
Highschool DxD: Satan of Wrath (Dropped)

Just my luck that I died. But getting reborn into the anime bordering on Hentai DxD as the son of one of the most underappreciated devil clans. Well to that, I say it was my lucky day. Quite lucky indeed.

ArifuretaForever · Anime und Comics
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46 Chs

Birth of the Satan of Wrath

(3rd Person: POV)

"Ah fuck!" A woman screamed at the top of her lungs.

She was in a hospital room, laying in a bed with her legs spread open, with a doctor sitting on a stool in front of her, his hands held out.

He is going to collect the baby.

Since the woman is giving birth.

"Motherfucker!" The woman shouted once more, cursing at the top of her lungs.

Meanwhile a man with grey hair and eyes stood by her side, a worried expression on his face.

This man is the woman's husband.

"Honey, please just hang on a little longer." The man.

As soon as he did his wife looked at me with a murderous gaze.

The man seeing this felt a shiver run down his spine.

It was in that instant he knew he had fucked up.

"Shut the fuck up!" The woman shouted at her husband. "You aren't the one pushing this baby out, I am! In fact, this is your fault to begin with, you bastard! Agh! As soon as this is over you and I are going to have a nice long chat." The woman explained to her husband.

"B-but you wanted this child as well?" The husband retorted, his entire body shaking as he did so.

The doctor and nurses in the room minded their own business. They had no intention of earning the wrath of a mother during labor.

That was just courting death.

"Shut the fuck up and give me your hand right now!" The woman shouted at her husband.

"Yes!" The man shouted. He then offered his hand to his wife.

The moment he did she took hold of it and started squeezing it with all her might.

"Fuck!" The woman shouted, squeezing her husband hand.


The husband put a smile on his face. That was too hide the immense pain he was feeling. Since his wife just broke his left hand without even trying.

"One more push, I can see the head." The doctor spoke, making a note to check the husbands hand later. "Here we go. Push."

"Agh!" The woman shouted once more.

"Wah, wah!"

A second after she did, the sounds of crying were heard, filling the delivery room.

Upon this happening the new mother got a serene look on her face. Letting go of her husbands hand she fell back on the bed, exhausted.

Meanwhile her husband gave her a thumbs up with his one good hand.

While this happened the doctor and the nurses looked the baby over. Then once they were sure nothing was amiss the wrapped the baby in a blue blanket, signifying it was a boy.

The doctor then handed the new born boy over to his mother.

Her son in her arms the mother put a bright smile on her face and began to cry. "He's beautiful." She said.

"He sure is." The father chimed in. "Welcome to the world son."

"Yes welcome to the world." The woman said to her child.

"What is his name going to be?" The doctor asked. He needed it for the birth certificate.

"Asterius. Asterius Belial." The woman said.

And thus Asterius Belial was born.

For the second time.


-10 Years Later-


Standing on the balcony of my room I looked out at the scene before me.

A lush forest stretching for kilometers, as well as a mountain in the distance.

It never gets old. Even though I have been in this world for quite some time.

Let me catch you all up.

First off, the reincarnation god made my wishes come true, and in a way I never could've have expected.

I was born a Belial just like I asked. But I wasn't born into some branch family. No, instead I am the son of the current head of the Belial household, and my name is Asterius Belial.

Not too bad if I do say so myself.

Anyway, I didn't think I would be born to the son of the clan head, or be an heir to a pillar house, but this doesn't bother me at all. In fact it makes it easier to implement my future plans. But more on that later.

Let me tell you about my family.

First off, there is my father. His name is Dankaiser Belial. He has grey hair and grey eyes, traits I learned a quite prominent throughout all members of the Belial Clan. My father is a kind man, and the people of our territory love and respect him. His subordinates in our personal army are the same way. Many of them would die for him if he asked without a moments hesitation.

It's one of the reasons I respect and love the man so much.

And yes I think of him as my true father. I am not one of those protagonists who will see his new family as nothing more than stepping stones to attain the things he wants. No, I am Asterius Belial now despite the memories and knowledge from my previous life. The emotions I feel for the people around me are real, and I won't ever forget that.

Moving on, if you are wondering about the army it's simple. Every devil house within the 72 pillars has their own standing private army to protect their territories. It's something I've learned about during my studies.

Which are quite interesting to say the least.

Despite devil culture resembling the middle ages, their technology and other aspects are way ahead of humanity. And right now we are only at the end of the 15th century (1400's) on Earth. I can't wait to see how far much farther we can advance. But I have an inkling given what I know about canon and the Evil Pieces System.

Bottom line is magical technology is broken to a stupid degree.

That is why researching and learning about it is one of my favorite hobbies.

However let's get back to my family.

My mother's name is Calfa Belial just like in the original series. But before that her surname was Belias.

The Belias are an Extra Demon House that has served the Belial clan for centuries. They are what Lucifuge is to Lucifer.

My mother is a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and light blue eyes. She also has pointed ears, and if you saw her you would think she's and elf. But she's not.

Trust me I asked her.

When I did she told me members of the Belias clan have always had pointed ears, but that they have no elven ancestry at all.

Also yes, Elves exist here. A fact canon never mentioned.

Those bastards.

But as I was saying, the Belias clan are not elves. Even though they have pointed ears and are experts in archery. Then there is their clan trait.

It's known as [One With Nature]. This power allows members of the Belias clan to control, create, and manipulate all forms of plant life. Wood, moss, flowers, cacti, and any other kind of plant you can think of. My mother told me that masters of the Belias clan trait can even create new and unique species of plant life with various attributes and abilities attached to them.

I smiled when I heard that.


Because I inherited the Belias clan trait from my mother. Not only that I also inherited the [Worthless] clan trait of the Belial clan from my father. Which makes me a very rare devil that has the power of two clan traits, seeing as most devils are only born with one.

I actually looked it up, and cases like mine only appear 10% of the time. Meaning there probably won't be another child born like me for a very long time.

And speaking of children my mother just gave birth to my younger brother a few months ago.

His name is Diehauser.

I wasn't sure if he was going to exist since I was here, but now I have confirmation.

And I have to say, my little brother is quite cute.

But just to be clear I am not turning into a bro-con. I am not Itachi or Illumi after all.

I am just happy being a big brother since I was an only child in my last life. I will protect Diehauser with all that I have. But if he becomes the monster he was during canon then he won't need me looking out for him for long. After all he didn't stay champion of Rating Games and earn the moniker Emperor because of his smile and good looks. No, he had the strength to back it up.

Most fan sites even stated that Diehauser had the power of a Satan-class devil and could've been one of the Maou.

So as long as I make sure he trains and grows stronger he will be just fine.

The same for our cousin Cleria.

She hasn't been born yet. But when she is I will not let her suffer the same fate as she did during canon.

And if the Great King Faction or even the church tries to stop me, they will know my wrath.

In other news, I have already begun my martial training. As a clan heir I need to be able to hold my own. It's been two years since then, and thanks to my third wish I have already started to feel my body grow stronger.

My demonic power, physical strength and my proficiency in my clans traits are leagues ahead of most other devil heirs my age. I have even heard people call me a prodigy right up their with Sirzechs and Ajuka, who thanks to my first wish are the same age as me.

But I haven't met them yet.

A young devil doesn't make their debut until they are thirteen years of age. Until then I will be staying here in the Belial territory.

That's no skin off my back, I like it here. Despite our house being a member of the poor aristocracy. Even though our clan holds the rank of Duke just like the Gremory's do.

All because our previous ancestors messed up during the Great War and before that. Those guys even mismanaged the Belial territory. I've taken a look at several reports in my father's office and learned that our territory has no specialty to its name. Also a lot of the land is either being misused or de-valued since no one has any idea how to use it.

But once again I am going to change all of that.

I am going to make the Belial territory thrive, and I am going to raise our standing. I am also going to rise in both prestige and power. So that no one will be able to stand against me.

Putting a smile on my face I continued looking out my window at the lands in front of me.

Marveling at how fun this second life of mine is going to be.