
Highschool DXD: The True Harem King made by DXDWriter

Warning - There are smuts in this story. They are all over the place. You're the Harem King, you're getting it, and you're getting it often. Big smut, little smut, a splash of smuts every now and again. Smut I have changed the Highschool DxD world and law where ever I saw fit, please don't hate me for it If you love Issei, you may not like this story. You are the star, Issei is at best a sidekick I have no rights to Highschool DxD. This is just a fanfiction

Jack_Martinez2077 · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs


===== Thursday - Day 4 (part 1) =====

You wake up early, do your exercise and go down stairs to get some breakfast. You go in to the kitchen, only to find Mrs Saito is already cooking you a full english breakfast. Unlike usual, Mrs Saito is dressed casual. She has on tight jeans and a tight pink t-shirt that show off her figure really well. She looks good in her office clothes, but you have to admire how good she looks when she is not dressed up. She still has some makeup on, but it is very subtle.

Mrs Saito: Good morning (y/n).

(y/n): Good morning Mrs Saito. You not going to work today?

Mrs Saito: No, and you're not going to school. I have already left a message that you will be late today.

She puts your breakfast on the table and fetches you a knife and fork.

Mrs Saito: Eat up, you're going to need your strength. Finish this and go for your run, and when you get back we will get started.

(y/n): What...

Mrs Saito: No questions. Just do as you're told. You will find out soon enough. Without another word, you scoff your breakfast and go out for your run.


When you get back, Murayama has already left for school, and Mrs Saito is waiting for you by the door.

Mrs Saito: Go have your shower quickly, we're going out.

You shoot Mrs Saito a puzzled look, but do as your told, and hurry to your shower. Mrs Saito was looking a little excited, and you half expect her to walk in on you showering, but she doesn't, and you finish and get dressed as quick as you can. As soon as you get back down stairs, Mrs Saito rushes you out the door.

(y/n): Where are we going?

Mrs Saito: To the train station.

(y/n): To get a train to where?

Mrs Saito gives you a big smile and her cheer seems contagious as you can't help but give a big smile back.

Mrs Saito: We're going shopping.

You board the train and find a seat, and Mrs Saito sits down next to you. This close you can smell her subtle perfume and your close proximity to her is making it hard for you to focus. It seems like Mrs Saito wants to say something to you, but every time she opens her mouth, she closes it again without saying anything. This goes on for a few minutes, before you decide you should help her get started.

(y/n): Do you want to say something to me Mrs Saito?

Mrs Saito takes a deep breath, and without looking at you, she starts to speak. Mrs Saito: I, er, heard you last night.

Your heart skips a beat.

Now what do I say?

(y/n): Oh, I'm sorry about...

Mrs Saito: No. Don't be. It's okay. I know it came from your room, so it was Murayama that came to you, and I can't blame you for what happened. She's a beautiful young girl, and I'm sure she was very persuasive. I can't blame Murayama either, you're...

Mrs Saito looks at you at last, takes another deep breath, and gives you a long look up and down.

Mrs Saito: You're... incredibly hot, and I wish I had had the guts to do what Murayama did. I don't blame you for choosing her though. I just hope that you made her first time special for her. It certainly sounded like you did.

(y/n): Mrs Saito, I didn't 'choose' Murayama, and just so you know, she's still a virgin.

Mrs Saito: But, how?

(y/n): She did come to me last night, and she did ask me to 'take her', but I told her that there was no way I would take her virginity. She cried a bit, but I explained that she was far too special, and that she should only give it to someone that was able to dedicate themself to her, which I'm not in a position to do. I don't even know who I am.

You wait for Mrs Saito to say something, but she doesn't, so you continue.

(y/n): When she accepted that we weren't going to be having sex, she said that the least I could do was to let her touch me. I didn't want to do that to start with, but like you say, she can be very persuasive, and I let her. Things sort of progressed from there, but I promise you, she is still a virgin.

Mrs Saito leans over and gives you a brief kiss on the lips and then looks back ahead again with a large grin on her face.

(y/n): What was that for?

Mrs Saito: For proving to be the sort of man I knew you were. I wouldn't have blamed you or Murayama for sleeping together, but I just knew you... you know. I'm glad that Murayama is still a virgin. And, erm, I guess that would mean that, er, you're still a virgin too?

(y/n): I think so. I don't really know.

Mrs Saito: Of course. You couldn't say for sure. But as far as the here and now, you're still a virgin.

She smiles at you, pats your leg, and looks ahead again, with an expression looking like the cat that got the cream.


The train ride isn't long, and at the stop she's waiting for, Mrs Saito jumps up, takes your hand, and leads you off of the train. She keeps a hold of your hand as you walk around the town center, her fingers entwined in yours, and at this moment, you can't think of any place you would rather be than walking hand in hand with this beautiful woman. She knows her way around well, and she leads you straight to an upmarket clothes store that she is obviously familiar with.

Mrs Saito: Now, you must be sick of having to wear the same clothes, and school clothes all of the time, so I decided to get you some nice new clothes as a goodbye present.

(y/n): Mrs Saito, you have done so much for me. You shouldn't spend your money on me. I can survive with the clothes I have.

Mrs Saito: Nonsense. I'll hear no more about it. Let's start with boxers. You have to have something nice for that precious package of yours.

After she has picked you out some expensive boxers that you think will fit, she moves onto pants, jeans and shirts. She picks you out several outfits, and insists that you go into a changing room, put them on, and then return to show her how you look. She approves of everything she has picked, and then she selects a very expensive leather jacket for you.

(y/n): Mrs Saito, I can't take that. I really shouldn't accept any of this, but that jacket is just way too expensive.

Mrs Saito give you a mischievous look, before handing the jacket to you to try on.

Mrs Saito: Are you really going to deny me, after what you let my daughter do to you last night? You take the jacket and try it on while muttering under your breath.

(y/n): Oh that's a low blow.

You have to agree that the jacket feels really good, but you still feel bad about all of the money Mrs Saito is spending. She can tell you're not happy and she reaches over and places a hand on your shoulder.

Mrs Saito: Seriously (y/n), I can afford this. I have a very well paid job, and so does Mr Saito. It's the least he can contribute, since he spends so much time away. Now, please don't think anymore of this. It makes me happy to do this for you, and it will upset me if you argue.

You think about it for a second, before you resign yourself to the situation and give Mrs Saito a smile.

(y/n): Thankyou Mrs Saito. You're very generous.

Mrs Saito: You're very welcome. We're not finished shopping yet. I'm going to buy some new clothes for myself, and then we have one more stop.

Mrs Saito takes you to the women's department, and you watch on as she browses through lingerie. She selects some very sexy lacy underwear in white, black and red and holds the three sets up for you to see.

Mrs Saito: Which do you think I would look good in?

(y/n): You know what I think of you Mrs Saito. You would look incredible in all three, but you look incredible without them too.

You think about what you have said and you go bright red.

(y/n): That is, er, you would look incredible in non-sexy underwear too, I wasn't talking about you being naked. Not that you wouldn't look great naked too...

Mrs Saito put all three set of lingerie over one arm and come and puts a finger on your lips.

Mrs Saito: I'm very flattered (y/n), and I will buy all three. Maybe you can tell me your favorite later.

With that, she turns and walks over to the racks of dresses, and leaves you still bright red, and finding it very hard not to picture Mrs Saito in, and out, of various sets of sexy underwear. Two girls walk by, each carrying some sexy underwear, and they look at you and start to giggle. You're not sure if they are giggling at you because you're a boy, who is bright red, standing in the lingerie department, or what the reason is? One of them blows you a kiss, and they both giggle even louder, then they hurry off. By the time you have composed yourself and walked over to Mrs Saito, she has already selected a dress she likes. She leads you over to the changing rooms, opens the curtains to one of the booths, and looks back at you and smiles.

Mrs Saito: Wait here, I'm going to try this dress on.

You sit on the bench and wait for Mrs Saito, trying your best not to think about her partially undressed state just beyond that curtain, and wait patiently for her to return. You aren't waiting long, when another girl with a couple of small dresses comes over to the changing rooms. She sees you and she stops dead, and just stares at you, so you give her a little smile.

(y/n): Hi.

She goes slightly pink in the cheeks, gives you a little smile, and then goes into the booth next the the one Mrs Saito is in, directly opposite where you are sitting. She doesn't completely close the curtains, and there is a gap of several inches giving you a view directly into the booth. She hangs the new dresses on a hanger and then grabs the bottom of the dress she is wearing and immediately pulls it up and off over her head. You can't help but notice how great her body is, as she stands there facing away from you, in her little undies and bra, before you rip your gaze away from her.

Should I move, or just not look that way?

Before you can make up your mind, you hear her clear her throat pulling your attention back to her. She is now sitting on the bench at the back of the booth, inspecting one of the new dresses. She has removed her bra, revealing her firm breasts, and she is sitting with her legs spread, her little pink panties tight into her crack. Her eyes flick your way, just for a fraction of a second, then she starts to pay even closer attention to her new dress, but her face goes a darker shade of red. You suck in a breath, and look away again.

She meant for me to see her like that. It's bad enough trying to ignore Mrs Saito, but fuck.

You're not sure if you should look back or not, when thankfully, Mrs Saito pulls her curtains open and comes back out, with a smile on her face. You breathe a sigh of relief, manage to resist looking back into the girls booth one last time, and go over to Mrs Saito.

Mrs Saito: Perfect, let's go and pay.

Mrs Saito puts everything on her credit card, and you carry the multiple bags that her purchases are in. She links arms with you and guides you to her next store. This store is a cell phone store, and Mrs Saito picks out a top end phone and signs the contract for it, before handing it to you.

(y/n): I really can't accept this. You are spending far too much money.

Mrs Saito: Uh Uh. Remember, no complaining. Besides, I have already signed the contract, so it will cost me now, whether you take it or not. Now, you take this phone, and Murayama and I will be able to contact you if we need to speak to you.

Reluctantly, you take the phone and put it in your pocket. Impulsively, you give Mrs Saito a tight hug, until you notice her soft breasts pressed into your chest, and you let go of her and step back.

(y/n): Thank you Mrs Saito. You're far too kind.

Mrs Saito goes a little red and rather than saying anything, she simply holds out her arm to link with yours and she guides you back to the train station for the trip home.