have noticed that, huh? Well, I don't mind.

I did as she said and I raised my sleeves, revealing the Omnitrix for all to see. All of them were marveled by its appearance.

"A sacred gear!" Rias almost yelled

"But why does it look like that?" Sona muttered.

So they think the Omnitrix is a sacred gear, huh? Well, they might be correct since it was given to me by a god. They must have sensed the residual of R.O.B power coming from it and mistook it for a sacred gear.

"What is a Sacred gear?" I asked with an innocent look.

"Sacred Gear, an unusual power that resides in certain humans. It is said that most of the great men in history possessed it." Akeno said with a playful tone.

"Sometimes they have power formidable enough to threaten devils and fallen angels. But yours is unusual." Rias continued.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Well, I have never heard about a sacred gear like yours and it's already in manifested form. Only beast type sacred gears can do that." Rias explained.

"So do you know what it does?" Sona asked with a curious look. Time to show off.

"Oh, yeah. It allows me to transform into different creatures, each with their own unique abilities. Observe!" I said as I chose as I touched the Omnitrix faceplate and chose XLR8 on the holographic circle.

The faceplate slid back, revealing the Omnitrix core which came out and without hesitation, I slammed it in.

Green light shaped around Ben as his body transformed into a lean, muscular being that resembles semi-armored Velociraptor. He had black orbs on his feet, a black tail with five white stripes, and bulky claws on his 3 fingers and a black cone-like helmet with a protective visor covering his face. His clothing had long sleeves with a pair of stripes under the shoulders and has an arrow-shaped symbol on his lower torso with the Omnitrix symbol on his chest.

(I used the Ben 10K XLR8 design in the OG series in case you were wondering)

I ran around them a few times at blinding speed before sitting back on the couch facing them.

"So what do you think?" I said before turning to my human form while looking at the everyone staring at me with dumbfounded looks.

"W-w-what?" Rias barely formed those words

"Is that? Sona completed Rias sentence.

Sona and Rias were both shocked for bit before regaining her senses and asked "Will you join our peerage?" in Unison.

"NO." I said so without giving it another thought.