
Highschool DxD: Lord of Dragons

House of Buné, one of the 72 Pillars of hell and devil household with a rank of Duke. Their clan trait gives them the power to tame dragons, and if trained properly, even allows them to turn into one. A certain devil was born in this household that sets up a whole chain reaction that changes the original fate of the world. **** This is Harem(because DxD), so if you don't like that then kindly leave.

ImperialCupCake · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

"A civil war broke out between the devils yesterday," said Scáthach as she watched in fascination as Alciel practiced his spear arts.

She had watched it countless of times, but she had never gotten tired of it. She was proud of herself for being the one to train such a fine warrior and husband...she chuckled at the thought.

Alciel Buné, a tall, attractive man with tan skin and a muscular build. He has golden eyes and very long, purple hair tied in a ponytail.

He was wearing an exact same outfit as Scáthach and Aífe, a black full body tights covered in Runic protection, along with a dark-gray metalic pauldron.

Alciel thrusts his barbed black spear with gold vein-like designs around it, before pausing and turning towards Scáthach with a small smile.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked, tilting his head to the side, "I don't have anything to do with those guys anymore. Besides, the Kaluwalhatian won't let them go extinct. They would stop the war if the devils were about to die out."

"Kaluwalhatian," Scáthach raised a brow before going into a deep thought for a few moments and softly slammed her fist on her palm, "Oh! Filipino Gods? I heard that Bathala and Biblical Gods were brothers, was that actually true?"

Alciel shook his head, "They're not brothers, they're the same being. Bathala is the other half of Yahweh who formed his own Pantheon and not, well, a Biblical Faction."

"Other half?"

"Yes. For some reason, after his existence, the Biblical God split himself into two. One became Yahweh and formed the Judo-Christian Faction, and the other became Bathala and formed the Kaluwalhatian made up of three Pantheons from three main islands of the Philippines. They're the major reason why the other Pantheon kept their hands away from the Three Factions despite the death of Yahweh."

Scáthach was a bit interested in that. She didn't really know that Philippines were connected to the Biblical Faction, and their main deity has such a background.

"How strong is he? Bathala I mean." Scáthach asked curiously.

Alciel shrugs, "Who knows. The old man barely has any feats to measure his strength, but considering he's the other HALF of Yahweh, they should be equal at least."

Scáthach hummed, "I see. It makes sense then. If Yahweh was still alive, he should be ranked 4th, just below Shiva, and if Bathala is really his equal then it's no surprise that other Pantheon decided to lay off the "Heaven's System" and leave it be."

Alciel chose to move to different topic as he asked, "How long was it since you and Aífe found me?"

Though bit confused by that sudden question, Scáthach still answered, "Around two decades, give or take."

"We haven't sparred since we reunited right?" Asked Alciel as Scáthach's eyes lit up, "What do you think? Shall we dance?"

Scáthach grinned, stretching her hand to the side as her beloved spear, Gae Bolg, materialized. "I shall take you up on that offer, though I prefer we did it traditionally."

Alciel was confused for a moment by what Scáthach meant by "traditionally", but then he remembered the Celts traditional way of fighting and nodded.

He snapped his fingers, causing his clothes to vanish, leaving him fully naked. Yes, Celtics seems to often fought with nothing but a warpaint covering them.

He went into fighting stance and stared at her with a smirk, "How about you? You don't want to shame Celtics traditions by wearing something right?"

Scáthach hummed and stabbed her spear on the ground before she slowly took of her clothing. She made sure to do it as seductively as possible with a provocative smile.

Though they have been separated for centuries, Scáthach has been with Alciel long enough to know that he always gets turned on when she removed her clothing like this.

Her eyes trailed his entire body before stopping on his crotch. She had said this before and she will say it again; Buné clan really possess 'power over dragons'.

She then moved her eyes up and stared at his eyes. Those beautiful golden pupils was burning with desire that she enjoyed seeing.

Truthfully, those two decades since their reunion was spent 'reliving the past' and 'reigniting their youthful passion' almost every day, and she still couldn't get enough of him.

As she stared at those eyes full of desire, she couldn't help but look at him with the same eyes and with a hint of possessiveness.

"Hey, you two, are you sure this is a spar and not a foreplay for a mind breaking hardcore sex later on?"

The two snap out of their lust-filled state as they heard a female voice from the side. Turning their heads, they saw Aífe sitting on a branch of a tree eating an unknown fruit that seem to invoke some desire within the two.

Narrowing his eyes, Alciel couldn't help but observe the fruit, "Hey Aífe, is that..."

"The Forbidden Fruit in Garden of Eden? Yes. Yes it is." Said Aífe with a smirk, "I sneaked into the Fourth Heaven where the Garden of Eden is, I took a few before leaving. Don't worry, no one saw me."

"No wonder, " Alciel couldn't help but smile wryly, "I was almost driven by lust, the Forbidden Fruit have this effect of amplifying negative emotions you currently feel."

"I see," Scáthach frowned. No wonder she almost couldn't restrain herself earlier. Normally, she would have a better control over her lust, but earlier she was almost driven crazy. "But why aren't you affected, Aífe?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Aífe stared at her in confusion before spreading her legs and pointed at the wet spot between her thighs, "Look how wet I am. I could barely restrain myself from pushing Alciel to the ground and ravage him. What do you mean I'm not affected huh?"

"No, nothing." Scáthach's cheek twitched seeing that.

"That aside," Aífe finishes the fruit before throwing the remains and jumped down from the tree. She stretches her hand as her blue spear, Gae Assail, materialized. She twirled the spear before going to a fighting stance, "We really haven't sparred since we reunited, so how about a three-way duel between the three of us?"

"Very well. Just like the old times," Scáthach smiled and also went to a fighting stance.

"Again, you're not going to strip as well?" Alciel sighed as he stared at the two, "Aren't we having traditional Celtic battle? Why are you in your clothes."

Aífe shrugs, "Nah, we just want you naked for fan service. Boys aren't the only ones who like those you know."

"Fan-what?" Alciel stared at her in confusion, "Stop making up words that doesn't make sense."

"Hey, I ain't the one who came up with that word, the Japanese did...well, now that I thought about it they still haven't thought of that word, so technically I came up with that...but that's besides the point!"

Alciel groaned as he palmed his face, "There you go speaking nonsense again."

Scáthach smiles at her sister, "She's not speaking nonsense. She just like to use her Clairvoyance to take a peek into the future. I often do that..."

You might ask, why couldn't they use Clairvoyance to look for Alciel instead of wandering the land searching for him, is because a Tier 2 existence is already way beyond the scope of their clairvoyance and became "incomprehensible".

"Clairvoyance, huh, I forgot you have that skill. When we were kids, I find that annoying since you always beat me whenever we play games or spar." Said Alciel with a wry smile.

"I can't use it on you now though," said Scáthach with a shrug, "Though, Wisdom of Dún Scáith is still usable on you."

"That cheat-skill?" Aífe turned towards her sister, "Now that I think about it, you my dear sister, is a bug character."

"If we're talking about 'bug' characters, then Alciel is much more of a bug than I. Not to mention those within the top ten." Said Scáthach, "Forget about the Dragon Gods, the Hindu Gods alone has enough power to fight and suppress the world."

"Forget about that," Alciel grinned as dark purple scales appeared on his arms and cheeks, "We're going to fight, not to talk."

"Heh," Aífe smirks as she took off her full body tights, leaving her on her birthday suit before she put on a warpaint, "Now that's more like it."

Scáthach stared at the two before she took off her own clothes as well before grinning at Alciel, "You have left us for centuries, why don't you... remind us, of why we're your women."

Aífe twirled her spear with a smirk, "And remind us, of why you're our man."

Alciel took a deep breath and grinned.
